Oracle.Seer.Clairvoyant.Clairsentient.Soul and Spirit. Love and relationships. Career. Past Lives. Reiki. Crystals.Channeling.Claircognizance. Automatic writing. Auras.Medium.Oracle cards.Scrying. spirit guides . Universe energy.

About Kerry-Lou
I had been a young girl who had always been fascinated by the woods the trees the birds dragonflies flowers sun and the seas, I was an explorer of everything everywhere I went I found injured animals and lost pets needing a home, each time I went out my dad would make sure I had money in my pocket to ring the animal rescue I knew where the local police station was and they knew who I was, they would see me with a dog each time and just know it would need a home, some of the policemen even took the dogs to their home to live. I used to touch everything from walls in houses to stones by the roads they gave me information, I thought I was a regular child I thought this was what children did When my father passed away a huge part of me left my body too, that young girl who saw and felt adventure each day disappeared she went away, she went on to be successful in the corporate world but she always looked for something, she was always searching That day my spirit left my body whilst I was in surgery, it left I could feel my spirit soaring and I was curious as to what the spirit world holds, I saw the white lights all around me and I felt so held and such utter harmony but as they say, it was not my time to go. So, my spirit came back, my recovery was hollow I was hollow, I had been hollow through my life and I did not like that. As I recovered, I took to looking out the window and gazing into the sun and rooftops of houses on the front. As I gazed, I felt the familiarity of something that was once there. I gazed most days as my body healed, my mind had a different plan. That near-death experience was a plan to get me out of there, life was an illusion and it was based on lies from others and I was part of all these mistruths, my psychic abilities kicked in and I found myself telling the truth, I was reading all that there was and is again, it came back for me because I had been searching for it and it had been searching for me For the last twelve years, I have been renewing who i was born to be and finding life to be sweeter and more serene than i thought it could be I left the corporate world and my marriage and went on to discover i had been living a very unfulfilled life I went and trained in Complementary therapies Psychic studies and heal my past and those old worries For the last eight years, I have been more me than I could have imagined, I am again that young woman who heals and reads who is the Oracle. I am now in alignment with my souls plan the Universe keeps me busy and in service to help others enjoy being in their divine plan There are reasons and seasons for everything and I know Spirits our guides do not want us to suffer and ever be in pain because someone we loved left this Earth plane, those people are never lost but we who are still here can become lost through the sadness and grief but that's not anyone plan, so now I share kindness and joy to help others through their pain and loss and help them become whole It has been an honour to be in service as an Oracle as a Healer since being aligned to my path it made things clearer for me to be who I am in my entirety and shine a light for others to re-find their way I don't look back now I look forward and enjoy the present moment because that is what is for us
What do you like most about giving readings to clients?
I like connecting with others to help them connect with themselves at a soul level. My readings are precise in the sense we decipher are the readings based on past life are they for this life or a combination of both for your growth I enjoy delivering happiness peace joy and love to others because my readings are to support your fundamental happiness that the readings are to help you be joyful loved for that peace of mind I have always helped others and always want to help others it is who I am
How would you say you are typical of your star sign?
I am a typical Scorpio I love water, waterfalls, frozen puddles, seas, storms, rivers and lakes all hold a place in my heart I feel peaceful and recharged just by being by a lake it brings me a great sense of peace, I also like to use water for scrying and Scorpios are very aligned to scrying. Being sensitive and empathic is an emotional journey the water works with our emotions so I connect and coordinate with the moon cycles to look after my wellbeing Scorpios are loyal dedicated and passionate, this job as a reader is the perfect way to channel that energy it feels healthy and brings a certain happiness to my life a happiness that this is where I am meant to be and doing what I am meant to do I am the teller of truth and that is a Scorpio trait it just comes from the core centre of who I am and I am incredibly intuitive all great strengths of a Scorpio, I love with all my heart. I will always show up when you need me and I will listen the shadow aspects of Scorpio I work with at every Full Moon, I work with my Moon code and allow those shadow parts to be heard healed so I can restart a new healthier happier way each month in my own way.
When do you remember being first aware of your gift?
In my bedroom there used to be a large mirror in between my wardrobes and I would spend vast amounts of time gazing into this mirror, I was the age of six when this begun, as I sat and stared I would see faces reflecting at me, faces of the unknown at that time, I thought this was the purpose of a mirror I never gave it any thought that a mirror would be any different for anyone else, I thought it was just so and that was a mirror. As I gazed more over periods, I could see different faces changing from one to another, I did not know then my spirit team were reaching out to me. I would hear messages via telepathy and again I thought this was just the usual thing in life, why would I question it I was so young and knew nothing other A little older around the age of ten and I was allowed out to the woods at the back of our home on my own, the trees and the weather would speak to me each stone each animal everything and anything would share some words and I was never alone At the age of twelve, I started to get myself into bought of trouble with my close friends. I would just talk as I would just chatter and talk apart from my chatter and talk was filled with truth about what my friends had been up to and what they wanted to keep secret, I did not know why my friends would be so annoyed this led to me feeling alone and isolated with my friends, I was always a happy girl who was like a cheerleader for the other girls always cheering them on but me being me was not right or enough for them to be happy in my company, we had fall outs that would make my heartbreak my friends could not understand how I knew information that had not been told out loud As I spent more time on my own I did still spend time with others but I just felt better when I was alone because that quiet was everything and all possibilities life would speak to me and I was a part of it so the time on my own I found myself in places old outbuildings monuments my hands would place across the stone and the wood and listen to what everything wanted me to know
What is your most memorable experience with a client?
I had a lady come to see me and she told me she didn't know why she had booked with me but she did As I sat with her an angel message came through a song for me to sing to her a song she knew I asked her if I could sing a song for her and I apologised if I would ruin the song I was to sing as I wasn't great at singing, it isn't my thing, the lady agreed to hear what I had to say so I sang the song in my own way, the happiness and hope that appeared across her face was of absolute joy The lady told me it was her first dance song for her and her passed husband it was there song, she thanked me for reminding her of the song and she could not believe that she had forgotten it for so long In that instance hope and happiness came back to her it was like a bit her soul returned I went on to convey the message and it was clear she had not been living her full life and her husband wanted her to know it was ok to move forward and enjoy life That lady had a part of her soul return back to her, she left happier and went on to be healthier
What other experiences or qualifications do you have that you feel compliment your work as a reader?
I have been working continuously with people professionally for the last twelve this has been an amazing start to my psychic career I am a trained Angelic Reiki Master Teacher, when I learnt this system it opened up a whole new world of how and where to use my energy, it opened up my psychic senses in ways I never thought were possible Every morning I dedicate time and space to my own personal growth and healing journey, I don't just tell people how change can occur I can show them and I can demonstrate this to others very well. I sit at the start of the day and connect with my higher self and my spirit team sometimes I use oracle cards and crystals to bring through the messages and other times I just know the information, my spirit team likes me to strengthen all of my abilities. Some days I will scry and gaze and connect to my spirit team and other times I will channel through automatic writing, my spirit team have always guided me into the work of your heart and soul, joy is our destiny if we allow it. I hold monthly Angel Energy Circles where I channel workshops that are filled with self-love self-care and how to develop the connection to our intuition and our psychic abilities I have held mediumship psychic and trance events and have been invited to attend psychic events and provide demonstrations Over the last twelve years, I have offered professional healing services and psychic readings I share energy musings from the Universe over on Instagram to help our world evolve and vibrate in a higher frequency so all the healers and seekers can be reborn
What is the most important thing for a person to consider when they decide to have a psychic reading?
Consider hearing the truth, sometimes the truth can feel like it is there to hurt us but the reality is it shines a light onto where growth is for us where happiness lies and where healing can take place, readings are in a sense a way for us to heal they are a tool for our happiness and anything that's stands in the way of you and joy will need a shift and change of energy, you have to be that shift and change, we can give you the direction but at all times you will hear what you want to hear and you will take the information the way your ego is aligned to take it readings are always for your highest good your soul whispers to us in these moments so your spirit can be heard your heart knows what makes you happy and it my job to help you navigate this, some of the simplest of readings have been the most transformational for people, it depends on your mindset and your intention readings are a great way to navigate ourselves, we are blessed and lucky that so many of us can openly read for you
Kerry-Lou's Availability
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What our customers say about Kerry-Lou
Kerry-Lou has such a beautiful energy. A very genuine, authentic and pure channel with amazing evidence. I would highly recommend her
- Anon
11th May 2024