Aries Horoscope

Daily Horoscope

10 February 2025

What makes the timing of the Moon's alignment with Mars in your home and family sector today significant, is that it comes just as this friendly aspect to Saturn peaks. With Mars turning direct in 14 days and Saturn already back in direct motion, this will ensure you are emotionally and intuitively engaged and aware as they come together to give you the drive and the determination to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes in order to make things happen and get things done. Especially when it comes to making the most of the doors open to the past and second chances.

Weekly Horoscope

Week beginning 10 February 2025

The Moon is set to have a big impact this week and as it moves so quickly through the heavens, this includes on multiple fronts. The Moon not only begins the week aligned with Mars in your home and family sector but just as he moves into his final two weeks in retrograde motion at a friendly aspect to Saturn, something that is giving you the drive to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes in order to make the most of the doors still open to the past. This will be the Moon's first visit in years when it hasn't clashed with planets in your career sector but with still strong memories of the work/life balance reminders this brought every four weeks. This will come in handy, for the Moon will not only move through a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart from Tuesday to Thursday but as a Full Moon. This is something that in her first full week in Aries Venus, the planet of love will throw her full support behind. It is from Thursday to Saturday that the Moon will help you check in on income and job matters.

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