Angel Card

Get inspired by a psychic angel card reading. At Psychic Sofa, we partner with some of the most gifted psychics in the UK. Offering angel card readings over the phone, our psychics seek to inspire and uplift with a personal angel card reading experience. This positive psychic reading is a great way to enlighten yourself to new opportunities and potential in your everyday life, giving you a fresh perspective and opening your mind to possible experiences waiting to happen for you.

Reader profile image for Tamsin PIN: 4888
I became interested in Tarot reading over 30 years ago when I began developing my gift. It is over 23 years ago that I moved from novice to professional reader and started doing phone readings. Althou...
Reader profile image for Rosa PIN: 4020
I am Rosa a third generation psychic medium who specialises in love and career type questions. My gift is here to help heal and guide. I use tarot and angel cards as well as a direct link to the ...
Reader profile image for Rebel Angel PIN: 4196
Rebel Angel
Hi everyone. I'm Rebel Angel! Or you can call me Jane! I know now I was born to help people, from a young age l knew I was different. My grandmother and mother knew I had a purpose in li...
Reader profile image for Mysti PIN: 4326
I have been a Psychic ever since I can remember. I love being able to give guidance to everyone in the hopes of helping them. I discovered Tarot when it was my 14th birthday and it's my favourite form...
Reader profile image for Spirt of Light PIN: 4329
Spirt of Light
I am a naturally gifted psychic and intuitive. I grew up sensing and feeling energy as a young child and was aware of what's going on around me. My energies became much stronger as I grew up and start...
Reader profile image for Reina PIN: 4400
I have been deeply spiritual since I was young and focused most of that spiritual focus into meditation. I had a profound spiritual experience in my early twenties which transformed my life and led me...
Reader profile image for Elizabeth PIN: 4131
Hi, I’m Elizabeth, a clairsentient Tarot card reader. My initial foray into reading Tarot cards was over 40 years ago, and I have been reading professionally on and off ever since. I would love ...
Reader profile image for Carlism PIN: 4307
Hi ya, I’m Carlism, I’m a highly sensitive person, and I’m a great intuitive reader, overall I’m an all rounder, I feel very blessed that I was giving this very special gift.What do you like m...
Reader profile image for Beverlee PIN: 4027
Having felt different and sensitive growing up, and always helping others, whether it was people or animals I always had an empathic connection to what others were going through. This led me to doing ...
Reader profile image for Grace Marie PIN: 4995
Grace Marie
Hello, I am Grace Marie. I have been spiritual for many years now and I inherited this gift from my Irish grandmother who herself was very spiritual and very psychic.  I began to give readin...
Reader profile image for Garry Edwards PIN: 4743
Garry Edwards
Hi my name is Garry. I started my journey from childhood working with spirit. I'm a professional Psychic, Clairvoyant and Medium. I also read tarot cards with over 20 years experience. I do platform w...
Reader profile image for SovereignSeer777 PIN: 4220
I inherited my psychic gift from my great grandmother and have known from an early age I was psychic and had the ability to see into different realms and could connect easily with the fae & angeli...
Reader profile image for Crystal Clear PIN: 4257
Crystal Clear
Hi, I am Crystal Clear, I have been having readings and reading cards for over 20 years, initially I read tarot cards for friends and family, and I have worked professionally as a reader for the past ...
Reader profile image for Emma Dee PIN: 4187
I think being a Pisces we are drawn to all things spiritual & for me I’ve always been really sensitive to my surroundings, I started been drawn to anything spiritual from crystals to researching...
Reader profile image for Gillian G PIN: 4317
Gillian G
I have known I was psychic since I was very young. I used to know things as a child that I shouldn't have known. I decided to go to a class to learn how to use my psychic ability and read tarot cards....
Reader profile image for Catrin PIN: 4331
Hi I am a Mum of 5 and now a Grandmother of 12, as a young child I was aware of spirit and over the years I have developed more insight and knowledge into the psychic world. I am blessed to have this ...
Reader profile image for Sita PIN: 4468
I have been psychic since a child and I am very comfortable with this side of my nature, its a natural gift, and I've worked with it for over 30 years.  I have been fortunate enough to e...
Reader profile image for Kimberley PIN: 4768
Hello, I'm Kimberley...I am an intuitive Tarot reader and Spiritualist who works with Astrology, Tarot cards, Angel cards, crystals (including chakra crystals), runes, pendulums and intuitive mess...
Reader profile image for The White Witch PIN: 4336
The White Witch
Hi there, I have read cards for over 25 years. I fell in love with them at an early age and consider myself to be a white witch. Having read cards for likeminded travellers from all over the world, I ...
Reader profile image for Summer Meadow PIN: 4251
Summer Meadow
Self-care and empowerment are essential to navigate this world, and I have been helping people to know themselves, recognise, and step into their dreams and desires for many years. I'm an empath, guid...
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Angel Card Readings

Providing insight into finances, relationships, careers and life goals, Angel Card readings are a unique tool for those looking for guidance in their life. Giving clients the confidence they need to make important decisions, these cards access the spiritual energies of angels that only want to love, support and protect those that call on them.

Through asking open-ended questions, you can gain a greater understanding of your life and determine ways to better deal with situations. For example, if you're wondering how to deal with a frustrating colleague, the cards drawn may include 'Change' and 'Release' - reminding the client to take challenges on without negativity dragging them down. They can handle any situation so long as they believe in themselves.

Our psychics ensure an honest, professional and helpful reading, and will guide you based on the wisdom of the angels.

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Clairvoyant vs Psychic: Which is Best for You?

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Which Zodiacs Are Most Likely To Have A Holiday Romance?

Here at Psychic Sofa, we offer expert psychic readings, including zodiac insights about your love life. Learn more about your next holiday romance here. ...

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