Capricorn Horoscope

Daily Horoscope

27 July 2024

Is something about your home life getting to you? You might be able to do more to resolve this than you think, Capricorn. It involves getting in touch with your feelings, even if doing so seems messy and inconvenient. But they may hold vital clues about what's wrong, and if you can go to the next step and talk about them, it might ease tension and put things in a much better light.

Weekly Horoscope

Week beginning 22 July 2024

Get ready, as a newfound passion might unexpectedly sweep you off your feet. You may decide to toss your current plans into the wind to dive headlong into this enthralling new interest. In addition, the Full Moon shining in your sign, can coincide with a cosmic nudge, urging you to swap a stagnant project for one that sparks joy and promises big rewards if you work at it.

Daily Love Horoscope

31 August 2023

The Moon's return to your communication sector each month is always a valuable chance to get the communication lines open and especially when it is the first visit since the last planet left your relationship sector earlier in the month. This is something that can make it easier to give your emotional responses a voice, but returning today as a Full Moon this also has the ability to push through communication barriers.

Weekly Love Horoscope

Weeky beginning 14 August 2023

While you have reached an important week on both the romantic and relationship fronts, rather than putting all your focus into both at the same time, the more you can focus on your relationships in the first part of the week the more you can then put the focus on matters of the heart and all things romantic in the second half. This isn't about giving the love and relationship gods their turn and more that with the Moon leaving your relationship sector on Monday and the asteroid Juno on Wednesday, this is where your focus needs to be. This will bring all planetary activity on the relationship front for the year to a close but as Juno, the queen of commitment and especially commitment to your relationships is the last to leave, her mission to is to leave you with something to commit to. Meanwhile, no sooner is Juno gone than a friendly aspect between Mars in an adventurous part of your chart and Uranus in your romantic sector begins, bringing a mix of romance, passion and adventure together while triggering the laws of synchronicity.

Capricorn Personality Traits 

The earth sign group (Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo) are all practical, self reliant, stoic and ambitious. Driven to do their utmost best, Capricorns never let themselves off the hook. They're determined to show other people what they're made of, even if that means working all hours of the day to prove it. To say they’re determined is an understatement, but it makes them great team leaders and colleagues to have when it comes to projects. They take on strong leadership roles, and typically excel in them. It’s no wonder their ruling planet is Saturn - the ‘’task master’’. 

Capricorns are also realistic - less head in clouds and more feet on the ground. They know they may not be the fastest or the most intelligent, but they know that hard work beats talent every time when talent doesn't work as hard. They’re also interested in the world, and use their intuition to make the world a better place, and to understand how things work in general. They like to get involved, rather than just watch on the sidelines. This makes them responsible beings with eager attitudes, trying their best to approach each situation from a mature and pragmatic perspective that helps them to achieve their goals. Even when they make mistakes, they own up to them, allowing the Capricorn to learn and find new ways of working, using any hurdles to their advantage for the benefit of everyone involved.

What Are Capricorns’ Weaknesses?

Unfortunately, like all star signs, Capricorns do have some traits that certain signs can find wearing, as can the sign itself. For example, though Capricorns are admirably hardworking, they also have a tendency to push themselves too hard, often to the point of exhaustion. This obsession with success and perfection means Capricorns won't stop for anything - not even a break or some TLC. This can put a strain on their relationships too. What’s the fun in working hard if you have no-one to share your success with?

Moreover, being practical and grounded isn't always necessarily a good thing, especially when it causes you to focus on all the negatives in life. Capricorns’ diligent approach can make them overlook the good in every situation, especially when things aren’t going their way. This can cause them deep unhappiness and feelings of worthlessness, which pushes them harder than required. Focusing on the positive and the next steps are always recommended.

Whereas other signs such as Libra and Sagittarius love to joke and tease their friends, Capricorns have zero tolerance when it comes to being made fun of. Not only do Capricorns tend to prefer keeping a straight face rather than letting their emotions (or laughter) show to the world, but they will quite literally hunt someone down if they feel mocked or undermined by them. They hold a grudge, and demand an apology. We imagine all other star signs getting together and telling Capricorn to, ‘’Lighten Up’’ - but in a loving way. 

Who Are Capricorn Compatible With? 

Capricorns often treat their romantic relationships with the same tenacity as they do with their jobs. They believe that hard work will ultimately spell out success - for themselves, their partners and the relationship. Capricorns are fascinating when it comes to love however, as though they are devoted, they can sometimes come across as lacking in emotion. As in, they’re more reserved than other star signs, but that doesn’t mean they love their partners any less. A great match for Zodiac signs such as Taurus, Virgo and Pisces, the private passion between two of these individuals will last a lifetime.

Let’s take a look at Capricorn compatibility with Zodiac signs such as Libra, Scorpio and Cancer.

Capricorn and Aquarius Compatibility: These two may appear opposites, but when a Capricorn and Aquarius come together in a love match, they bring out the best in each other, which both end up appreciating. A strong bond keeps these two together, as does the enlightenment, exploration and new experiences that the relationship entails. Both partners have an intense drive to obtain objects of their desire. If they have a plan, they’ll stick to it until they have what they want. A great team.

Capricorn and Pisces Compatibility: Another opposites attracting kind of relationship. 

Capricorn is down-to-earth and regimented, with a very strong work ethic, whereas Pisces tends to be more emotional and dreamy, always trying to find the best in every person and situation. Admiring each other, Capricorn appreciates Pisces’s kind nature, and Pisces is drawn in by Capricorn’s quick wit and tenacity. A fun pair.

Capricorn and Aries Compatibility: Capricorn is typically quiet and unassuming, while Aries is loud and enjoys praise for their work, status and contribution. In life, their philosophies are very different: Aries looks for the shortcut while Capricorn wants to follow the rules, believing there is a methodological path to success. Their conflicting beliefs can lead to arguments and disagreements, so to make this relationship work, they have to work through their issues with an open mind.

Capricorn and Taurus Compatibility: Love is in the air when it comes to Capricorn and Taurus. They both share a grounded logic and interest in efficiency when it comes to all aspects of their lives, and want to share in each others’. Both have high standards that they like to adhere to, and both are interested in scaling the heights when it comes to careers, passions and love.

Capricorn and Gemini Compatibility: This isn’t a relationship we’d highly recommend, because these two experience the world in very different ways. If they’re operating from a base of love and mutual respect, they’ll be able to overcome most obstacles, but they must work hard. Gemini must have freedom to think outside the box and find creative expression. Capricorn is more concerned with advancement and status. These two signs’ challenge as a couple is to learn to maintain a similar pace so they can arrive at the same place at the same time.

Capricorn and Cancer Compatibility: The success of this relationship is anyone’s guess. Though Capricorn is always devoted which aids a Cancer’s insecurities, they can at times be too emotionally cold to always meet a Cancer’s needs for a loving partner and relationship. Relationship success relies on being open-minded and supportive, and not expecting each other to always be the only source of each other’s happiness.

Capricorn and Leo Compatibility: Work hard. Play hard. That’s the mantra of this pair - always willing to put the effort in to make this relationship last. Both relish in the success of their endeavours, and like to take on new challenges as they occur. Always there for each other too, a Capricorn and Leo relationship is built to last.

Capricorn and Virgo Compatibility: What movie romances are made of. As two earth signs, Virgo and Capricorn share the same ambition, and desire for stability and security. They can each take a while to really open up - but when they do, they share their own private worlds and make the other feel welcome.

Capricorn and Libra Compatibility: On the surface, these two signs couldn’t be more different. While Capricorn is quiet and unassuming, Libra tends to be a social butterfly. Capricorn is concerned with hard work, career advancement and recognition. Libra prefers beauty, art and balance. So long as they appreciate each other’s differences, this couple can reach new heights.

Capricorn and Scorpio Compatibility: The best thing about a Scorpio and Capricorn pair is that together, they can not only grow and mature as individuals, but learn the value that each brings to the relationship. There may be some initial hesitation, and neither are the quickest to trust and share, but these two signs will discover that they can have a deep connection - one of at least friendship and loyalty.

Capricorn and Sagittarius Compatibility: It’s a bit like a romantic comedy with these two - they don’t initially get on, but if they can look past each other’s flaws and see the beauty in each other, they’ll be sharing a kiss as the screen fades to black. In love, Sagittarius can show Capricorn adventure and excitement, and can offer a glimpse of the freedom so often missing from Capricorn’s life. Capricorn can teach Sagittarius to pay attention to detail, and the power that comes with planning and success.

Capricorn and Capricorn Compatibility: Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn. Saturn’s main focus is on achieving goals through hard work. This planet also focuses on Capricorn’s authoritative side and desire for social status. This couple is very career-minded. Their focus and intense energy can cause them to seem harsh or inflexible, but a Capricorn partner is not taken aback by such an attitude. In fact, no-one will understand them better, and not mind the lack of emotional displays that other star signs need to feel loved.

Wondering if your Capricorn partner is the right person for you? Are you a Capricorn and wondering how to strengthen your relationship with your Taurus, Aries or Gemini partner? Our telephone psychic readings can help and our psychic readers are only too happy to. Don’t be left in the dark. Let the stars shine through your relationship and show you whether love is truly in the air. Enjoy psychic phone readings today by calling us on 09057897752 (calls cost 80p per minute plus your network access charge) or on 01618640152. What does your Zodiac have to say about your relationship?

Who Should Capricorn Marry?

Capricorns are often cautious when it comes to getting married, waiting until they’ve made something of themselves, and have a sizable account before considering such a long term commitment. They want to be someone their partner is impressed with, and who they can take care of. However, when they do commit, they are loyal, determined to make the relationship last and do all they can to make the other person feel comfortable and loved, even if they show it in their own way. Because this way isn’t necessarily the stereotype of romance, a Capricorn needs someone who understands their quirks, and appreciates them for it.

Capricorns tend to be frugal with their earnings. Money equals security and survival to them. Additionally, they have a keen awareness of time, worry about the future, want to save for a rainy day and for their retirement years. Marriage to Capricorn means living within your means and saving for the future. This can be hard sometimes, so a Capricorn needs someone who gets their nature, and cherishes them for it. Love has to be enough, as it were.

Overall, a Capricorn should marry someone who shares their work ethic, likes to plan for the future and appreciates their unique personality. Loyal, practical, hard-working and determined - a Capricorn should marry someone they feel completely comfortable around 

How To Attract A Capricorn Man or Capricorn Woman

Capricorns are hard workers who like to take their time in relationships, so when it comes to attracting a Capricorn man or Capricorn woman, you need to be patient. Capricorns will want to get to know the real you, and this can make for some fun dates. A night on the town is always a good way to get to know each other - a fancy restaurant provides a romantic atmosphere and gives you both plenty of time to talk intimately, really getting to the heart of who you both are, and what you want out of life.

Similarly, going to an art gallery and picking each other’s brains apart about what you see can determine if you’re on the same wavelength, as can suggesting a mini book club that’s just for you two. Sharing ideas will help you to both connect on a deeper level, and give you topics to discuss for a lifetime.

Other fun date ideas for Capricorns include going dancing, an escape room or an exhibition - all places that you can both show off your skills, and how hard-working you both are. 

Capricorn Astrology Report

Wouldn’t it be great if you could delve deeper into the star sign, and discover more about the Capricorn personality and what the future holds for you? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could use this insight to make more informed decisions about your life, and go confidently in the direction of your dreams? Well, here at Psychic Sofa, we can help. Our psychic readers can create Capricorn astrology reports for you to help provide clarity, wisdom and understanding, based on your guidance from the spirit world, and the stars. 

An astrology report doesn’t just take your star sign at face value, instead, it leaves room for differences due to your free will, transformation and personal growth over a lifetime

An astrology report can include a natal report, - based on your individual characteristics, strengths and weaknesses - a compatibility report which analyses the connections between two people, and a forecast report which looks at where the planets are today and how their position could be affecting you, and your future. Using this insight, a Capricorn can consider the direction their life may take based on different outcomes and use this knowledge to their advantage.

Your astrology report can offer great insight into your life as you know it, and reveal hidden surprises that may make you question your very existence. If you’d like an astrology report by a trusted psychic reader, then we encourage you to get in touch with one of ours today on 09057897752 (calls cost 80p per minute plus your network access charge) or on 01618640152.

Get In Touch

As a Capricorn, you are ambitious, persistent and practical, using your intuition to make things better in the real world. Whether you’re considering your compatibility with other star signs or you’d like to learn more about your personality, here at Psychic Sofa, we can help. For telephone psychic readings you can depend on, please call us today on 09057897752 (calls cost 80p per minute plus your network access charge) or on 01618640152. Our trusted psychic readings can aid decision making and provide you with the confidence you need to live the life you want.

For your daily Capricorn horoscope, weekly horoscope and monthly Capricorn horoscope, please return to the top of this page. What will your Zodiac sign say about you?

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