
Discover the world of numerology with Psychic Sofa. The complex study of numbers, numerology is a very specific style of psychic reading. From the numbers within your birthday to more intricately calculated numbers that relate to you, a numerology reading can be incredibly insightful, looking at your personality, traits, communication style and so much more.

Reader profile image for Zero The Mystic PIN: 4907
Zero The Mystic
Throughout my teenage years, my intuitive gifts showed up in extraordinary ways. I began to have profound visions and would feel the emotions and energy of others deeply. My gifts never came with an i...
Reader profile image for Spiritual Passion PIN: 4439
Spiritual Passion
Thanks for taking the time to read this. My name's Spiritual Passion. For some it may be easier just to call me Aunt T... as I've normally a cup of tea at hand and a friendly warm ear... I am ...
Reader profile image for Tori PIN: 4284
I am a second generation Psychic Medium, Clairvoyant and first noticed my gifts around the age of 5. I’ve always been aware of  spirits benevolent and non. I always knew I was different and did...
Reader profile image for Soriah PIN: 4132
I’ve been an empath from a very early age. I often used to avoid social situations due to the overwhelming emotions that I would channel and I didn’t know how to process them. Over the yea...
Reader profile image for Moonwaters PIN: 4740
Hello and thank you for taking the time to read my profile.I was brought up with two cultures so I have always been interested in people and languages. However, this was not easy as I constantly had t...
Reader profile image for Tatiyana PIN: 4862
I am a natural psychic medium and witch of the old ways. My gifts were first noticed in early childhood and i have continued to build on my abilities and develop my services over the years. As a long ...
Reader profile image for Aura PIN: 4012
Although being born in the uk I am from a large close-knit family with many nationalities & ethnic backgrounds. This, combined with being a mother, a daughter, a sister and Aunt has given me a out...
Reader profile image for Satori Star PIN: 4164
Satori Star
My journey into psychic mediumship and tarot reading has been a dynamic evolution shaped by experiences both profound and transformative. From childhood connections with spirit to a significant healin...
Reader profile image for Tay01 PIN: 4036
Hi, I am Tay, I am 4th generation clairvoyance which has been able to contact to those that have cross light since I was 6years old.What do you like most about giving readings to clients?I reason why ...
Reader profile image for Deb PIN: 4144
I have a long ancestral family of Romany Gypsies on my Father’s side. I’ve known about my gift for as long as I can remember. I just always felt someone was with me! I realised with age what this ...
Reader profile image for Jason PIN: 4077
Greetings, my name is Jason. I am a Clairvoyant Medium and Tarot reader. I have been practising for over 35 years, and my craft has taken me worldwide, developing my craft in amazing places like Egypt...
Reader profile image for Ayla PIN: 4823
I was introduced to reading for people by my Nan when I was a small child. I would sit in on readings with her in her neat little terraced house in Manchester. She would offer her clients a cup of tea...
Reader profile image for Grace C PIN: 4597
I have been naturally psychic since birth. I didn't realize I was different and thought everyone had these abilities. I was shocked when I discovered that I could see and communicate with spirit p...
Reader profile image for Maria-Ann PIN: 4202
My name is Maria Ann and I have been featured in take a break fate and fortune magazine recently psychic challenge. My aim is to bring spiritual knowledge to those in need, and help give gui...
Reader profile image for Crystal I PIN: 4110
What do you like most about giving readings to clients? Giving them piece of mind, clarity, guidance of direction, hope for the future and to open up a whole new world to them. How are you typical o...
Reader profile image for Solstice PIN: 4749
I'm a white witch  and I am of gypsy Romany descent.  I have a very modern outlook. I’m very open minded, non-judgemental, professional, and 100% confidential. I’m a naturally ...
Reader profile image for Empathy PIN: 4249
Hi there, my name is Empathy.  I'm a tarot reader, holistic therapist and Reiki practitioner based in Scotland.  I've been using the Tarot for about 25 years now, and doing...
Reader profile image for Tay PIN: 4185
I have always had a big passion for astrology and spiritually since I was a child, although I didn't fully understand why. Later in my life I went through some major life lessons which aligned me ...
Reader profile image for Rose B PIN: 4841
I am a psychic, clairvoyant, claircognizant, empath, and white witch who became aware of my gifts early in life. I specialise in love and relationships, problem solving, conflict resolution, and ...
Reader profile image for Evelyn Angel PIN: 4210
Evelyn Angel
Hi there, I'm Evelyn Angel. Spirituality has always been a part of my life and I was lucky to have been guided by my grandmother who was a medicine woman. I have experienced so much on my personal...
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Numerology Readings

Do you always see the same number appear wherever you go? Have you found yourself drawn to particular numbers? It's very possible these numbers have special meaning in your life, and with the help of our numerologists, you can decipher that, together.

Requiring a lot of complicated calculations, a master numerologist can reveal: your life path number, which is reflective of who you are, who you could be, as well as revealing what opportunities and challenges may present themselves; expression number, which looks at your capabilities, impulses and goals; your soul urge number, which reveals truths that may be hidden deep within you; your personality number which is the way you present yourselves to others and; your birthday number, which reveals your gifts, talents and your whole life's purpose.

With all of this information, you can gain insight into who you are as a person and the life you could lead.

Latest Numerology Articles

New Moon in Taurus 2024: What It Means for Your Star Sign

The New Moon in Taurus promises exciting beginnings for each star sign - but what does it mean for you? Psychic Sofa explores this in this blog. Read here. ...

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How to Use Angel Numbers for Manifesting (Top Psychic Tips!)

How to Use Angel Numbers for Manifesting (Top Psychic Tips!)

Have you wondered how you can use angel numbers for manifesting? Psychic Sofa explores useful tips in their latest blog. ...

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Angel Numbers and Why You Might Be Seeing Them

Angel Numbers and Why You Might Be Seeing Them

Angel numbers are special sequences known to carry spiritual meaning. In this guide, we explore what your angel numbers are trying to tell you. ...

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