Tarot, Oracle, Angel, Animal Spirit, Cards, Witchy Runes, Astrology, Energy Readings Empath, Feng Shui, Clairsentient and Spiritual Counsellor

About Hope
Hi dear callers and welcome to my profile! For as far as I can remember I have always been an empath and clairsentient, and have picked up on atmospheres, energies and entities around people, animals, places, and objects very acutely. Animals tend to gravitate to me all the time and I’m a kinda Animal Whisperer too. I'm a very spirtual person and spend lots of time in my local woods with my magical little dog, communing with nature. I have quite a few orbs around my house, which have manifested on photos I've taken, even my little dog has one. I have pretty much gone through the embodiment of each Tarot card in my lifetime, and am still standing LOL!
What do you like most about giving readings to clients?
I’m an intuitive Tarot reader and love my work and helping folk. My system offers a tailor made reading for each unique client. To include helping folk identify and break negative patterns, solve problems, find resolution, offer informed options, and be actively involved in facilitating their life plan. I do a wide range of spreads, with a combo of divinatory tools and cover all topics and often multi-task! It is very rewarding for me, when callers feel uplifted and have a renewed sense of purpose and direction, and feel empowered in themselves to move mountains, face life’s challenges and modify their belief systems to benefit them.
How would you say you are typical of your star sign?
I’m a classical Uranus Sun energy – you will perceive a lot of the Aquarian energy peppered on this profile. Unconventional, rebel, eccentric, friendly, wacky and warrior spirited. Very alternative, Green, Vegan, and adore animals. A Wiccan eclectic Hedgewitch. Big time people person and I am always proactive in banging a drum for justice and endless causes for animals, people, and Mother Earth. A very analytical air sign. Plus I have a double Ascendant/Moon water sign, which enhances my intuition and makes me an empathic very active listener. I have 5 planets in Air signs so I’m a chatterer! When folk can’t get hold of me their humorous mantra is “Hope’s out saving the planet again” LOL!
When do you remember being first aware of your gift?
I wasn’t aware of any gifts, I imagined all people perceived the world as I did, wrong! LOL. Late in life, when reflecting on my childhood, I remember I had a very sharp psychic radar from about 6 months old, when I could ‘read’ people. I also discovered I was an Empath because I could intuit a persons' credentials good or bad spontaneously.
What is your most memorable experience with a client?
Wow so many! An elderly neighbour asked me for support when selling his house, and to accompany him to the high street estate agents. My energy radar began twitching immediately. They summoned him in order to drop the agreed sum on his property. I just knew he was about to be swindled. I did my utmost to remove him from their premises and told him this outside. I did a Tarot reading to confirm my suspicions and a whole Pandora’s box emerged! He withdrew from the transaction, engaged someone else and got full price for his property! I did a spontaneous 1 card reading and told a friend someone from their past was returning. Some time elapsed and she said her ex had come back into her life. I have also done some Circle and Platform work, but don't profess to be a Medium, however, I once channeled a little girl from Victorian times and our resident group Medium, told me it was her Spirit Guide called Lucy! Another time I read for a distressed lady concerning her domestic affairs. I used Tarot and Oracle and I pointed out a message was coming through from a beautiful lady from Spirit and did she know who it could be? She then clarified it could only be her daughter, who died in her late twenties. I was somewhat taken aback and very sympathetic. I continued and said she was being protective of her and that she needed to be aware of negative influences around her. The lady was able to take this and understood the message completely and derived much peace, healing and comfort from her reading.
What other experiences or qualifications do you have that you feel compliment your work as a reader?
Generally very people orientated and I have a background and diplomas in counselling and psychology, Holistic Therapy, Esoterics, Space Clearing, Feng Shui, Chakra Balancing, Pendulum work, and Astrology and am a good listener. I teach Tarot, and run Psychic development and ‘Discovering Your Angel’ workshops, The Law of Attraction and holistic workshops. Meditation, and Psychic protection. And also facilitate creative groups and energy focus groups for planetary consciousness and healing. I also do sympathetic distance healing for people and pets. I’ve been doing Tarot readings for a long time, to include one to one, parties, national and international readings, psychic fairs, radio talks, and am also a published author and have a quirky sense of humour and most of all Gratitude for all my blessings!
What is the most important thing for a person to consider when they decide to have a psychic reading?
Take a deep breath, select a reader you feel drawn to and feel you will have a connection with, know you will be supported and go for it! A clear voice is very essential, as I pick up on voice vibration immediately. Having an understanding a Tarot reading can have a myriad of meanings, so a clearly defined question will elicit clarity. Sometimes the Tarot will answer an important underlying issue and not the question asked! And the client might need to reflect on this for a while until processed and eventually receive an epiphany! Feedback is most welcome and ensures we are on the same page. If we are not a good fit, please don’t worry about it, as we don’t fit with everyone in life we meet and I will be honest in saying if there is no connection. The Tarot and divination only offer guidelines, nothing is written in stone, All power is in the present moment and self empowerment is much more important than prediction. Being mindful a person has the ability to change a prediction and be Master of their own destiny is important. The Law of Attraction delivers what you believe – if your belief is powerfully focussed on attracting the positive you will receive it, conversely if you believe something will never happen then it won’t, both are self full-filling prophecies – Believing you are co-creator with the universe in the grand design is key in one’s life plan. Allow one lunar month for things to unfold. Thank you for reading my profile. Blessed be Hope x
Hope's Availability
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What our customers say about Hope
I am so sorry, my phone cut off. It was no intententional. You are very good and indepth reader. I'm trying to get but on but you are too popular. Hopefully I will my reading with you.
- K.
7th September 2024
Excellent reading, very accurate. Also, Hope is such a nice lady to speak to.
- Kathy
15th July 2024
Got cut off before I could say thankyou, brilliant reading, co formed that I’m found the right things in relation to a man coming in and out of my life, also picked up my sons journey spot on
- Alex
13th May 2024
Thank you Hope, its taken me a while to find a reader who can link in without me specifying anything. You clearly told me my conflicts without knowing anything. I could listen to you all day. Glad I called Kind Regards
- Anon
10th March 2024
Amazing and so accurate. Brilliant reader. Thank you Hope 😊 💓
- Allison
16th November 2023
Thank you a brilliant 💯 spot on reading xxx
- Susan
18th August 2023
Just had a brilliant reading with hope. Thank you xxx
- Susan
31st December 2022
Another lovely reading from Hope. Lots of care and well…hope…
- Kate
3rd December 2022
Beautiful lady puts all her energy into your reading ...amazing reading Kind caring lovely soul thank you so much ... Xxx
- T
1st July 2021
Sorry Hope I lost reception. Thank you for the reading!
- Catherine
26th May 2021