
Interested in exploring the world of astrology? From horoscopes to tarot card readings astrology is all about the celestial influence over all of our lives. It can be revealing and insightful as well as predictive on future events, which makes it an incredibly popular practice around the world. Discover the psychic readers at Psychic Sofa that can offer unique readings for you based on your stars. Not sure if you’ll ever find love? Or unsure about your next major career move? Maybe an astrology reading can point you in the right direction with Psychic Sofa.

Reader profile image for Fay PIN: 4147
Hi, I have been a Tarot Clairvoyant for over thirty years. It is an honour to be able to help people in this way. From a very early age I knew this was something I wanted to do. For me, happiness has ...
Reader profile image for Zero The Mystic PIN: 4907
Zero The Mystic
Throughout my teenage years, my intuitive gifts showed up in extraordinary ways. I began to have profound visions and would feel the emotions and energy of others deeply. My gifts never came with an i...
Reader profile image for Helen PIN: 4367
Hello and thank you for taking interest in my work today. I am a natural psychic medium with over 20 years experience. My work first began on a one to one client basis and gradually developed after mu...
Reader profile image for Margret PIN: 4430
From an early age I have had psychic abilities and a deep interest in astrology and have, over the years, helped very many people to lead a happier and more fulfilling life and have been commended by ...
Reader profile image for Anne Marie PIN: 4157
Hi, I am Anne Marie. Thank you for reading my profile.  I’ve been a professional reader for around 20 years now.  If you like the sound of how I work, then give me a call! What d...
Reader profile image for Tori PIN: 4284
I am a second generation Psychic Medium, Clairvoyant and first noticed my gifts around the age of 5. I’ve always been aware of  spirits benevolent and non. I always knew I was different and did...
Reader profile image for Isabella PIN: 4770
Welcome! My name is Isabella ,and I discovered that I was Psychic at a young age. I first encountered tarot cards when I was 17 and found that everything the cards had revealed came true! I was intrig...
Reader profile image for Serene PIN: 4041
I am a professional tarot reader and spirit coach, with over twenty years’ experience. I am able to give you clear understanding using the tarot regarding your current and future situations assistin...
Reader profile image for Mirren PIN: 4139
Hello, and welcome to my profile. My name is Mirren and I have been reading tarot cards for over 7 years now. I use the Celtic Dragon deck which is great for all readings, especially matters of the he...
Reader profile image for Anthony PIN: 4818
Hi, Anthony here. My Psychic journey began after I gained my first degree in Psychology and Counselling studies. I had been living with a group of students who liked to go on ghost hunts all over the ...
Reader profile image for Moonwaters PIN: 4740
Hello and thank you for taking the time to read my profile.I was brought up with two cultures so I have always been interested in people and languages. However, this was not easy as I constantly had t...
Reader profile image for Tatiyana PIN: 4862
I am a natural psychic medium and witch of the old ways. My gifts were first noticed in early childhood and i have continued to build on my abilities and develop my services over the years. As a long ...
Reader profile image for Abbie PIN: 4207
Hello, my name is Abbie. I am a Tarot reader and clairvoyant. I first become aware that I had a gift over 20 years ago. I have a way of knowing when certain things will happen. I then started using ta...
Reader profile image for Rosina PIN: 4263
From a very young age I was able to see auras and orbs around me, which was the start of my spiritual awakening although I didn't realise that then. As I was so young, I just presum...
Reader profile image for Tay01 PIN: 4036
Hi, I am Tay, I am 4th generation clairvoyance which has been able to contact to those that have cross light since I was 6years old.What do you like most about giving readings to clients?I reason why ...
Reader profile image for Eliza Beth PIN: 4149
Eliza Beth
I am a natural medium and psychic, and am certified in several holistic healing modalities, including Astrology and Flower Essences. As a sensitive child growing up in a troubled environment, I shut d...
Reader profile image for Deb PIN: 4144
I have a long ancestral family of Romany Gypsies on my Father’s side. I’ve known about my gift for as long as I can remember. I just always felt someone was with me! I realised with age what this ...
Reader profile image for Hayley Jay PIN: 4485
Hi my names Hayley Jay, I have been using my psychic abilities to bring clarity and guidance to clients for the last 20yrs. As a very intuitive child I was always able to read/feel peoples e...
Reader profile image for Grace C PIN: 4597
I have been naturally psychic since birth. I didn't realize I was different and thought everyone had these abilities. I was shocked when I discovered that I could see and communicate with spirit p...
Reader profile image for Maria-Ann PIN: 4202
My name is Maria Ann and I have been featured in take a break fate and fortune magazine recently psychic challenge. My aim is to bring spiritual knowledge to those in need, and help give gui...
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Astrological Readings

Though most people have heard about horoscopes and have some understanding of their star sign, many don't realise their significance in astrology. The Zodiac signs are based on the path the sun takes and its location in relation to constellations at certain times of the year. Your sign is the constellation that the sun was closest to on the day you were born, and an astrology report can help you discover what this means for your life's plan, your love life and how this has an influence on personality traits.

Our astrology guides will use the date, time and place of your birth to determine the position of the sun, moon and stars on the day you were born. This can offer great insight into your life, and let you know what the stars have in store for you.

Where could your path lead you?

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If you're wondering how to approach 2024's Gemini season, you've come to the right place. Our experts have given their best readings for each star sign. ...

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How to Choose a Psychic Reader

The world is full of unseen energies and spiritual pathways, and the decision to engage with a psychic reader is a significant one. ...

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New Moon in Taurus 2024: What It Means for Your Star Sign

New Moon in Taurus 2024: What It Means for Your Star Sign

The New Moon in Taurus promises exciting beginnings for each star sign - but what does it mean for you? Psychic Sofa explores this in this blog. Read here. ...

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