Dream Interpretation

Do you have a repetitive dream that you’d love to learn more about? A dream interpretation reading can do just this. Explore the hidden messages within your dreams and decipher any codes and symbols that pop up regularly for you by starting a spiritual journey with Psychic Sofa. Browse the psychics that specialise in dream interpretation today and delve into a psychic reading that might just be able to answer your dream-related questions and so much more.

Reader profile image for Iordanka PIN: 4351
Hello, my name is Iordanka and I am so happy that I was given this gift. I started getting messages in my dreams and when I was 13 years old I started to read from a coffee cup. I could see thing...
Reader profile image for Sentinel PIN: 4517
Hello my name is Sentinel, I’ve been reading for a wealth of years now, 33 to be exact, due to being born into the wonderful world of spirit; mum, gran, aunts, all sharing their knowledge and w...
Reader profile image for Paul S PIN: 4814
What do you like most about giving readings to clients? I enjoy connecting with people and if I can help others and do my bit for those who need help then we can all partake in our physical and spi...
Reader profile image for Daniel PIN: 4553
Hello my name is Daniel I am a natural born Medium, clairvoyant, psychic and healer. Through out my journey I have been developing my gifts and have been fortunate enough to read for many clients from...
Reader profile image for Louise PIN: 4734
Hi I am Louise. I have 30 years experience working as a psychic and I love every minute of my work. I have experienced many, many things so far in my 52 years on this earth and as a result I am very e...
Reader profile image for Jip PIN: 4682
I am a seasoned reader and intuitive psychic. I am highly empathic and can pick up fairly quickly any issues that may be relevant. You will know within the first 3 minutes if there is a connection bet...
Reader profile image for Deborah-Rose PIN: 4979
What do you like most about giving readings to clients? To help them through their troubles, happiness and life events. To show them what they are up against to help them through it all. To guide t...
Reader profile image for Zia PIN: 4347
Hello, I am an empathic and caring reader, passionate about my work, I am a good communicator, love people and have nurtured my gifts from a young age. My father was psychic, and so I have been fortun...
Reader profile image for Angela F PIN: 4530
Experienced clairvoyant, psychic, medium, remote viewer. Trained at the Edinburgh psychic college in mediumship and different types of psychic work. I also worked online for another company doing onli...
Reader profile image for Suraya PIN: 4588
Hi, thank you for visiting my page and lovely to meet you. I am an experienced Tarot Card Reader with many years’ worth of experience in providing insightful readings and direction.and have given pr...
Reader profile image for Fay PIN: 4147
Hi, I have been a Tarot Clairvoyant for over thirty years. It is an honour to be able to help people in this way. From a very early age I knew this was something I wanted to do. For me, happiness has ...
Reader profile image for Zero The Mystic PIN: 4907
Zero The Mystic
Throughout my teenage years, my intuitive gifts showed up in extraordinary ways. I began to have profound visions and would feel the emotions and energy of others deeply. My gifts never came with an i...
Reader profile image for Crystalrosa PIN: 4848
Hi, my name is Crystalrosa I am a psychic who has been giving messages for many years. I have also been utilising the tarot cards, with my insight for the last 6 years. I incorporate my psychic abilit...
Reader profile image for Angelic Wings PIN: 4045
Angelic Wings
I channel with Archangel Michael and my three guides for over 25 years. I read from my heart and soul and give 100%. My gift is so precious to me I truthfully want to make a difference. Coming from a ...
Reader profile image for Spiritual Passion PIN: 4439
Spiritual Passion
Thanks for taking the time to read this. My name's Spiritual Passion. For some it may be easier just to call me Aunt T... as I've normally a cup of tea at hand and a friendly warm ear... I am ...
Reader profile image for Tori PIN: 4284
I am a second generation Psychic Medium, Clairvoyant and first noticed my gifts around the age of 5. I’ve always been aware of  spirits benevolent and non. I always knew I was different and did...
Reader profile image for Debbie PIN: 4418
Gifted from birth I have been able to connect to the Spirit World. From a young age I have been able to assist people who need help. I am a highly sensitive Medium, a professional reader. I work very ...
Reader profile image for Serene PIN: 4041
I am a professional tarot reader and spirit coach, with over twenty years’ experience. I am able to give you clear understanding using the tarot regarding your current and future situations assistin...
Reader profile image for Lauren PIN: 4007
What do you like most about giving readings to clients? I enjoy giving my clients light at the end of the tunnel and to leave them feeling positive, as often a client will call when feeling lo...
Reader profile image for Anthony PIN: 4818
Hi, Anthony here. My Psychic journey began after I gained my first degree in Psychology and Counselling studies. I had been living with a group of students who liked to go on ghost hunts all over the ...
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Dream Interpretation Readings

The realm of sleep is the place where the veil between our two worlds, the living and the great beyond, is the thinnest. That’s what makes our dreams so precious, as messages from loved ones, spirit guides and angels often come and reveal secret signs.

Repetitive dreams or incredibly lucid periods of sleep can let us know that spirit wants to communicate with us, especially as our psychic selves can ‘astral project’ when we drift off at night. Some mediums believe that although our bodies stay on the physical plane, tucked up in bed, our souls can travel beyond to another vibrational field - sometimes known as the 4th dimension.

Here, our higher selves may be learning things or taking on messages that our waking selves have yet to process, which is where a dream interpretation reading can work wonders.

At Psychic Sofa, a dream reading can help you understand what’s going on when you go to sleep. Our mediums know how to make sense of the symbols that pop up in frequent dreams, helping you crack the codes and unlock the wisdom that angels and spirits are leaving in sleep.

Get a psychic reading today and find out just what your dream-related questions can be answered by a psychic expert who specialises in this kind of special interpretation. Sweet dreams, indeed!

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