Anne Coronis
Tarot Clairvoyant, Divine Connection

Reader Methods
About Anne Coronis
As long as I can remember, I could see the truth of things. It appeared like a shadow behind what people wanted you to see. How do you explain that when you don’t have the vocabulary to articulate it? No internet existed to search back then, either. Thankfully, people who have a strong connection to the Divine tend to gravitate toward one another - there’s that saying ‘like attracts like’ I’ve come to say ‘Light attracts light’ instead! When I was 13 I met a (cute!) boy in the Occult section at the bookstore, and we were talking about our horoscopes, and other things, and he said he had to go, then reached into his bag and handed me a pack of tarot cards, with a little head tilt, and just walked out! I just stood there aghast. The deck was The Aquarian Deck. I fell in love with the cards and though I’ve never seen that boy again, I’ve since met many people over the decades who have inspired me to learn more and allow my sight and connection with the Divine to grow. There’s a lot more than I could write here - but suffice to say it’s been an amazing journey so far!
What do you like most about giving readings to clients?
I love the feeling of connection, but I most enjoy knowing in my heart that people will come away from the reading with a clearer view forward, more insight into their situation, the inspiration to get things moving when they need it - or to stop and relax they’re overdoing things and a hopeful outlook moving forward. Just feeling the weight of doubt, and concern lift from people as we speak, is such an amazing and inspiring feeling. Tarot - just like Reiki Healing - is good for the practitioner too - because we can feel your aura clearing as we speak.
How would you say you are typical of your star sign?
As an Aries, I’m straightforward and to the point. I’ve also got a strong will, and I won’t allow things to get in the way of what I want to achieve. ‘Keep pure your highest ideal, strive ever toward it, let naught stop you, or turn you aside.’ -Excerpt from The Wiccan Rede
When do you remember being first aware of your gift?
Really, as long as I can remember, I could see behind things, the truth of them. It manifested in many ways, shadows showing what was real behind what the eye could see, I could tell when people loved me, or were proud of me without it having been said. I knew when good things were coming like surprise visits from my grandparents or friends of the family, or when my mom would just stop for ice cream after school. There were always less positive things too, people who were speaking nicely but had a scary mask for a face - so you knew they were being deceitful. Knowing always when people are lying (And let me tell you, they don’t like that.), I knew a lot of things a kid shouldn’t have to know - but that advance knowledge prepared and protected me - so I was thankful for it.
What is your most memorable experience with a client?
Thankfully, due to the number of readings I tend to do, I have had the pleasure of coming across so many lovely people, and have enjoyed so many lovely interactions - every day there are at least a few who stay with me for quite some time. I feel very fortunate to be a part of this community.
What other experiences or qualifications do you have that you feel compliment your work as a reader?
I also teach tarot - so I have a very thorough understanding of the cards and how their meanings shift based on which other cards they are near. I have my counselling certification, and I am a lineaged Usui Reiki Master Teacher for over 20 years, so these help me to understand when someone is in need of help and healing - and also why. 25 years ago, I’ve attained my PhD in religious studies, and this helps me to understand many different cultures, and why some advice is fine for some and not for others, and any cultural limitations people may have. I also do volunteer work at The Samaritans - so I feel I’ve become a good listener as well as an excellent tarot reader. As a practicing witch over 30 years, I have a broad history of having learned several forms of divination, from cartomancy and tarot, to the Crystal ball, to tea leaves, to casting lots, and loads more besides. Feel free to ask me about it, if you like!
What is the most important thing for a person to consider when they decide to have a psychic reading?
The most important thing, in my opinion, is to say your name, and ask any questions clearly. It helps us to form a stronger connection with you. Be in a place where you won’t be disturbed - light some candles and incense if you like, and allow yourself to be open. It’s not always easy - but try not to become anxious, or jump to conclusions based on 1 or 2 cards - allow your reader to give you the full picture. Finally - nothing is set in stone. The whole benefit of a reading is to know what’s coming so we can work to alter our paths and choices to change it. You always have free will - and the future has many paths for you, not just one. The amazing gift of the tarot is that it can help you navigate yours, or even change it entirely. Try to keep that in mind during your reading so that you can get the most thorough experience.
Anne Coronis's Availability
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What our customers say about Anne Coronis
Fabulous reader. Very straight. Loved my reading. Highly recommend Anne. 👌
- Allison
17th September 2023
Hi Anne Extremly positive reading, fast, I enjoyed the reading very muchly thankyou A reading where you come off the phone feeling much better than when you first called, lovely lady God bless
- SimonMark
7th May 2023
Anne you're wonderful and incredibly insightful thank you for giving me the strength to stand up for myself
- Leanne
27th March 2023
Had a super reading , Anne has a lovely open and friendly style and she really made me laugh too. Validations were very accurate in regard to a complex situation , Anne navigated this wonderfully giving a really helpful overview
- Claire
3rd March 2023
Great reading, lots of info, lots of open didsscusdion, I enjoyed it very much, gave me lots to think about and info given to prepare me for what's coming up and how to get the best from. HONEST READER
- Anon
25th February 2023
Thank you Anne good reading on my work/career.
- Allison
24th February 2023
Brilliant reader, fast and honest. Picked up on current situation and gave predictions. Sorry got cut off. Thank you.
- Anon
18th February 2023