Capricorn Horoscope
Daily Horoscope
11 September 2024
There are good reasons why you might want to team up with others on a trip, or to explore the potential in an offer or opportunity. You won't have to navigate out of your comfort zone alone and this can make such experiences even more delightful. On a romantic note, an unexpected encounter could surprise you with its refreshing quality and you may be eager to know more.
Weekly Horoscope
Week beginning 9 September 2024
Take that step into the unknown and you'll be rewarded, even if you lose your way at first. With a powerful lunar phase on the go, it's wise to make the most of opportunities that come your way. Don't take too long to decide, as saying yes could kickstart an avalanche of positive developments. Plus, as Mars steps into your relationship zone, it may be time to clear the air.
Daily Love Horoscope
31 August 2023
The Moon's return to your communication sector each month is always a valuable chance to get the communication lines open and especially when it is the first visit since the last planet left your relationship sector earlier in the month. This is something that can make it easier to give your emotional responses a voice, but returning today as a Full Moon this also has the ability to push through communication barriers.
Weekly Love Horoscope
Weeky beginning 14 August 2023
While you have reached an important week on both the romantic and relationship fronts, rather than putting all your focus into both at the same time, the more you can focus on your relationships in the first part of the week the more you can then put the focus on matters of the heart and all things romantic in the second half. This isn't about giving the love and relationship gods their turn and more that with the Moon leaving your relationship sector on Monday and the asteroid Juno on Wednesday, this is where your focus needs to be. This will bring all planetary activity on the relationship front for the year to a close but as Juno, the queen of commitment and especially commitment to your relationships is the last to leave, her mission to is to leave you with something to commit to. Meanwhile, no sooner is Juno gone than a friendly aspect between Mars in an adventurous part of your chart and Uranus in your romantic sector begins, bringing a mix of romance, passion and adventure together while triggering the laws of synchronicity.
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