How To Spring Clean Your Spiritual Life

If you are living amidst a pile of clutter it can be challenging to find the emotional, and physical, space that you need.

Spring Clean

Cleanse Your Soul With A Spring Clean

In the Northern Hemisphere March 20 marks the spring equinox and the passing of winter. On this day the sun passes over the celestial equator and we welcome the start of spring. In the Southern Hemisphere, autumn begins. Observed as Ostara by many pagans, this period of seasonal transition is the perfect time to spring clean your spiritual life.

The seasonal changes that occur in nature are perfectly timed with our cycles of spiritual growth and evolution. The time of spring is beneficial for cleansing, renewing and rebirthing. Spring into action and get yourself motivated by making positive changes that will continue to inspire and direct your efforts throughout the year.

Clear Up The Clutter

If you are living amidst a pile of clutter it can be challenging to find the emotional, and physical, space that you need. Start your spiritual cleansing by clearing out items, big and small, that no longer serves your highest good. Be ruthless and chuck out clothes that don’t fit you properly, or that you have never worn. Give your home an interior makeover by downsizing on the amount of furniture required, and the number of knick-knacks that you surround yourself with. Gift to friends, or donate your purged items to charity. Once you have cleared the space you will feel instantly energised.

If you have a sacred spiritual altar give this space a spring clean too. Replace the candles, cleanse your crystals, and decorate with fresh and fragrant spring flowers.

Fire Power

Celebrate the passing of winter by lighting a bonfire for a cleansing fire ritual. Invite family and friends to join you. By letting go of the past and burning paperwork, documents and other items, that emotionally bind you to an old way of living, you free yourself from limitations. The energy of your possessions can keep you stuck in life, and block your forward momentum. Light a bonfire and release those negative emotions and attitudes so that you can feel renewed.

Worship Your Body

Having cleansed your home and removed the stagnant energy of your possessions, it’s now time to treat your body like a temple. A bathing ritual is a great way to cleanse the body, mind and spirit. Fill the bath with water and add your favourite aromatic essential oils. As you relax in the healing water visualise yourself being cleansed with a pure white light. As stagnant and negative energy is removed from your Auric field see the white light transforming into a shimmering golden glow.

Pamper your skin with nourishing and moisturising lotions and potions that make you feel good. To honour your body, choose healthy and nutritious foods that help you to maintain a high frequency vibration.

Sow Some Seeds

If you have a garden or a window box spring is the ideal time to plant some seeds. Choose your favourite plants and celebrate nature’s cycle of renewal and rebirth by planting the seeds in the earth. As you plant each seed, set an intention for something that you would like to manifest in your life. Cover the seeds with soil and water them regularly.

Create New Routines

It's easy to get into the habit of doing the same things over and over again. Cleanse your spiritual life of old patterns of behaviour by creating new routines. Plan an alternative route to work, shop for groceries in a different store, dress in colours that you’re not often seen in, and do the unexpected. You will feel released from old habits and inspired to try new and exciting activities. Take up a new hobby and make new friends. Your new lease of life has no boundaries or limits.


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