
Interested in exploring the world of astrology? From horoscopes to tarot card readings astrology is all about the celestial influence over all of our lives. It can be revealing and insightful as well as predictive on future events, which makes it an incredibly popular practice around the world. Discover the psychic readers at Psychic Sofa that can offer unique readings for you based on your stars. Not sure if you’ll ever find love? Or unsure about your next major career move? Maybe an astrology reading can point you in the right direction with Psychic Sofa.

Reader profile image for Crystal I PIN: 4110
What do you like most about giving readings to clients? Giving them piece of mind, clarity, guidance of direction, hope for the future and to open up a whole new world to them. How are you typical o...
Reader profile image for Petra PIN: 4008
I have a natural ability as a Psychic, with over 30 years professional experience. I can 'Link In' with your situation very quickly and offer 'Clarity' and 'Guidance'. What ...
Reader profile image for Empathy PIN: 4249
Hi there, my name is Empathy.  I'm a tarot reader, holistic therapist and Reiki practitioner based in Scotland.  I've been using the Tarot for about 25 years now, and doing...
Reader profile image for Tay PIN: 4185
I have always had a big passion for astrology and spiritually since I was a child, although I didn't fully understand why. Later in my life I went through some major life lessons which aligned me ...
Reader profile image for Rose B PIN: 4841
I am a psychic, clairvoyant, claircognizant, empath, and white witch who became aware of my gifts early in life. I specialise in love and relationships, problem solving, conflict resolution, and ...
Reader profile image for Oracle of Gaia PIN: 4594
Oracle of Gaia
Welcome to Oracle of Gaia, At 7 years old I was fully connected to the higher realms, having visions and dreams that allowed me connect with angels. Having the ability to connect to other Crystal and ...
Reader profile image for Aurora rae PIN: 4274
Ever since I was little, I knew I was intuitive. I would pick up on events before they happened and people's feelings. I've developed these gifts over the years, and I love to share these with people....
Reader profile image for Syrita PIN: 4621
I use Tarot cards, Angel cards, Crystals, Numerology and Astrology as my tools to give you an in-depth reading into your current situation. I specialise in love and relationships, work and career and ...
Reader profile image for Molly PIN: 4452
I have been reading for over 20 years. My grandmother gave me my first deck at the age of five.. I haven't stopped using them since.What do you like most about giving readings to clients?I like to giv...
Reader profile image for Maisy PIN: 4605
I have always been very sensitive to the spirit/energy world and greatly drawn to the cards which were passed down to me by my grandmother. From a very young age I had visions and dreams which always ...
Reader profile image for Alessia PIN: 4118
I am a Psychic, Tarot Reader, Astrologer, Shamanic Practitioner and Energy Healer. My abilities are inherited from My dad and grandma, Southern Italian mystics who are still with me even after passing...
Reader profile image for Jo PIN: 4459
Hello, my name is Jo. I am an experienced Tarot Reader, Psychic Clairvoyant, also with excellent skills in mediumship, with countless years of valuable experience within these fields. I developed t...
Reader profile image for Mary Kay PIN: 4300
I started my journey very early. I lost my parents when I was 10 and 11 years of age and since then I have been looking for answers. I done so much healing work, so much soul-searching and I found the...
Reader profile image for Emerald PIN: 4048
I from a young age was very fascinated about astrology and star signs. I started my clairvoyant journey at the age of 7. I noticed I had unique palmistry reading capabilities when I started reading my...
Reader profile image for Tamar PIN: 4957
Hello and blessings, I have always had a gift from a very young age, I have always had the ability to feel energies and see the aura around a person. Messages come through to me from my spirit guides ...
Reader profile image for Sofia PIN: 4918
Hello and thank you for taking the time to view my profile. I'm Sofia and I use Tarot, Astrology, clairsentience (clear sense or feeling) and claircognizance (clear knowing) to help you get unstuc...
Reader profile image for Selina PIN: 4320
I have worked with the other side of life off and on for as long as I have been adult. I am approaching a late part of life now, believe me, the world of bibliomancy, astrology and the shadows fascina...
Reader profile image for Ketu PIN: 4339
I have read the tarot for many years and incorporate clairvoyance and mediumship when reading the cards. I am here to help you understand your current situation by connecting to the spirit world to ga...
Reader profile image for Maria S PIN: 4246
Hi, I'm Maria S. In addition to my natural psychic intuition, I use the art of tarot, oracle cards, angel cards and the pendulum along with other tools, such as numerology and astrology to provide my ...
Reader profile image for Clairvoyant David PIN: 4127
Clairvoyant David
I am an internationally recognised clairvoyant and fortune teller. I have been reading fortunes professionally for over 10 years. I love to give people guidance on love & relationships, career as ...
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Astrological Readings

Though most people have heard about horoscopes and have some understanding of their star sign, many don't realise their significance in astrology. The Zodiac signs are based on the path the sun takes and its location in relation to constellations at certain times of the year. Your sign is the constellation that the sun was closest to on the day you were born, and an astrology report can help you discover what this means for your life's plan, your love life and how this has an influence on personality traits.

Our astrology guides will use the date, time and place of your birth to determine the position of the sun, moon and stars on the day you were born. This can offer great insight into your life, and let you know what the stars have in store for you.

Where could your path lead you?

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If you're wondering how to approach 2024's Gemini season, you've come to the right place. Our experts have given their best readings for each star sign. ...

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How to Choose a Psychic Reader

How to Choose a Psychic Reader

The world is full of unseen energies and spiritual pathways, and the decision to engage with a psychic reader is a significant one. ...

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New Moon in Taurus 2024: What It Means for Your Star Sign

New Moon in Taurus 2024: What It Means for Your Star Sign

The New Moon in Taurus promises exciting beginnings for each star sign - but what does it mean for you? Psychic Sofa explores this in this blog. Read here. ...

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