Laura C
Angel Tarot Readings, Clairasentience, Claircognizance

About Laura C
From the age of 7 I interacted with the energies of those who have passed from our realm. Six years ago I had a life changing experience which helped me to see the world we live in as a realm, where contact is available, to those who believe and can break the veil. I've always known things before they happen, I saw my deceased relatives and guardian angels for many years, however, over the past six years I've called in Angels as my guides in my own life path. Since then, I've used the angel tarot cards to help people with any situation they're in and used this tool to help me understand many situations. I have learned through the angels that life is free will, and you can choose different paths. Let me help you with yours.... I'm empathetic, non judgemental and love to help people in any given situation. Please call me for your reading if you want honest, caring advice. Love and Light, Laura
What do you like most about giving readings to clients?
I love to help people. It's great when the angels given me insight to allow my client see what positive attributes they have to offer and how to overcome their fears. In a world of doubt, I love helping people have more clarity in their lives and strength to follow their unique path.
How would you say you are typical of your star sign?
I'm a Scorpio. I'm loyal, honest and empathetic and have always lived by these attributes. I love musicals and movies, writing, dancing and going where life takes me. The ebb, the flow of life is beautiful... Ups and downs, its all experience. The more I can do to help others, gives me a big fat smile on my face!
When do you remember being first aware of your gift?
When I was 7. My Nanna passed away and my Mam (Northern!) had a really hard time with her mothers passing. I didn't realise at the time as I was young, but I chatted, danced, sang and passed messages to my Mam from my Nanna after she had died. I only recently discussed this with my Mam, and she told me what comfort she found in knowing that her Mam was always around, I was just lucky to see, feel and interact with her. I feared it for a while, after seeing many others from the other realm for years, however, 6 years ago I had a life changing experience, I call this my ephiany... That's when my gifts were reopened and I started reading Angel cards for relatives, friends and then clients. All of my readings focus on positivity, as you are what you think, and attract experiences to you. Life is for living in the now, nothing is set in stone and I'm a great advocate of creating a great future for every individual I read for.
What is your most memorable experience with a client?
The most memorable experience I had reading for someone was when one of my clients asked me if she should change her life role. Bizarrely, when I read for her, I saw that she wasn't concerned about her life role but about someone she really had feelings for. She didn't dare ask the person out as she was concerned about what people would think. The Angels said to me that this person was her soulmate, and they felt the same. Because of my reading, she found the strength to ask out the girl, they dated, and married 3 years later! Her family and friends fully supported her and I often hear from her about what's going on in her life. Hearing from her always makes me feel blessed that the angels helped me to guide her to have the strength to ask her now wife out!
What other experiences or qualifications do you have that you feel compliment your work as a reader?
I'm very intuitive, as well as having my angel guides, I can relate to any experience as I'm empathetic and often feel other people's feelings. This helps me when I give readings as I feel the love, the sorrow, the pain and the happiness. I've had a very enriched life, full of ups and downs but the phrase of "there's always light at the end of the tunnel" is true. No matter how hard life can get, there is a better future. We're here to learn and I wish to help others learn without the darkness and live in the light.
What is the most important thing for a person to consider when they decide to have a psychic reading?
The most important thing I feel is to be aware that we live in free will. You have the power to decide what you want to happen. You can change your life if you truly want to. We have so many fears from such an early age, and it's overcoming these fears that helps you to be fully happy in life. We're all on a learning curve, always... No one is perfect, but we all want to be our better, higher self. Through love and positivity, I believe any situation can be overcome, we can change our now and I'm happy to help others to see and do this.
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