
Clairvoyant Psychic Medium Tarot

Reader profile image for Fern

About Fern

I learned early on in my life that I could see and hear spirit I just thought it was normal that everyone else could see the same. It wasn't until I was a teenager that I found out that it was called being psychic. My abilities were recognised by a spiritualist minister. I would also say things to people that came true, or ask a question about something that I couldn't have known. From early abilities I first started doing psychic readings properly from late teenager firstly using tarot cards as a map then just trusting what I get from spirit. I really enjoy doing readings for people and have now done so for over a decade, it is lovely to have feedback knowing I have helped someone.

What do you like most about giving readings to clients?

I really enjoy giving readings, as it’s often at a point in life where a fresh pair of eyes/perspective can really help. I always read in a non-judgemental way, and nothing shocks me. Which has often helped clients who are feeling trapped or they can't talk about things to friends or family. For example if someone is involved with a person who is married. Sometimes we hit a brick wall with career or relationships and being able to see possible outcomes or new horizons often gives clients a bit of clarity.

How would you say you are typical of your star sign?

I'm Aquarius on the cusp of Pisces so I’m incredibly loyal to the people I care about and certainly have strong humanitarian traits of Aquarius. I also tend to be a deep thinker and will work hard to achieve my goals. The Pisces side leads me to being very laid back and caring. Although I must say being a Chinese zodiac monkey, cross us and you know about it we don't forgive! That’s actually very true although I tend to be so laid back its hard for me not to forgive.

When do you remember being first aware of your gift?

I have always had it since I was young but being fully aware that I could see and hear things that other people couldn't was when I was around 12 or 13 years old. My mum was very psychic and my aunt read tarot cards for years so when I said something unusual to my mum she explained what I was doing.

What is your most memorable experience with a client?

I saw a new relationship for a client and described the person who they were going to meet. At the time they were splitting up with their current partner and a new relationship was the last thing on their mind. They were upset and we discussed the current partner soon to be ex and how that was going to be going forward and then the new person. A little while later the client rang me to tell me how happy she was and that the new man is a gem. I was so very pleased for her and I love being able to help people see that sometimes in our darkest moments that the light will shine back through.

What other experiences or qualifications do you have that you feel compliment your work as a reader?

I am a qualified reflexologist and a spiritual healer. I am a good listener and also love looking at past lives with the help of my guide.

What is the most important thing for a person to consider when they decide to have a psychic reading?

Be open, and don't be afraid to ask questions. Although most answers should be given to you if you want to know something then ask! Also are you ready to make changes or put an end to the past? If that’s what’s highlighted for you. A reading will help guide you but you have to do the rest.


Fern's Availability

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What our customers say about Fern

What a lovely, calm and detailed reader. So insightful and full of information. Thankyou so much :)

- Lauryn

25th June 2023

Amazing as always thank you so so much for your help and your kind words and your support Much love ❤️

- Joanna

19th June 2023

It was lovely to chat to you again, Fern, I can't really believe it was a year ago since we spoke last, I hope to get through to you again, and keep you posted about possible work move and my much needed holiday, thanks so much for clarifying everything so clearly and accurately, you are a five star reader. Speak soon, love and light, Caroline x

- Caroline

9th April 2022

Fern thankyou so much for your lovely reading. Fern is a gentle soul who connects easily and effortlessly to spirit and picked up things she could not have known about my family and my dad in particular. It was so lovely to hear from my dad it brings a big comfort to know he's still protecting and guiding us up there as he did down here. I look forward to your predictions regarding my relationship unfold.

- Rebekah

6th April 2022

Wonderful reading and exciting , maybe one day we bump into each other on a kilt walk experience , il keep you posted on the new job and the new relationship Thank you Richard (Scotsman)

- Richard

16th January 2022

Thanks for such a lovely accurate spot on reading. Sorry about being cut-off. I'm feeling so much better.

- christina

9th September 2021

This lady was very good spot on with thank you fern with you help

- Lesley

11th February 2021

Fern your ready brought so much live to my soul x thank you I needed it x grandma and my aunt came through was just what I needed x will keep you posted about my new man (beginning with S) and sorry we got cut off! Love & light to you xxx

- Kirsty

18th January 2021

Great reading, thank you Fern (10/01/21). Picked up really well on the two gentlemen I was asking about. Described them how I would have! Lovely lady too xx

- Aysha

10th January 2021

I was very impressed during my reading with Fern. She gave lots of validations and she described people extremely well. She also predicted that the 14th January would have some significance relating to money and I’ve just received notification that I have my PIP phone assessment on the 14th so her prediction on this was correct. Let’s hope the outcome is positive like she predicted too. I can honestly say hand on heart that after many readings with many different people Fern is the first reading I’ve had where a prediction has actually came true. Thank you.

- Marie

3rd January 2021

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