Love & Relationships

Looking for a love and relationships reading that can offer guidance and support in all matters to do with the heart? The psychics at Psychic Sofa are available to navigate your spiritual reading and delve into the biggest love questions that are on your mind. Not sure if you’ll ever find true love? Questioning a relationship that doesn’t feel quite right? Or hoping that a previous love interest will come back into your life? Through a psychic love and relationship reading, one of our readers can help answer your questions and interpret your future to offer advice, guidance and help with all things love. Try a clairvoyant reading or opt for an insightful tarot card reading and get ready to dive head first into finding your soulmate and learning more about yourself in the process.

Reader profile image for Millie PIN: 4598
What do you like most about giving readings to clients?Sometimes we all get ourselves into a 'funky' headspace, being able to help clients find clarity on situations is such a blessing and gift for me...
Reader profile image for Indira PIN: 4801
Indira is able to help and assist you well with Tarot Cards, Rune Stones, Angel Cards, Dream interpretation, Numerology, Astrology, and many other things of a magical nature. Indira is skilled in Crys...
Reader profile image for Joanne PIN: 4526
Hi, I'm Joanne. I am a natural untrained intuitive psychic tarot reader. It is using this method that I can connect with you to gain insight and better understanding or clarity into your personal ...
Reader profile image for Harmonia PIN: 4838
I've always had a strong intuition and friends used to call me 'The Magician'. I never really saw myself as a magician but if I look back, I can see why I was been called like that. Everyt...
Reader profile image for Jillian PIN: 4582
Hi, my name is Jillian and I’m a psychic Tarot card and Angel card reader.  I’ve been reading the cards for 20 years; I also work with the Pendulum and Crystals.  I am happy to g...
Reader profile image for Ramona PIN: 4583
Hi I’m Ramona, come with me on a personal journey through the tarot. I believe the best definition of the tarot is a “map of the soul”. I offer friendly and genuine interpretations o...
Reader profile image for Mae PIN: 4897
I come from a long family line of wise women of pagan heritage dating back to early pictish Scottish Celts. I have always been surrounded by methods of divination from tea leaves, tarot and palm readi...
Reader profile image for Sazziesoulserenity PIN: 4362
Hi & Welcome I’m Sazzie A little about me, I started speaking to spirit from the age of 2 years old, I have always had strong intuition & now that my children are adults, I have been abl...
Reader profile image for SaiReet PIN: 4713
My name is SaiReet and I am an experienced tarot card reader ,Tarot is an ancient form of guidance, and is useful for everyone. If you are looking for guidance in your life, or have a decisi...
Reader profile image for Anemone PIN: 4610
Welcome! Bright Blessings! My name is Anemone and I'm an intuitive psychic reader. I work mainly with tarot cards and runes but I first began my journey reading tea leaves (tasseography). I c...
Reader profile image for Davina PIN: 4828
  What do you like most about giving readings to clients? To listen, to understand, advise and guide. And to leave the client feeling happier and uplifted. How would you say you are typi...
Reader profile image for Margo PIN: 4571
Hi I'm Margo. I come from a Slavic country. My origin gave me confidence to build and develop my abilities. I'm here to offer them all to you. Specialising in Tarot card, Angels card and Oracl...
Reader profile image for Matthew J PIN: 6003
I am Clairvoyant and read the Tarot cards intuitively; I combine both my Tarot expertise and my spirit guide in readings. I have been reading for clients for many years, and work full time as a Profes...
Reader profile image for Hannah Marie PIN: 4975
Hannah Marie
I have been clairvoyant, clairaudience and also Claircognizance and medium for as long as I can remember I can see hear and feel everything I have been giving readings for around 15years now and I pri...
Reader profile image for Nick PIN: 4793
My name is Nick, and I have been psychic all of my life. As a child, it seemed completely normal, until I realised that others could not see or know what I was able to intuit. I found myself isolated ...
Reader profile image for EagleMoon Tarot PIN: 4401
EagleMoon Tarot
I am a third generation psychic reader who specialises in tarot and the pendulum , my gifts have been with me my whole life but my understanding only developed in my teen years , the gift of knowing t...
Reader profile image for Gemma PIN: 4437
I live in the north of England with my 3 gorgeous Labradors, who make me smile and bring me happiness each day.  I enjoy singing, playing guitar and attending soccer matches and live music events...
Reader profile image for Amber PIN: 4552
Hi all, I'm Amber, I have been reading and learning about tarot since I was 13 years old for myself and others! It always fascinates me how much the cards can pick up on your situation and what is...
Reader profile image for Anastasiya PIN: 4169
I'm in mid/late thirties. Throughout my life I have gone through a lot of experience that taught me that things aren't always the way they seem on the surface. My ability to connect with Spirits has a...
Reader profile image for Leonie PIN: 4170
My Mom bought me my first set of Tarot cards in the 80’s as I have always had a fascination in things of a spiritual nature. Over recent years I have spent time looking into different spiritual prac...
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Love & Relationship Advice From Trusted Psychics

Have you ever watched a romantic movie and thought, 'I want that', 'Why can't I find the perfect partner?' or 'Will I ever find the one?' If so, then you're not alone. We all yearn to meet 'Mr (or Miss) Right', 'The One' or that special someone that we can call our own. If you've been in love before, you know the feeling - they make each day brighter simply because we know that they love us and would do anything for us. Who wouldn't want that?

However, some of us, no matter how hard we try, continue to meet the wrong people, or don't even know where to start looking. A psychic love reading can analyse your love life, guide positive behaviours that increase your appeal and show you how to be the best version of yourself, so that this is who your new partner falls in love with. Not only will you find new love, but you'll find new meaning in your life, because you'll finally be showing the world your true, wonderful self.

The love of your life is just a phone call away.

Could a Psychic Reading give you the answers you are looking for?

If you're looking for love, a Psychic Reading could be your key to finding lasting romance. Think of it as your personal psychic love lesson. At school you're taught how to read and write but there's no tutorial on how to tackle one of the trickiest of subjects - and one that's hugely important to most people on the planet. How do you find love and how do you build a positive relationship with your partner? A psychic love reading can answer these questions. It's not done by magic, but by a psychically sensitive person tuning into your personality and your higher self, which holds the answers to all the questions (about you) that you could ever ask.

A psychic love reading can help you by:

  • Suggesting where to look for love
  • Giving insight into your current relationship
  • Teaching you about yourself
  • Suggesting reasons for past romantic mistakes
  • Giving honest and impartial advice on your love life
  • Giving you the courage to move forwards
  • Boosting your confidence
  • Giving an impartial opinion of your ex relationship
  • Point out new possibilities

Love Readings

Images of idealised love and romance are relentlessly beamed down from advertising billboards, TV and films. Picture-perfect couples stare back at you from the pages of glossy magazines. It sometimes seems as if everybody has an amazing relationship - except you. Of course, these images are just illusions and provide no help in the search for true love. But a psychic reading can smooth your path to true love by teaching you how to direct your search, giving you an honest appraisal of what you're doing right and wrong in romance and how you can improve. A love reading can show you positive possibilities you haven't yet considered and help you to avoid the pitfalls of repeating the same mistakes. Think of a psychic reading as a love lesson on how to achieve true romantic fulfilment.

How does it work?

A love reading can be done with tarot cards or other divination tools. It can also be performed solely by the reader tuning into their psychic sense. Don't expect the reading to solve all your problems, it will suggest ideas and solutions to you but it's down to you to make the changes. The reader uses their skills to tune into you - your personality, your higher self and the actions that are in your best interest - they pass on this knowledge to you. It is equally valid to have a reading online or on the telephone as it is to have one in person. The reader may suggest new ways to approach your search for love or may advise against existing patterns of thought but the ultimate decision is always your own.

Psychic Love questions

A psychic reading can give you insight on some of the big questions associated with love and relationships. Here we look at some of your top love queries and show you how a psychic could give you clarity on each.

When will I find love?

A psychic reading can't give you an exact date and time because nothing is set in stone. Every eventual outcome depends on the decisions and actions you take now. But a reading can tell you about a week or month when it is an auspicious time for you to be looking for love. So you could plan a date or party for this time.

Why can't I find love?

Although you should phrase your questions more positively to get the most from a reading, this is often the most burning question from those looking for the right person. A reading can reveal any blockages in your thinking that are stopping you from finding romance. People close to you may not recognise these blocks or may be too concerned about upsetting you to tell you the truth. A reader will be polite but honest and impartial. You will discover where you're going wrong and the reader will suggest ways you can improve your chances.

Who would be a good romantic match for me?

A reading can identify your romantic strengths and weaknesses. Maybe you're brave enough to approach a potential partner but not so good at holding their attention. A reading can reveal to you how to hone your strengths and suggest ways to improve your weaknesses. A psychic love reading can then suggest the types of people you would be a good match with. Perhaps you always choose a person based on outward attractiveness, when in fact you should be looking deeper and seeking out a compatible personality.

Where should I look for love?

Again, this is about suggesting new possibilities to you. Perhaps the perfect person for you is already in your circle of friends but you haven't considered him/her. Or a reader could see a new sporting or hobby activity that you should try that could lead you to meeting the person of your dreams.

Why did my last relationship fail?

You may have questions about your last romance. A reader could have some useful information about why it went wrong and how to avoid these mistakes in the future. But sometimes it just wasn't meant to be. So a psychic love reading should show you that you have the courage to move forward.

Is my current partner the right person for me?

Deep down, you already know the answer to this question. A reader can help you reflect on it to reveal the truth. You should never be told to break up with someone because that decision is yours alone. But a reader can outline the positives and negatives of your relationship to give you clarity on your romantic decision.

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