
Discover the world of numerology with Psychic Sofa. The complex study of numbers, numerology is a very specific style of psychic reading. From the numbers within your birthday to more intricately calculated numbers that relate to you, a numerology reading can be incredibly insightful, looking at your personality, traits, communication style and so much more.

Reader profile image for Oracle of Gaia PIN: 4594
Oracle of Gaia
Welcome to Oracle of Gaia, At 7 years old I was fully connected to the higher realms, having visions and dreams that allowed me connect with angels. Having the ability to connect to other Crystal and ...
Reader profile image for Leman PIN: 4105
Since very young age I've had the ability and interest in psychic readings. My first readings were through Turkish coffee cup for friends and family. 7 years ago, I started delving into tarot readings...
Reader profile image for Syrita PIN: 4621
I use Tarot cards, Angel cards, Crystals, Numerology and Astrology as my tools to give you an in-depth reading into your current situation. I specialise in love and relationships, work and career and ...
Reader profile image for Charlotte PIN: 4124
I have been using tarot cards to help and guide people for over 7 years now and I love to use the cards to help offering friendly guidance and support on various subjects including relationships, care...
Reader profile image for Star Williams PIN: 4444
Star Williams
Hi my name is Star Williams and I am an intuitive tarot reader. I was always told from a young age that I was gifted and many would come to me for advice since they always appreciated my perspect...
Reader profile image for Maisy PIN: 4605
I have always been very sensitive to the spirit/energy world and greatly drawn to the cards which were passed down to me by my grandmother. From a very young age I had visions and dreams which always ...
Reader profile image for Mary Kay PIN: 4300
I started my journey very early. I lost my parents when I was 10 and 11 years of age and since then I have been looking for answers. I done so much healing work, so much soul-searching and I found the...
Reader profile image for Emerald PIN: 4048
I from a young age was very fascinated about astrology and star signs. I started my clairvoyant journey at the age of 7. I noticed I had unique palmistry reading capabilities when I started reading my...
Reader profile image for Maria S PIN: 4246
Hi, I'm Maria S. In addition to my natural psychic intuition, I use the art of tarot, oracle cards, angel cards and the pendulum along with other tools, such as numerology and astrology to provide my ...
Reader profile image for Anne Coronis PIN: 4121
Anne Coronis
As long as I can remember, I could see the truth of things. It appeared like a shadow behind what people wanted you to see. How do you explain that when you don’t have the vocabulary to articulate i...
Reader profile image for Dean PIN: 4062
I discovered my psychic abilities in my late teens. I found I was able to read people and situations intuitively. I have always had a strong affinity to tarot and oracle cards. Moving to Barcelona in ...
Reader profile image for Rosalie PIN: 4894
Hey, my name is Rosalie! I work mainly with Tarot cards. I also use oracle, fortune, and angel cards for messages you need to hear right now or to take with you to remember for the future. I can also ...
Reader profile image for Rosa PIN: 4020
I am Rosa a third generation psychic medium who specialises in love and career type questions. My gift is here to help heal and guide. I use tarot and angel cards as well as a direct link to the ...
Reader profile image for Elizabeth PIN: 4131
Hi, I’m Elizabeth, a clairsentient Tarot card reader. My initial foray into reading Tarot cards was over 40 years ago, and I have been reading professionally on and off ever since. I would love ...
Reader profile image for Carlism PIN: 4307
Hi ya, I’m Carlism, I’m a highly sensitive person, and I’m a great intuitive reader, overall I’m an all rounder, I feel very blessed that I was giving this very special gift.What do you like m...
Reader profile image for GeorginaT PIN: 4229
Now in my early 60's the seeds for a spiritual path in life were already planted from birth, seeing things others could not, and being aware of spirit who showed up early in my life. At the time I had...
Reader profile image for Sophia Grace PIN: 4125
Sophia Grace
Hi, My name is Sophia Grace. . I have been a professional Tarot reader now for three years . I have qualifications in reading and astrology and also spiritual healing. Reading ( Tarot , Tea leave...
Reader profile image for Kezia PIN: 4394
I was always very 'sensitive' as a child and come from a long line of 'wise women', but my gift really began to present itself about 30 years ago when I began to see and hear spirit.I didn't always li...
Reader profile image for Mary Jane PIN: 4359
Greetings Beautiful Souls! My name is Mary Jane, and I am a very sensitive psychic empath, who has had my abilities for most of my life. I conduct my sessions using a mix of tarot, oracles, numerology...
Reader profile image for Ravee PIN: 4206
Best Wishes to All. My name is Ravee. I'm based in London and connected with Spirituality through Tarot & Numerology for the past couple of years. Tarot & Numerology offers a great combination...
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Numerology Readings

Do you always see the same number appear wherever you go? Have you found yourself drawn to particular numbers? It's very possible these numbers have special meaning in your life, and with the help of our numerologists, you can decipher that, together.

Requiring a lot of complicated calculations, a master numerologist can reveal: your life path number, which is reflective of who you are, who you could be, as well as revealing what opportunities and challenges may present themselves; expression number, which looks at your capabilities, impulses and goals; your soul urge number, which reveals truths that may be hidden deep within you; your personality number which is the way you present yourselves to others and; your birthday number, which reveals your gifts, talents and your whole life's purpose.

With all of this information, you can gain insight into who you are as a person and the life you could lead.

Latest Numerology Articles

New Moon in Taurus 2024: What It Means for Your Star Sign

The New Moon in Taurus promises exciting beginnings for each star sign - but what does it mean for you? Psychic Sofa explores this in this blog. Read here. ...

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How to Use Angel Numbers for Manifesting (Top Psychic Tips!)

How to Use Angel Numbers for Manifesting (Top Psychic Tips!)

Have you wondered how you can use angel numbers for manifesting? Psychic Sofa explores useful tips in their latest blog. ...

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Angel Numbers and Why You Might Be Seeing Them

Angel Numbers and Why You Might Be Seeing Them

Angel numbers are special sequences known to carry spiritual meaning. In this guide, we explore what your angel numbers are trying to tell you. ...

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