Clairsentient, clairsentient psychic.

About Forestman
Hi and welcome to my profile. I have always had my abilities but I have found it has become even stronger this last year after I had heart surgery at 36 years old. I suffered heart failure and since then spirt has been working with me to give the vision in my minds eye.
What do you like most about giving readings to clients?
I like to make people happy by bringing them hope and peace with my messages. I love to give validations to my clients through my readings. If I can make someone happy and at peace during a reading that makes me happy inside. I get a message link to the information and can pick up on all situation around a person.
How would you say you are typical of your star sign?
As a scorpio I am sensitive and very spiritual. I can have a sting in my tail if someone is out of order but it takes alot to upset me.
When do you remember being first aware of your gift?
Some years ago I was suddenly aware of names coming into my head when I was around people. I mentioned one name to my girlfriend at the time, she was shocked as it was her Mum's name and at that time we had never spoken about her Mum. This led to her feeling comfortable to opening up about her mum, who had passed when she was younger. It brought me joy knowing that I helped her to remember the good times with her mum.
What is your most memorable experience with a client?
I was having a reading for myself and found I was picking up information about the reader. I was being given names and situations as I travelled there in my minds eye. It still amazes me every time and still brings me joy when they are blown away.
What other experiences or qualifications do you have that you feel compliment your work as a reader?
I work as a train driver so I'm good with people. I help out at the spiritualist fair where the money we raise goes to local charities. I enjoy doing reading and helping others.
What is the most important thing for a person to consider when they decide to have a psychic reading?
To be open to receive the messages in the reading. Be open to the situation around you and let it unfold.
Forestman's Availability
This reader has not entered any dates for this week.
What our customers say about Forestman
Please come online soon!
- Anon
22nd October 2023
Please come on Forestman! Trying to get a hold of you!
- Anon
15th July 2023
Wow! An amazing reading with Forestman, the predictions that he gave me have come true already. He told me that I bought a coat that day I spoke with him with a zip up. I received the coat that day 2 hours before the reading...amazing! He also told me I have a bag everywhere I go with a toothbrush and toothpaste in and I do, I can't go out without it. He told me lots more validations as well, he tuned into me and he is my number 1 reader to go to for sure. He is the loveliest to talk to, good blessings to you always Forestman, Poppy x
- Anon
1st December 2021
Please come online soon.. x
- Tina
11th June 2021
Forestman is the real deal. He was spot on with his validations and didn't use any tools. Great details. He knew right away, without any prompts, why I was calling. He's got a really strong connection to spirit. Give Forestman a call and you will be amazed!
- Mona
2nd June 2021
I would like to thank everyone for a good reviews. I would like to here your feed back after the perdiction I tie happen as it gives me so much joy to connect with my higher self.
- Michael
1st June 2021
The best reading I've ever had. This man doesn't waste time using any tools and he doesn't fish for information, he's a natural clairvoyant and very accurate. He told me that he could see smashed doors in the flat above me when, I got back to my flat the day after my reading, the door to the flat upstairs had been smashed in. He also told me things that only I would know. He is honest, truthful and doesn't tell you what you want to hear e.g. that a man who you met 20 years ago is still in love with you or that he's coming back into your life because to most people with any common sense that's just something some non genuine psychics will tell you just to keep you talking and line their pockets. Thank you Forestman, your future will be much brighter and your honesty will bring good karma back to you in so many wonderful ways, wait and see.
- Eamon
22nd May 2021
Amazing reading forestman.. so good to talk to you.. great predictions given and validations you NEED to speak with this reader. He gave so many details only spirit would know.. apologies as my minutes ran out unexpectedly do keep in touch and come online would love to chat more about London building x
- Bex
13th May 2021
Had a reading from first man and it was amazing how he pick up on my solution and I felt healing energy around him.
- Michael
12th May 2021
I had a reading buy forestman he said that work will renew my contract in another department, I could not see it but it happen like it plan out. Thank you very much.
- Beth
5th February 2021