How To Be Emotionally Strong

Emotional strength is sometimes viewed as a lack of feeling, or a numbness, that creates a block between you and emotional pain.

How To Be Emotionally Strong


Emotional strength is sometimes viewed as a lack of feeling, or a numbness, that creates a block between you and emotional pain. This inner strength actually has very little to do with a stiff upper lip and cold detachment, and everything to do with resilience and an understanding of Self. To show true emotional strength you simply have to embody a calm attitude, and a positive response to all of the chaos that is going on around you.

Being emotionally strong isn’t hard to do. To achieve this inner strength you must be willing to learn and to practice. When you fully stand in your power you are in balance, and become so emotionally strong that nothing can knock you down. This inner strength also gives you the freedom to be your authentic Self.

People who are genuinely emotionally strong possess certain traits that help them to redefine themselves, and to help others become strong too. To be emotionally strong you need to:

Adopt a Zen-like State

Emotionally strong people ooze calm and tranquility, and do not feel the need to power up aggression or dominance. True power lies in personal control, so adopting a Buddha attitude makes you more resilient and unshakable, no matter what is going on around you. If you feel the need to display power, you are miles away from achieving the inner peace and harmony that gives you true strength.

Value Respect Above Attention

We all want to liked and loved for who we are, and accepted by others. Emotionally strong people however, do not have the need to seek acceptance through appearing superior, or demanding or begging for attention, which is what unhappy people tend to do. Instead they earn the respect of the people around them simply by being true to themselves.

Feel The Pain And Let It Go

We have all, at some time or another, run away from emotions that we do not want to face. People who spend all of their life running from their emotions will focus their attention on trying to fulfill their needs externally. This suppression of emotion usually manifests as one failed or meaningless relationship after another, an addiction to sex or spending money, and excessive negative behaviour patterns. Emotionally strong people are willing to feel their feelings, pain included. Once you feel the pain you can begin to heal and let it go, so that your inner strength builds up.

Practice Detachment

When dealing with difficult or challenging emotional issues it is important to go against logic, and to take your feelings out of the equation. When strong people practice detachment they become stronger in their emotions and actions. If another person is involved in the situation it helps to focus on their feelings first. This detachment allows you to put your own emotions to the side temporarily so that you can gather up strength. Detachment also helps the strong person to shift perspective and find more clarity.

Assume Accountability

People who are emotionally strong are not afraid to assume full accountability for whatever is happening in their life, at any given moment. They tend to view every experience as a positive learning opportunity, and therefore don’t feel the need to deflect responsibility. These strong people also do not complain about injustices, and are always open to looking at the bigger picture.

When blocks appear, emotionally strong people explore possibilities and optional routes to their desired outcome, and get on with the inner work that is necessary to make progress. They do not make excuses and they refuse to be a victim of their circumstances. Strong people also accept that you don’t have to be ‘right’ all of the time in order to prove your worth. Letting go of the need to be ‘right’ allows them to let go of the fears that hold others back.

Openly Express Emotional And Physical Needs

When you have emotional strength you accept that the feeling of others are not more valid than your own, and you master saying “no”. You also understand your worth and you no longer deny yourself what you need, simply to please other people in your life. This confidence to express your emotional and physical needs comes from having true emotional strength.

Internal Validations

External validations are not important to the emotionally strong person. Every experience, positive or negative, is viewed as a tool to help them to continue growing. Emotionally strong people focus on positive self-talk, maintaining a positive outlook on life and changing perspective when required. Only the inner validations and self-belief that you give yourself matter to this strong person. And of course, maintaining the inner calm that allows them to always remain peaceful under pressure.

To learn how you can strengthen your emotional resolve, call one of our psychic readers today.


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