Taurus Horoscope

Daily Horoscope

27 July 2024

The emphasis on a private zone suggests you may be standing back from life and seeing everything from a different perspective. This is enhanced by celestial body Chiron turning retrograde from today in a secluded zone. You'll be ready to root out the source of any deep-seated issues and to keep at this until you sense it's resolved, enabling you to flourish.

Weekly Horoscope

Week beginning 22 July 2024

With fiery Mars linking arms with unpredictable Uranus, an impulsive shake-up could shatter your plans and up-end the status quo. Mars then enters Gemini, making you very eager to drum up additional income. Meanwhile, the Full Moon casts a revealing light on outdated ambitions, urging you to release any project or idea that no longer glitters with the potential it once had.

Daily Love Horoscope

31 August 2023

While the Moon's return to your friendship sector today as a Full Moon is going to create a lot of positive energy on the social, friendship, teamwork and networking fronts its clash with the Sun in your romantic sector might put the squeeze on matters of the heart. This is something that happens at some point during the Sun's month long visit to your romantic sector each year and while this puts being a team player first, by doing that it makes your romantic needs and priorities more transparent.

Weekly Love Horoscope

Weeky beginning 14 August 2023

It is just as Mercury is spending his last full week in direct motion in your romantic sector that Mars moves into his final two weeks here on Monday and knowing that once he leaves, he won't be back until late 2024, the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos is on a mission to make his final days here count. Fortunately, there is not only the support to do just that but in a way that even the working week will struggle to compete with. To start with, ahead of the asteroid Juno's departure from your communication sector on Wednesday it is more about having the communication lines open and especially on the relationship front. By then Mars will have moved into a friendly aspect to Uranus in Taurus, something that is bringing the planets of passion and of surprise, synchronicity and the unexpected together. As well as firing up your romantic confidence and passions, this creates the potential for serendipitous moments and/or encounters. Even more so when the Moon moves through from Thursday to Saturday.

Taurus Personality Traits

As a fixed Earth sign, Taurus are practical, stoic, determined, ambitious and materialistic. Known for their stubbornness, they always believe they’re right - even if there’s evidence to the contrary. Ruled by the planet Venus, Taureans share Venus’s traits of beauty, artistry, hedonism and a love of luxury and comfort, and with their intelligence, common sense and critical thinking, know how to make a day at the museum or gallery far more engaging.

At times, a Taurus personality encompasses what appears to be laziness, but really, these Taurus are just taking their time. If something needs to be done - whether it’s a group project or an issue to solve - you’ll want a Taurus by your side. There is no task or challenge that will beat them, and they have endless amounts of tenacity, patience and resilience. They put in the hard work, and it can pay off big time.

The Taurus personality is also full of kindness, trustworthiness and generosity. Taureans are loyal people who like to maintain relationships with loved ones until the end, after you’ve earned their trust. A Taurus is very caring and compassionate. Never toying with the emotions of others, the Taurus personality is direct and honest, and provides advice and guidance where requested.

What Are Taurus’ Weaknesses?

A Taurus has both positive and negative traits. Taurus likes to live life at a slower pace than other Zodiac signs, and though this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it can at times be frustrating for those around them. Being late for things, being indecisive and analysing every angle of every situation can hinder a Taurus, meaning they miss out on important opportunities. This unending deliberation makes them stubborn too. They have already thought it all through and therefore are totally clear on, and committed to, where they stand. They feel they must be right because they’ve taken the necessary time to make informed decisions.

Taureans are physical creatures, and they relish in the physical pleasures of the material world too. Enjoying pleasures such as being pampered, shopping, chilling and eating, they can find it difficult to engage with experiences outside of their comfort zone. It’s not that they always take the easy route, but given the choice between a surprise and a known joy - you can bet they’ll choose the latter. This can stunt a Taurus in terms of personal growth. It’s no surprise that a Taurus prefers stability, but when a Taurus can fight their natural urges and put their all into something they truly care about - that’s a star sign of strength.

Who Are Taurus Compatible With?

When it comes to loved ones, Taurus has a sweet romantic side that the right person can bring out in them. Taurus loves the finer things in life, and wants someone they can ravish in those luxuries too. Their kindness and sweet hearts make them some of the strongest lovers in the zodiac, because they only want the absolute best for their partners, and they hope they find someone who thinks the same way. 

Let’s take a look at Taurus compatibility with star signs such as Capricorn, Pisces and Aquarius.

Taurus and Aries Compatibility: A Taurus and Aries aren’t exactly a great match - Aries is outgoing, social and always up for a good time, whereas Taurus prefers to stay closer to home. Conflict can arise when deciding on activities.

Taurus and Gemini Compatibility: Taurus and Gemini exude two very different personalities. Gemini is flighty and can be hyper at times, whereas Taurus much prefers stability, routine and taking time over decisions. Relationships between Taurus and Gemini are typically short-lived and do not generally lead to long-term commitment.

Taurus and Cancer Compatibility: Taurus and Cancer can make a wonderful pair, as they both share a need for security, creature comforts, and building romantic relationships that can weather any storm. They are both empathetic and understanding, so can truly appreciate each other for who they are, and who they want to be.

Taurus and Leo Compatibility: Taurus and Leo have passionate relationships - they just can’t keep their hands off each other! They both share an urge for loyalty and stable affection, and proof that both are in it for the long haul. Further into the relationship, Taurus and Leo will discover that what doesn't kill their bond makes it stronger. Taurus and Leo are two notoriously stubborn Zodiac signs, and there will, at times, be explosive arguments throughout their relationship.

Taurus and Virgo Compatibility: Taurus and Virgo are kindred spirits, truly in tune with the other’s thoughts and feelings. Both are cautious in love however, taking their time observing the other in life situations. Being Earth signs, they both seek stability and that naturally grows from being together day-to-day.

Taurus and Libra Compatibility: Both Taurus and Libra are ruled by the love planet Venus. Venusians tend to share a love of material excess and sensual indulgence - which can make for lots of fun activities.

Taurus and Scorpio Compatibility: Taurus and Scorpio aren’t half attracted to each other! This magnetic spark draws Taurus and Scorpio together all of the time, and it’s not hard to see why. Taurus in love is tactile, loyal and looking for an endless love. Scorpio in love is enveloping, jealous and fiercely protective. They share a mutual understanding of what that reserve and seriousness are about. Through sensual pleasure and intense times, they gain entrance into the others’ private world and they can’t get enough.

Taurus and Sagittarius: Taurus and Sagittarius may be compatible in the bedroom, but they don’t always make the best couple. Sagittarius can overlook Taurus’s pride and joy in creating a comfortable home for the both of them, but can feel fenced in by the Taurean devotion to tradition. Taurus may get irritated with Sagittarius’s constant need for change, variety, adventure, and new experiences.

Taurus and Capricorn: Taurus and Capricorn share a mutual need for security and stability, and Capricorn’s natural drive to succeed and make money makes them a perfect match for security-loving Taurus. Capricorns are also romantics deep down and naturally appeal to Taurus’s sensitive, passionate nature. Both are interested in forming successful long-term relationships that stand the test of time, and are usually what great love stories are made of.

Taurus and Aquarius: Taurus and Aquarius don’t tend to make the best matches. Aquarius’s careless, detached attitude toward many aspects of life (relationships included) has a tendency to rub security-loving, sensitive Taurus the wrong way. Often, Aquarius finds Taurus too needy and clingy, while Taurus finds Aquarius far too cold and flighty.

Taurus and Pisces: Taurus and Pisces go together in all the best ways. Both Taurus and Pisces are great lovers of peace, beauty, art, and music, and together are capable of building a wonderful, harmonious relationship that is full of everything they both want out of life.  

Taurus and Taurus: A Taurus-Taurus pairing can go either way. On the one hand, they both share a strong desire to make money, achieve security, and maintain a peaceful environment for them both to enjoy. However, their lack of interest in going out can make it difficult to keep things interesting and both can struggle with romantic fulfillment if they don’t make an active effort to meet each other’s needs. 

Is your Taurus partner your soulmate? Are you a Taurus and wondering how to strengthen your relationship with your Capricorn, Scorpio or Libra partner? Our telephone psychic readings can provide the answers, and our psychic readers are only too happy to help. Enjoy psychic phone readings today by calling us on 09057897752 (calls cost 80p per minute plus your network access charge) or on 01618640152. What does your Zodiac sign have to say about your relationship?

Who Should Taurus Marry?

Taurus men and Taurus women are not only adorable in love, but they make fantastic husbands and wives. Though at times they can be stubborn like the bull and will stomp their feet every once in a while, Taureans are genuinely kind, patient, and gentle souls who appreciate and want nothing more than marriage, family, a place to call their own, and all the other aspects of a comfortable and stable lifestyle.

The bull at times can be quite beautiful, and at others - a real beast. A Taurus needs to find a partner that can challenge them, put their foot down when they need to, but more importantly understand the complexities of the Taurus personality, and be open-minded and forgiving. A bull can’t always help its behaviour, but if he or she truly loves you, they will at least try.

Loyal, dependable and loving, a Taurus should marry someone who returns their love wholeheartedly and appreciates the thoughtfulness and devotion that Taurus embodies. They don’t have to be perfect, but Taurus knows a thing or two about imperfections, and how they aren’t necessarily such a bad thing.

How To Attract A Taurus Man or Taurus Woman

Has a Taurus man or Taurus woman caught your eye? No surprise there - these gorgeous creatures know how to grab attention and their intelligence can be quite captivating. First and foremost, to attract a Taurus man or Taurus woman, it’s important that you’re authentic, real and proud of who you are. Even if there are personality traits that you’re not exactly happy with, a real Taurus would rather you be honest, open and let them see the real you, rather than deal with surprises later down the road.

Taurus men and Taurus women love the finer things in life, so treating them to a day of luxury can put you in their good books. Heard about a new restaurant in town that’s got quite the celebrity following? Know any spas that are perfect for couples? Book something you know that a Taurus will truly enjoy, because then they’ll associate that enjoyment with you. Fine wine. Good food. Leisure time. With this, you can't go wrong.

Most importantly, be patient. A Taurus is very cautious when it comes to matters of the heart, so make sure that you're prepared for how long it will take them to put a label on your relationship. Don’t rush them, and you’ll find that they are worth the wait.

Taurus Astrology Report

To gain a better understanding of the Taurus personality, Taurus star sign and who you are destined to be, then a Taurus astrology report could hold the key. An astrology report doesn’t just take your Taurus star sign at face value, instead, it leaves room for variations based on your free will, personal growth and the experiences that encompass your lifetime.

An astrology report can include a natal report, - based on your individual characteristics, strengths and weaknesses - a compatibility report which looks at the attachments between two people, and a forecast report which looks at where the planets are today and how their position could be impacting you, and your destiny. Using this information, a Taurus can learn more about who they are, why they are the way they are, and how they can use their strengths to their advantage.

Your astrology report can offer great insight into your life as you know it, and reveal hidden secrets that may make you question your very existence. If you’d like an astrology report by a trusted psychic reader, then we encourage you to get in touch with one of ours today on 09057897752 (calls cost 80p per minute plus your network access charge) or on 01618640152.

Get In Touch

As a Taurus, you are intelligent, analytical and take pleasure in the finer things in life, but there is a lot to learn about your life path and what the future holds for you. Whether you’re wondering about your compatibility with other star signs or you’d like to discover more about the Taurus personality, here at Psychic Sofa, we can help. For telephone psychic readings you can trust, please call us today on 09057897752 (calls cost 80p per minute plus your network access charge) or on 01618640152. Our trusted psychic readings will provide you with insight and advice, and guide you on the path to happiness.

For your daily horoscope, weekly horoscope and monthly horoscope, please return to the top of this page. What will your Zodiac sign say about you?

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