Spiritual Articles

Common Psychic Terminology Explained!

Struggling to understand some of the words and terminology used by Psyhics? We exaplain the meaning of commonly used psychic medium terminology. ...

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8 Love Secrets

The hearts and flowers of Valentine's Day add spice to this time of year. But once the day of romance is over, don't think you can stop making an effort! Your relationship needs nurturing all year round. ...

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10 Ways to tell if your date is your Soulmate!

Take some of the stain out of dating with our guide to spotting a soulmate connection on the very first date. So you can avoid those dating disasters and instead make a beeline for your happy ever after! ...

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7 Ways to a Spiritual Spring

You can use the inspiration and power of this fresh-start season to clean and clear out areas of your life, making room for new energy to propel you forward to greater successes. ...

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5 Steps To Enjoying The Best Valentine's Day Ever

Whether you're already happily loved up, content being single, or searching for your true love, 14 February is the one day in the year when love becomes the primary focus. ...

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Fables of the British Isles

Everyone loves an entertaining tale - and traditional folklore stories are some of the best. British fables are rich with echoes of the country's Pagan past, from a time when monsters, fairies and ancient gods roamed the land. ...

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8 Simple Ways To A Spiritual New Year!

While it's easy to make the same old new year resolutions every January, it's even easier to forget all about your good intentions by February! Instead of pledging to exercise more and drink less, try adding a sprinkling of spirituality to your life! ...

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9 Ways to Judgement Detox

Judging others can often be a way of coping with our own insecurities - Learn to let go of toxic thought processes. ...

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How To Have The Life You Want Now

The New Year is just around the corner - But don't wait another day to make positive changes in your life! ...

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You Are Important!

One of the best things about being human is that you have free will. Every new day is a fresh chance to change your path in life. So make today the day you begin to change your views and opinions on equality and what it means to you. ...

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21 Affirmations to improve your life

Imagine improving almost every aspect of your life just by saying a simple phrase. Well, the good news is you can do just that by using positive affirmations. ...

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Are You Limiting Your Happiness?

Thoughts are powerful things that can have a positive or negative impact on the quality of your life. If you fall into the habit of thinking pessimistically about everything, you simply attract more of the same into your reality. ...

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