Dream Interpretation

Do you have a repetitive dream that you’d love to learn more about? A dream interpretation reading can do just this. Explore the hidden messages within your dreams and decipher any codes and symbols that pop up regularly for you by starting a spiritual journey with Psychic Sofa. Browse the psychics that specialise in dream interpretation today and delve into a psychic reading that might just be able to answer your dream-related questions and so much more.

Reader profile image for SaiReet PIN: 4713
My name is SaiReet and I am an experienced tarot card reader ,Tarot is an ancient form of guidance, and is useful for everyone. If you are looking for guidance in your life, or have a decisi...
Reader profile image for Matthew J PIN: 6003
I am Clairvoyant and read the Tarot cards intuitively; I combine both my Tarot expertise and my spirit guide in readings. I have been reading for clients for many years, and work full time as a Profes...
Reader profile image for Amber PIN: 4552
Hi all, I'm Amber, I have been reading and learning about tarot since I was 13 years old for myself and others! It always fascinates me how much the cards can pick up on your situation and what is...
Reader profile image for Caterine PIN: 4534
I have some of 30 years experience in offering precise psychic readings. I have a large client return rate as I offer a personal and individual reading tailored around my clients immediate needs. Clai...
Reader profile image for Charlie King PIN: 4462
Charlie King
Hello! I'm Charlie, your gateway to the unseen world. With my unique blend of psychic abilities, I offer you a journey into the extraordinary. Here's what I bring to the table: • Clairvoyance: I can...
Reader profile image for Acacia PIN: 4441
Hi, I’m Acacia. I've been working with and for the Divine True Light for over 30 years. I feel the emotion, vibration of others and what is around. I am an empathic, intuitive, psy...
Reader profile image for Adelinda PIN: 4557
For over 23 years I have been an intuitive Tarot card reader, counsellor, life coach and spiritual mentor. This is now my full time life path. During that time I obtained my bachelors degree in Counse...
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Dream Interpretation Readings

The realm of sleep is the place where the veil between our two worlds, the living and the great beyond, is the thinnest. That’s what makes our dreams so precious, as messages from loved ones, spirit guides and angels often come and reveal secret signs.

Repetitive dreams or incredibly lucid periods of sleep can let us know that spirit wants to communicate with us, especially as our psychic selves can ‘astral project’ when we drift off at night. Some mediums believe that although our bodies stay on the physical plane, tucked up in bed, our souls can travel beyond to another vibrational field - sometimes known as the 4th dimension.

Here, our higher selves may be learning things or taking on messages that our waking selves have yet to process, which is where a dream interpretation reading can work wonders.

At Psychic Sofa, a dream reading can help you understand what’s going on when you go to sleep. Our mediums know how to make sense of the symbols that pop up in frequent dreams, helping you crack the codes and unlock the wisdom that angels and spirits are leaving in sleep.

Get a psychic reading today and find out just what your dream-related questions can be answered by a psychic expert who specialises in this kind of special interpretation. Sweet dreams, indeed!

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