Mediumship, Psychic, Clairvoyant, Aura Reader, Oracle Card Reader , Reiki Master

Reader Methods
About Pauline
Thanks for taking an interest in my profile. I come from a line of Spiritual Ancestors on my mother’s line which extends back three generations to Lithuanian Romanies. My Grandmother and mum read Tea Leaves and they also used plants holistically to help the community guess it’s no surprise that I accepted my Gift as being...well...just part of me! And I still do! I can’t imagine not being able to work as a Medium/ Psychic and bring wonderful accurate evidence which leaves my clients in no doubt as to the eternal existence of our energies. It is really the most uplifting experience for both my client and me for which I will be eternally grateful. I am an open and honest but caring and supportive reader, always bringing vibrancy and upliftment to my client. I want my client to feel that a real connection has been made and that they are important to me, I will aim to ask spirit for evidence and guidance to help my client make their own choices. All I ask each Client for is a positive connection and their trust in me as a Medium as we embark on our journey of unfoldment. This will send a positive invitation to the Spirit world signalling that we welcome all the guidance they wish to bring forward.
What do you like most about giving readings to clients?
I like being there to help Clients through some of their most difficult times. And through the evidence I provide them, reassure clients that they are not alone. I love hearing their voice lighten and knowing that by the time our conversation is over they feel better than they did when we first spoke. My gifts are for sharing, for healing heavy hearts, easing troubled minds, and for making life a little nicer!
How would you say you are typical of your star sign?
I was born on the cusp of Gemini/Cancer which is otherwise known as "The Magical Cusp”, I am therefore blessed with the strength and insight of two signs. This means I am versatile and can adapt to the varied needs of others. It is also part of the reason that I am highly intuitive which means that I am more open and easily connect with Spirit. I am natural healer with words, an understanding listener and comforter. All these attributes make me a good Medium and Holistic Practitioner as well as being inspirational to others. I love family and really value my friends. I also like time alone, as I'm a bit of a free spirit so being outdoors is a nice way to pass time, equally I like to be around my home, making cakes and just busying about making it a nice cosy place to be in. So yes, I would say I am true to my star signs.
When do you remember being first aware of your gift?
I don’t ever recall a time when I was not aware of my gift, it really is part of who I am. As a child my awareness sprang forward as multiple Deja vu moments, as a teenager I would often have dreams in which i would visualise events before they would occur. I would read cards for my friends and often I would just have a knowing about a person’s wellbeing. As i journeyed through life, people often commented that "they felt better just being around me" I guess they were sensing my natural healing energies. My first experience of really 'seeing' Spirit happened when my Dad passed, I saw him that evening and since then my Mediumship, Psychic abilities and Clairvoyance have really taken off. I feel in awe of my abilities and never take them for granted, it’s fair to say I am truly thankful for the gifts bestowed on me and the positive impact that they have on others.
What is your most memorable experience with a client?
Each reading or sitting with a client is memorable, each connection is unique and the most wonderful experience as we are immersed and guided by the energy of our loved ones in Spirit, its truly amazing! Examples of a reading include that of the Client who recently contacted me, her dads energy came through immediately with messages of love and guidance to his daughter. He described his funeral with details of the service. He shared his personality traits, allowed me to describe his passing, describe his wife. I also shared information of his last gift to his granddaughters which were little music boxes. I could hear the music. He detailed his favourite tipple, also mentioned a family feud, he even shared evidence of family outing in his daughter’s childhood which brought some laughter to her. At the end of the reading the woman then told me her dad had just passed a few days before and that his funeral was the day after her reading! She was blown away by the details she received and of course I was also left feeling so thankful I could ease her heavy heart,
What other experiences or qualifications do you have that you feel compliment your work as a reader?
Firstly, I would shout out Life! The University of Life has taught me most, my path has had many trials and tribulations! Its not been an easy journey but I am still standing and there is no doubt that I am deeply enriched by every experience I had. Even the darkest ones have had positive effects on me, and gladly made me into the person I am now. I’m well balanced, non-judgemental, and truly always try and work from that loving, caring place within me. I have worked in healthcare for the bulk of my life, laterally, I supported people in the saddest times of their life as a Celebrant, that was a huge honour and one that was deeply enriching, a role pulled on all my life experiences including my ability to provide healing energy in my spoken words and my presence. I’ve worked in a voluntary capacity counselling women in a variety of ways. My Spiritual journey has led me to become an established Medium and energy worker, I am a Regression Therapist as well as a Tera Mai Reiki and Secheim Master.
What is the most important thing for a person to consider when they decide to have a psychic reading?
To approach any reading with a completely open mind as this strengthens any link that is made. Its okay to ask questions. Don't worry about receiving any bad news as your loved ones or my guides would never wish to make you fearful or unhappy, the whole purpose of any spiritual contact is to bring comfort, guidance, reassurance and upliftment. The most important advice to Clients...is to enjoy your reading!
Pauline's Availability
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What our customers say about Pauline
P.S. You were right about the 21st of March. Didn't take long after our call xxxxxxx 🌻
- G
22nd March 2024
Pauline is an amazing medium, bringing through both my grans. Had to start work otherwise I would have been on the phone for ages as she is so good. Give her a call, you won’t be disappointed. Tracy xx
- Tracy
21st March 2024
Lovely to connect with you today, Pauline. You connected beautifully and gave me loads of accurate validations, so I hope what's to come won't take too long 🙏🏼 Thank you for connecting me with happy and relaxed little bro, it really means a lot, especially as he says the same to me directly, so it's extra confirmation. I truly appreciate you and what you do. Much Love xxxxxxx 🌻💛☀️
- G
21st March 2024
wow! amazing, one of the best readings i have had!! thank you Pauline so much, beautiful inside and out, Amazing fast accutare validations, Pauline is a very gifted kind amazing medium, very in tune with spirit, she going to be busy everytime she logs on, but keep trying, well worth the wait, lots and lots of love xxxx
- julie
20th March 2024
20th March 24 - I have the most beautiful, powerful reading with this lovely lady, I never cry in a reading but the connection was so strong I wept throughout, tears of joy at hearing the truth she was bringing through to me, it was very healing for me as well as filled me with hope for the future. Thank you so much Pauline for the beautiful reading, it touched me deeply. Hope to speak again Sam xxx ps apologies for all the crying! Xx
- Anon
20th March 2024
Brilliant reader, picked up my situation, and brought my family forward. Thank you
- P
22nd January 2024