Tarot, Lenormand, Charms

Reader Methods
About Sabrina
I am a tarot reader of over 17 years, a Lenormand reader and charm caster for 5. My first ever tarot cards were gifted to me by my mum when I was 12. She had probably got bored of them and let me keep them. For those of you who remember Russell Grant, it was his Astro pack that I ended up acquiring. I was fascinated by the cards and from there my tarot fascination stayed with me on and off for years. Years after being gifted my first deck, I made a new friend who I soon discovered also loved tarot as much as I did. This is when I began my deep study and I had also come to learn of courses and online classes to develop my knowledge and skills further. My friend and I met frequently during the week and spent up to two hours doing readings and other study. I've since gone on to do readings for friends and family, clients through Facebook and other social media channels.
What do you like most about giving readings to clients?
Meeting people from all walks of life! Honestly, for me I'm most interested in the story the cards tell and how this relates to the client. The cards provide clues to the client’s life and what might be on their mind in terms of love, career and spirituality. When clients have that 'aha' moment and tell you they know what is being picked up on is a very rewarding confirmation. Often clients come to you in times of feeling lost and in need of guidance, I'm just happy to have been chosen to help them navigate life and 'adulting' in general. When they find that clarity and you can see how empowered they are with the knowledge they've gained is the best feeling.
How would you say you are typical of your star sign?
As a Gemini, I get bored very easily. I'm very chatty and sociable (sometimes too chatty). I immerse myself in topics of interest, probably far too intensely, and soon end up losing interest - I frustrate myself sometimes! On the upside, work and personal life are not separate for me. My work needs to fit into my way of living and due to this, I've avoided feeling stuck in a job. I've always had faith in the unknown and take risks that usually pay off. I'm quite naturally lucky and have enjoyed many different 'careers' as a result.
When do you remember being first aware of your gift?
I would say by the age of 11 I knew that I was having experiences that were not common to everyone. My dreams often told me the future, or I would learn things in my dreams that I didn't know in my waking life. As a child, I was also able to astral travel- I just didn't know at the time what this was.
What is your most memorable experience with a client?
My most memorable moment was the briefest encounter I had. I was in Selfridges taking a family friend from Australia shopping. We stopped off in one of their restaurants to get a bite to eat. After our meal, my friend asked me to do a reading for her, so I pulled out my Lenormand cards as this is all I had on me at the time. I began her reading and the waiter walked over to take away our plates. He noticed the cards but didn't seem phased. After I finished my friends reading, the waiter returned with our bill and asked if I was doing a reading earlier to which I said yes. He asked if I could do a reading for him- he was still on shift and he asked it to be quick. I obliged and asked him what his question was, and I pulled his cards. I quickly summarised his reading for him, and he confirmed everything in my reading and left us beaming. Because of my reading, which was about his job, he decided to leave his current employment which my cards showed was a pretty toxic environment.
What other experiences or qualifications do you have that you feel compliment your work as a reader?
As a Gemini, I have a natural interest in psychology and personality types. My study in these areas, I believe, enhances my readings.
What is the most important thing for a person to consider when they decide to have a psychic reading?
The most important thing to consider is by far, what they want to know. The more specific the persons question, the better reading they will have. Although it's possible to carry out general readings, for some systems of divination (like Lenormand) you can only ask a very specific question. Another thing to consider is remaining open to the experience and not closed off. If a person is not willing to share information, their reading can be all over the place. As someone who reads cards intuitively, I ask questions in order to confirm what I'm seeing/reading and confirmation from the client helps me to continue reading in the right direction.
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