
Psychic Medium - Tarot cards, Angel cards, Unicorn readings, Scrying, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient, Clairsentient, Spirit Guide, Crystal Ball, Oracle Cards, Runes,

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About Deborah-Rose

What do you like most about giving readings to clients?

To help them through their troubles, happiness and life events. To show them what they are up against to help them through it all. To guide them and never to judge. I love people, and I can help heal, and help to teach them to help themselves.

How are you typical of your star sign?

To be honest star signs are Astrological readings and very different to a Psychic reading. People are not always typical of their star sign. In some ways I am but not in all. You have to look at time of births etc. to get any accurate readings through a star sign. I am a Psychic reader which is very different.

When did you first become aware of your gift?

I was aware as a very small child. I have gypsy blood in me, born with the gift, Romany going back generations. I never choose to be a psychic, I was born one. It is a gift and a gift that I embraced to help others. I believe I was chosen and born with this gift that I never turned my back on it. I dedicate my life to helping others.

What is your most memorable experience with a client?

I have many memorable experiences. Everyone is special and in its own way individual, and I treat each one the same no matter how big or small the issue. I have helped many people with horrific experiences and I'm proud to have been able to help them understand and accept their path in life. All readings are confidential to me.

What other experiences or qualifications do you have that you feel compliment your work as a reader?

I am a medium, working with people who have passed over, all mediums are psychics, but not all psychics are mediums. I am a natural healer and work vey close with Angels and unicorns. I understand people and energies. I am a natural listener and healer.

What is the most important thing for a person to consider when they decide to have a psychic reading?

To me it is that need to be ready to hear the truth, not what they want to hear. I never judge anyone or any situation, I listen, and am an honest lady. I give my readings with honesty, and have many years experience of working in this field.

Deborah-Rose's Availability

This reader has not entered any dates for this week.

What our customers say about Deborah-Rose

I'd agree with the other testimonials about Deborah Rose's voice. She has a lovely, sweet and bubbly one indeed! I thought she was a lovely, empathetic reader, who has an uplifting energy and she helped me to feel that by being truthful to myself and doing what I want to do is not selfish at all. Plus it turns out we live in the same region which helped to enhance the reading further since I was discussing a possible move! Thank you Deborah Rose, god bless, B.


14th March 2014

I'm afraid I do have to leave another testimonial for this lady- what a gorgeous voice: It's a little like champagne- bubbly, sparkly and so bright! I am very curious about different readers and have tried many, but I now only stick to two or three. Recently, I've been going through a slightly rough time connected with a twin soul connection, and these can be quite emotional and very intense. It's been quite a time of soul searching, and it takes a reader with real depth and understanding to be able to support you through that. I think I have rung Deborah Rose every single night this past week, and she has been so comforting and supportive, and provided so much healing! I always worry that she may tire of hearing from me, but not once has she judged me. She is accurate, concise, and can see deeply. I am not one to go to readers who are vague or general, and I'm quite picky. I'm pretty sure I've found my reader in Deborah Rose. I do feel that a good reader should be able to provide you with empathy and clarity, but more importantly the self belief and confidence to trust your own intuition, without having to rely on them. Since this is you, dear, I'd like to say a huge thank you for the past week or so, for your love, wisdom, and insight. I'll be be back in a month to let you know how things are going! Sending lots of hugs <3


27th February 2014

This lady is fabulous!! She tuned into my situation so quickly and I felt so much better as I spoke to her. You will not be disappointed, without a doubt, she is very gifted and non-judgmental.


27th February 2014

Deborah Rose is an absolute beauty, and I have become very loyal to her within just a few weeks. I find that when I call for a psychic reading, I'm usually after honesty and guidance, but also really a validation of what my intuition is telling me. Deborah Rose offers all of this. She has such a soothing, healing voice, but what I find so impressive, is that she tunes in instantly to what is happening in your life. I've had many readings on this site and it's almost as though I feel she is what a psychic is supposed to be. No need for questions on her part, she just tells you what she is seeing, and she delivers it in a beautiful manner. As an intuitive empath, just seeing her name makes my heart well up with all this love, because she is such a beautiful soul! Truly, she has floored me a couple of times with her accuracy, and I actually remember breathing a sigh of relief the first time I spoke to her, because I realised I didn't have to brace myself for a vague/off the mark reading. Thank you my darling, for your readings so far and your constant sweetness. Love you!


18th February 2014

I phoned Deborah-Rose yesterday for a reading as I was drawn to her by her profile and could sense before even speaking to her that she is an extremely empathic person. I was so right, not only was she spot on with her validations and tuned in instantly, but the compassion and understanding that she showed me was exactly what I needed in that moment. She is truly a genuine psychic with a very special gift and doing her work for all the right reasons. She helped me so much in reassuring me that I'm on the right track and I absolutely trust her on this. I had to ring her back a few times to extend my reading because talking to her was so helpful. Deborah-Rose, I wrote the email and sent it with love and let's see what happens. Thank you so much, you have no idea what a difference to my day you made. I will obviously have to come back to you and keep you posted with any developments :) E xx


13th January 2014

I've had plenty of readings throughout the years, but I have to say that Deborah-Rose was the best and I now speak to her when I need advice and guidance. She is always honest with her readings. I don't always hear what I want, but she is truthful, kind, caring and always gives the best advice to deal with my situation. She truly is an angel.


8th January 2014

Fantastic!!! The best reading I have had, and I have had a lot :-)


12th November 2013

Had the most fantastic reading with Deborah Rose. She tuned in straight away during the reading and described the man in my life to a tee. So accurate about my situation, she gave me goosebumps. I've had loads of readings from psychics on this site and Deborah Rose is by far the best. xx Love her.


5th November 2013

Thank you Deborah Rose for your reading today. It really cheered me up. I know that life will be changing soon for the better. An intuitive and compassionate reader. I recommend this empathetic and lovely lady. Love and light, M x


21st October 2013

Fantastic reader and picked up the situation without asking questions. Lovely reader, who has empathy. I will be back.


18th October 2013

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