
clairvoyant medium, intuitive and tarot reader

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About Lisa

I have been a psychic medium for about 10 years. I became a reiki healer 3 years ago and this has helped me develop and grow with my unique gifts. I am also a natural healer and I work with my guides, angels and galactic beings, having had many amazing experiences. I am very sensitive and have worked with energies since I was a small child without realising it. I have always been aware that I can remote view. I work with voice vibrations and energy. I like questions when doing a reading. I believe working this way helps, clients get the best out of their reading. I am divinely guided and believe over the years spirit has brought the right people to me to either have a reading or healing. when reading for clients I get joy from helping them to gain insight into their lives in order to move forward with confidence.

What do you like most about giving readings to clients?

Sharing hope, supporting clients in challenging times and helping them to power through difficulties. I assist by giving insight, clarity and reassurance.

How would you say you are typical of your star sign?

I am a typical cancer sign. I am caring, sensitive, loving and genuine person. home and family are very important to me. I am very loyal and always fight for the underdog. I encourage others to reach their full potential.

When do you remember being first aware of your gift?

I have always been psychic from a young child. however didn't become fully aware of my gift till I was 15 years old. spirit has always divinely guided me. I have often been placed in right place to help others, to give messages or healing.

What is your most memorable experience with a client?

I have had lots of memorable experiences over the years. Although the one that stands out the most, is when I read for a lady at work. I gave her a message from a young man in spirit who said he was her sons best friend, he stated he passed with heart problems and wanted to let them know he was ok. The lady said no you are wrong this young man is very much alive. The next day the lady received a phone call from her sons best friends mum asking to speak to her son. It was a call to inform him that his friend had died suddently the day before. This lady rang me immediately to tell me. she stated what's the chances that she would been having a reading with a psychic medium and the young man had come through to say he was ok. This made the lady really believe in life after death.

What other experiences or qualifications do you have that you feel compliment your work as a reader?

I'm a natural empath and listener. I care deeply and I am non judgemental. I am a reiki healer and I often feel healing is either facilitated via touch or via healing with words. I used to be a nurse and have a good understanding of people. I am able to listen and also have good communication skills.

What is the most important thing for a person to consider when they decide to have a psychic reading?

I think the most important thing is to follow your gut when choosing the reader and to just relax and enjoy.

Lisa's Availability

This reader has not entered any dates for this week.

What our customers say about Lisa

Lisa is the best on here. I have had many readings over the years and I can finally say I found a psychic I can trust that can also predict accurate dates. Thank you xx

- Anon

19th July 2024

Thank you so much Lisa for amazing reading spot on with dates regarding my grandsons getting house predictions are spot on with Lisa regarding everything with what she predicts. Love and Light and many blessings. Mary.xx

- Mary

13th July 2024

I put my house on the market and expected it to sell quickly. Lisa told me in Feb it would sell in June to people with rich parents. It did. AC

- Anon

5th July 2024

Thank you again Lisa...your prediction about work happen you were right about the year group about me working with a little boy... everything you said happened...I thank you from the bottom of my heart as always...lots of love kym from Gloucester...plz send me your healing I appreciate what you do for me god bless you xx

- Kim

28th June 2024

Predicted I was going into a new 3 year cycle. I would be looking at relationships and making sure I was doing what is right for me instead of people pleasing.. coming into an empress phase and moving forward in the next 4 months with love interests..btwn now and Oct.

- Sez

19th June 2024

Lisa is the most consistently accurate psychic here, and she will always give you the truth but with respect. Also her predictions happen. Over a few months ago Lisa predicted I would go away when I had nothing booked - this happened in the month predicted. Lisa in the same reading also predicted I would travel to Europe connected with my work January next year which seemed so unlikely at the time, and again it happened as now have a months whole work scheduled for January next year. Lisa has an unbelievable gift!

- Carwyn

18th June 2024

Excellent with dates and predictions many, have come to fruition. Not, many questions fishing for information, as with many others on here. A mix of tarot and clairvoyance, lovely lady.

- D

17th June 2024

I had an incredible experience with Lisa. She was remarkably positive and her predictions were spot on! Lisa's insights were not only accurate but also delivered with warmth and understanding. She helped me gain clarity on several important aspects of my life, and her guidance has been truly invaluable. I highly recommend Lisa for anyone seeking a genuine and uplifting psychic reading

- Anya

9th June 2024

Thankyou Lisa, you have given me much needed clarity during a very complex time and validated a lot of things I instinctively knew, I can’t thankyou enough.

- Trish

9th June 2024

Love Lisa all her predictions come true had work issues -thank god for Lisa because she guided me through a lot of complications !!!! Which are now over !! Thanks so much ! LOVE u legend x

- Bianca

9th June 2024

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