Tarot, Pendulum, Clairsentient. Clairaudient

Reader Methods
About Bella
I have always been interested and been involved with spirit for many years, and over time realised and developed my natural ability as a reader. The clarity of being a reader of the tarot has helped my life in so many ways and also developed my senses to enable me to trust in myself as being Clairaudient and Clairsentient.
What do you like most about giving readings to clients?
I am a people person in my own right and enjoy chatting and talking with people in general, so it is a natural instinct to share my readings with clients. I want to share my skill as a tarot reader and to help clients with situations and issues that happen to everyone in their everyday lives and to find positive outcomes that are always there but sometimes cannot see yourself.
How would you say you are typical of your star sign?
Harmony and balance, and fairness for everyone and everything in life.
When do you remember being first aware of your gift?
Gosh, I have always been aware of my gift from being very young, going to spiritual meetings with my dad, I just loved to listen to the medium speaking and the messages that were given to people, And to see the joy and pleasure on their faces when they were given those messages. As I got older I started to study the tarot as I like to use a tool for my spiritual work, I also use the pendulum, which again is a brilliant too for me to work with. I have also done many Physic workshops and been a part of a development circle (locally), where shared experiences taught us all so much.
What is your most memorable experience with a client?
There are many, as I find that when I have spoken with a client and have helped them to see the way forward, which was always there, but in times of stress/ negativity one cannot always see. One lady was very distressed about her daughter not being able to get a job, and she was really struggling and getting stressed, I assured her that her daughter would be offered a position she had already been turned down for, the lady rang specially to speak with me 2 weeks later and yes the job was re offered to her daughter. One lovely lady who lived in Rome but travelled a lot to London with work, has a boyfriend in London, who didn’t seem to want to commit to her, but just seemed to be enjoying her company when she was in London. I explained to her what the cards were saying and which was the best way forward, we talked for many weeks on a regular basis and the outcome was, yes! He was the right man for her, he was enjoying the non-commitment, but realised he might lose her and hey presto, last reading we had together was they were seeing more and more of each other and things were heading in the right direction. I have many memorable experiences from doing readings.
What other experiences or qualifications do you have that you feel compliment your work as a reader?
I have always worked with people and enjoy speaking with people. My work life has always been in HR, which led me many times to discussion which felt like I was a Counsellor in guiding people along the right path. I treat everyone with respect and listen to what they have to say. I am very good at giving advice, but do not enforce it. Much of my working life has been that of a mentor to people who just needed that little extra boost in life.
What is the most important thing for a person to consider when they decide to have a psychic reading?
Getting answers to questions about things that are on their mind or troubling them, someone who listens to them and also shows / empathy.
Bella's Availability
This reader has not entered any dates for this week.
What our customers say about Bella
Very good and accurate! Definitely worth a try
- Anon
18th December 2022