Lavender May
Crystal Reiki Healer/Psychic Tarot guidence/intuitive insight

Reader Methods
About Lavender May
I first became a Reiki Healer twelve years ago now. It was during one of my first ever sessions when I wasn’t particularly experienced that during the reiki session I got a message in my ear...At first I ignored this but it was very persistent. I was quite clearly being given a name ANDREW I had no idea what this meant but I felt very strongly it was in connection to my client. I asked her gently if she would like to receive a message I was getting from somewhere and she nodded! I told her I was getting the name Andrew and if it meant anything to her. She nodded again. I remember my heart beating faster as I was given more information... An age and that he was her brother... It all turned out to be true and very sadly she’d lost her brother when he was just 18. It was a very powerful experience and gave my client such comfort. It was then I realised I was somehow communicating with Spirit. After this it started to happen more and more and I eventually went on a course to work with Tarot and also Palmistry... My main tool is Tarot now and once I start to pick cards my intuition begins to flow. I’m absolutely convinced there is a life beyond ours on earth and time and time again i have experienced evidence of this in ways I couldn’t make up! I now do one to one readings as well as reiki and am constantly astounded by what my intuition can provide!
What do you like most about giving readings to clients?
I love connecting with people and being an ear for them. I used to be a carer myself, looking after elderly people and I also have a child with special needs so I’m used to caring. Having a painful back condition myself has meant I had to give up care work and giving readings is another way that I’m able to help others. I am helped by Spirit to help other people! Being able to offer someone some insight and maybe a different way of looking at a situation with intuitive advice and ideas can help people to gain clarity and peace of mind and this gives me great pleasure.
How would you say you are typical of your star sign?
I’m a Taurus so I would say I am solid and loyal and not a fan of change! So in those ways I am fairly typical but I am also very spontaneous, A little bit scatty and crazy at times which perhaps isn’t so typical of a Taurean. I certainly like my home comforts though and enjoy good food, socialising and great friendships. I also feel I’m a real "Earth Mother"
When do you remember being first aware of your gift?
I am not one of these people that had strange experiences as a child but I did always get the feeling I wasn’t entirely alone. I was a bit of a wild teenager and never really stopping to think so it wasn’t really until my early twenties I noticed I was getting very strong "feelings" about things that often turned out to be true. After my beloved Granny died I got what I now know...is a dream visitation from her where I went downstairs and saw her sitting on the living room chair in my parents house. I stroked her hair and she said goodbye to me. It never happened again with Granny but since then I have lost a beloved Auntie and more recently both of my parents. All have visited me through my dreams particularly my Dad with messages I’ve taken into my life. My friends used to say to me "omg you’re SO psychic!" As I would describe a situation to them in detail that I couldn’t possibly have known. I went to a spiritual church not long after id become a mum and was told I had "a gift" I did readings there with accuracy and over the years my intuition seems to have got stronger and stronger
What is your most memorable experience with a client?
The one I mentioned at the beginning was pretty memorable! But fairly recently a lady came to see me for a reading. She was pretty closed up and was difficult to connect with. I picked some cards and after a little while I picked up that she had lost her mother a fee years ago. I was being shown the letter M .. It was really strange because she confirmed all this to be true but she volunteered the information that there was an O In her mothers name. Well by this time I had been given the name MARY.. So my logical brain was screaming "That’s not got an O in it!! It can’t be Mary" I hesitated and then thought sod it I’m being given information I need to use it so I said "I’m being shown the name Mary but I’m so sorry if it’s wrong as it’s not got an O in it" My client gasped and said "No your right my mum was MARY! Her second name had an O in it! It was a lovely moment and also taught me to TRUST your messages!!
What other experiences or qualifications do you have that you feel compliment your work as a reader?
I have done a short counselling course I am qualified in Reiki Master I have done a diploma in Tarot Reading and also Palmistry. I also work with Crystal healing I love helping people and listening to them
What is the most important thing for a person to consider when they decide to have a psychic reading?
It’s very important for the person to relax with me and be prepared to connect. Connecting instantly to someones energy on the telephone isn’t easy and will take a few minutes. This will need communication between person and myself. Some relaxed breathing and a calm atmosphere. If the person calling can make sure they are in a quiet space where they won’t be disturbed and to have any questions that they would like answering ready. And any areas of their life that they would particularly like me to look at.
Lavender May's Availability
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What our customers say about Lavender May
The nicest lady and most detailed reading ever i highly recommend booking a reading i even extended il 100% call back thank you
- Jodie
7th February 2020
Lavender is a lovely lady, very accurate in her reading and amazing in the details she gives. She told me my mother's name and the name of the river where my home town is situated. Thank you so much x
- L
15th January 2020