Tarot Clairsentient/clairaudient

Reader Methods
About May
I'm lucky enough to be Clairaudient and Clairsentient and having this connection has looked after me time and time again. Better still, is the ability to share it. We're all lucky to live in this age where information and support can be only a click away. We're all able to learn and support each other towards a happier future. Likewise, the tarot decks on the market now: there is something there for absolutely everyone. My own choice is the Barbara Walker deck. They're a fantastic support tool and perfect for me. I have worked in this field on and off for twenty years or so and I'm delighted to be here now.
What do you like most about giving readings to clients?
I like to give an alternative perspective. We tend to see situations through our own eyes, when in reality, there are more players in the scene that have to be considered too. Relationships aren't just about love and sex, you have a relationship with all given players on your stage. I tend to be quite good at spotting red herrings and blind alleys. And fibs of course. It's amazing the constructs we can build for ourselves. 'There is none so blind as those who will not see'? Oh yes! It's really valuable when you can get people to laugh, or see a lighter side. I firmly believe that when we near our end, most of what's gone before, most of what has troubled us, we see as absolutely ridiculous. And yes, it can mean playing Devil's Advocate, but not very often.
How would you say you are typical of your star sign?
I do get crabby sometimes, when overtired. I know I do. It's valuable to me to get home and slam the door. Equally, I have a tent (and a 10 ton campbag), which is my most favourite possession(s). I know a fabulous place overlooking the sea. I probably do nurture those I care about, but it's generally with tough love. I love to cook and I love a nice (Victorian) table. I'm loyal to people I care about. I don't really keep in touch with many friends, but I have friends that know I will drop everything for should they call. I very rarely get angry, but when I do it seems to take people by amazement? I imagine I'm fairly tolerant but my patience is not bottomless. If I'm angry, something has to change - and now.
When do you remember being first aware of your gift?
That would be at school. I remember my class carrying on, just because I would worry about stuff that hadn't quite happened yet. I never understood why they couldn't see what was obvious. I never enjoyed school much. Later on, I started dating a man, ditto. I will never forget him, over a number of weeks, 'you DO read the Tarot, don't you'? It was the days before Google and I was too embarrassed to admit I didn't know what Tarot was. Then I found out and I stumbled on cards that talked. Many decks have an inherent beauty, it's hard to choose, but I was lucky. I had a friend who was a primary networker. He arranged for me to do written readings for his contacts and their contacts and the response was phenominal. I was duly encouraged.
What is your most memorable experience with a client?
It has to be the incredibly wealthy that catch me, because it's an energy that I'm not familiar with. I had a reading with a man that had had it all, in terms of fame and wealth. The energies and colours along that top line were like nothing I've ever seen. It blew my mind. But he had a zipper episode and he lost everything, because he was no longer media friendly. HIs questions were; a) When am I going to get it all back? b) How/when do I get to see my ex wife suffer/fall flat? It was a very long reading and very draining. He could not see that his angry and resentful energies were nailing him down. Also the ballerina who recommended me to an opera singer. When people express their talents fully, the energies are wonderful.
What other experiences or qualifications do you have that you feel compliment your work as a reader?
I think The Game Of Life is the only real qualification needed. Unless you understand the great realities first hand, your understanding of angst by default is 2 dimensional. People don't generally want readings when things are going well. That does happen though. We all have the ability to connect with higher energies. Some of us have greater inclination than others to do so. If this world has worked out great for you, then of course you're happy to remain tuned in to what's good. If you're more restless or inquisitive, then it's about dilligence and practice, same as any other skill. I stop and start, but I have put commitment in.
What is the most important thing for a person to consider when they decide to have a psychic reading?
Why are you calling? If you want a good reading then don't try and manipulate what's picked up and don't play games. If we're talking about people, personally, I like to work from a Christian name. If you don't want to give one that's fine. But things may take a little longer.
May's Availability
This reader has not entered any dates for this week.
What our customers say about May
Thank you May, for another heartfelt and informative reading. You have a wonderful sense of the spiritual and the practical that has helped me to better understand a relationship.
- Margaret
27th June 2023
This was my second reading with May. She is phenomenal. Her sensitivity and clarity is amazing. She was very helpful in resolving a long standing and difficult relationship. I look forward to seeing the results. M.
- Margaret
16th May 2023
Wonderful reading with May this morning. She was able to understand and see who I am without me saying much at all. I will call back with an up-date. Thank you so much for my reading May, and for your honesty xxx
- Louise
27th October 2022
Extremely honest and very very thorough
- Anon
14th September 2022
Absolutely brilliant reader. No nonsense. Saw the situation & the people & emotions involved. Described it amazingly.
- Kate
31st October 2021
Hello, can you pls indicate your log in time ? Thank you
- Petra
30th July 2021