Spirit Guides, Tarot, Angel Cards, Oracle

Reader Methods
About Rhonda
I’ve been fascinated by tarot from my early teens, buying my first deck around the age of 18/19. I’ve been doing readings for more than 20 years now and have accumulated over 70 different tarot, angel, oracle and twin flame decks! I’m an intuitive tarot reader and I’m clairaudient. I work with my spirit guides to deliver clear messages. I love evolutionary astrology and can usually be found with my head in a book or on the internet studying the latest or upcoming retrogrades and their effects on the different zodiac signs. Astrology always inspires me to learn more about myself and the events that unfold around me.
What do you like most about giving readings to clients?
I enjoy being able to help, guide and reassure the client that things aren’t always as bad as they first seem. To every problem there is a solution. I can help clients to relax, knowing they aren’t judged or criticised and there is no such thing as a stupid question, I think that it is very important to listen, answer questions and offer guidance with an honest and empathetic nature. The most rewarding feeling is being able to build up a rapport with an individual, knowing that when they come back to you for guidance, it’s because they trust you. For me it confirms I'm doing my job right and they are gaining what they need from my readings. On those occasions it is always a pleasure to see how the client has progressed from the previous one.
How would you say you are typical of your star sign?
I’m A Gemini/ Cancer Cusp, so I’d say I embody body both signs. Being a Gemini sign and a Cancer cusp can get confusing at times…We all know Gemini’s are the twins, often having two sides of them, but having cancer too, well let’s just say, I feel more like a triplet at times haha. On the Gemini side I’m chatty, friendly and curious. I have a strong intuition, but I am also a logical thinker, both of which helps when problem solving. On the Cancer side I’m rather sensitive, especially to others and tune into their energy easily. I have a very empathetic and caring nature.
When do you remember being first aware of your gift?
I’ve always had dreams and messages through songs, but I didn’t realise I was receiving valuable information and being guided until a few a years ago, when both of my parents passed away and I went through my own personal difficulties. I guess you could say that although I’ve always been drawn to tarot and I've been reading for years, I didn’t fully understand my gifts for quite some time, but when I did, everything around me made sense.
What is your most memorable experience with a client?
I believe the readings and experiences are all very personal between the client and myself. I don’t mind sharing one of my own though….At the exact moment when my dad took his last breath and passed, I had a very strong message delivered to me via Adele’s well-known song “Hello”. That moment changed my life and will stay with me forever. I’m sure my dad won’t mind me sharing that :)
What other experiences or qualifications do you have that you feel compliment your work as a reader?
I’m recently divorced after having been married for 20 years, so that’s given me valuable life lessons and experience on the relationship side of things. I’m a mum too so fully relate to those with kids who often sacrifice their own time for others. I’m really interested in evolutionary astrology, always learning more and more. I’ve studied my own birth chart and I’d love to be able to help others understand theirs too. I've had my own personal experience of the twin flame journey, which started for me 22 years ago, so I understand the struggles faced on this path and can offer valuable insight to those who need it. I also use specialist twin flame decks for those in separation, needing a message. I meditate regularly and this helps me to stay grounded clearing my energy often is something that’s become a necessity for me, especially when reading for others. I’d highly recommend meditation to anyone who struggles with stress and anxiety.
What is the most important thing for a person to consider when they decide to have a psychic reading?
I'd say it helps to know what you’re wanting to gain from the reading before chatting. Being honest and realistic about your expectations helps both the client and the reader. It is important that you understand, we all have free will, so nothing is set in stone or guaranteed. But having a reading can help you to consider things or options you may not have looked at before, or it can simply help you to gain a new perspective, clarity and confidence going forward or confirmation about something that you already know deep down in. Whatever you do, choose the reader you feel most drawn too! Go with your first instinct.
Rhonda's Availability
This reader has not entered any dates for this week.
What our customers say about Rhonda
I called Rhonda when I realised a reading I had with her back in October contained very accurate predictions, as well as deep wisdom. I feel she’s a very realistic, honest and caring reader.
- Kate
6th June 2024
thank you so much for my beautiful reading Rhonda, she is so lovely, and very fast, one of the best on sofa picks up the situation instantly, and happy to answer any questions, and instantly gets corrcts info heart of gold, very warm, lots of love xxxxx
- Anon
29th September 2023
Brilliant reader ❤️
- Allison
18th September 2023
Very good, clear, accurate, insightful
- Kate
8th March 2022
Wonderful reader. Very accurate. Highly recommended. Thank you Rhonda xx
- Allison
20th February 2022
I would highly recommend Rhonda as she was accurate (her predictions manifested) and her readings flowed. As a reader myself I recognise when a reader has a true connection with Spirit which I found with Rhonda. She is new HERE yet will SOON be VERY busy.
- Anon
6th February 2022
Thank you Rhonda for a lovely reading this evening. Rhonda was able to connect with me straight away and gave lots of validations. Rhonda is really lovely to chat with and knows about the twin flame journey. Will call again and thank you for being honest with me and the advice will help for the next couple of months. God bless xxx
- D
2nd January 2022
Lovely reader, I am so pleased I was able to speak to Rhonda tonight. She was clear, helpful and really managed to put my mind at rest. Highly recommend.
- Anon
5th December 2021
Sorry we got cut off-but Rhonda was a very clear, warm reader who tuned into my energies well & made predictions in line with other readers.
- Kate
7th November 2021