Tarot, Clairvoyant, Psychic Medium, Light worker & Empath

About Sandii
Hello and welcome! My childhood was idyllic living opposite miles of woodland yielding a carpet of bluebells and a plethora of wildlife where my natural curiosity in nature and the supernatural bloomed. Life became complicated as an independent, cheeky adolescent with my first pack of colourful tarot cards in my hands. Things took off! I experimented reading for friends with spiritual interests. Being an artist, I fell in love with the artistry of tarot cards. I went a bit manic trawling every book and curiosity shop in London, hunting for ‘tools of the trade’, rune stones, crystal balls, gemstones, tarot, oracle, and angel cards. My abilities grew over the years. As I developed, people simply 'appeared' as I trusted they would, for me or spirit to message them what they needed to know. An arrangement of the cosmos, universe, or life's great plan. It is something I love doing. Childhood was sweet. Adulthood very challenging. I want to give back the support I received from those wonderful people to whoever may need help desperately, or out of curiosity. It doesn't matter. As long as it makes their world go round easier and their step, lighter.
What do you like most about giving readings to clients?
I support people. That is my nature and passion. It always has been. Reading for people allows me to do this naturally and intuitively, enhanced by my abilities.What fascinates me is that we are all different, therefore readings are different! Your reading can take us on a pathway with twists and turns, the expected or the unexpected. Your life is richly coloured in textures and patterns, with all its ups and downs in life, all of which I love being part of. It is my joy to support you through whatever it is you are going through, and to find insight in what it is you want to know. Let's do it!
How would you say you are typical of your star sign?
My star sign is freedom-loving, intelligent, spontaneous, honest sociable, blessed with wisdom, loves travel, animals, education, teaching intuition and prophetic. Supposedly. Almost perfect? Not quite. Being an educated half human and half horse who sometimes puts their foot where their mouth, sounds very confusing. My saggy traits truths are that I can't help helping people and fighting their corner. I'm a people's person, visionary and truthful. I like walking (not galloping) in the countryside and woodlands, a spiritualist and communicator. I am very visually inclined, hardly logical, but somehow manage to reach the same conclusion as my logic-minded friends. Being spontaneous, I can put my foot in my mouth sometimes. Typical of Sagittarius. But having aged with wisdom, I think before I talk!! I can prophecy if I wish, but do this conscientiously and sparingly. But I like to remain realistic while I have been referred to as a person with my head in the clouds and feet firmly planted on the ground. Friendly, approachable and sociable, I am known as a 'people's' person. Children have sat next to me at bus stops, out of nowhere (I often hear their parents calling out for them). As I am Scorpio cusp, I have other attributes – but that is another story.
When do you remember being first aware of your gift?
I was first aware I had 'something' at the age of 5 or 6 years of age, when I used to sit on my favourite tree trunk in the woods opposite our house, in the countryside and contemplate 'God'. But I was too busy living life to the full to take much notice. So, all of this went by-the-by until I was about 8 years old, in junior school where I met a friend with the same abilities. We used to play games about ghosts. This interest then developed with similar friends in senior school, into a 'secret society'. Whereby, after school once a week, we would meet secretly in an empty classroom for an hour to discuss and experiment with the supernatural.
What is your most memorable experience with a client?
This was a spontaneous visit from spirit. I was travelling to London by train on a day out with a friend. We were joking around having a good laugh. All of a sudden I saw a tall tribal African Zulu warrior with all his regalia on, holding a tall oval shield and a spear in his other hand. I informed my friend what I had seen and that he had come to see her. She was aware of my abilities. My friend's mother was African. She later told me that she rang her mother, who rang her grandmother in Africa. Apparently, it turned out my friend's uncle had been buried that day, in his tribal Zulu regalia exactly as I had seen it, with spear and shield.
What other experiences or qualifications do you have that you feel compliment your work as a reader?
An experience that changed my disbelief and confidence in my abilities have been confirmed by other people. For example in my sceptical days many years ago, I went for a reading. I was sitting at the table opposite the reader and I felt a presence looking through my eyes at him. I told the reader I had a Chief Joseph with me looking at him. He was a bit (big bit) astonished exclaiming, "That's my Indian Guide who I do my readings through". On one side of me the room went very cold. The reader actually felt this, putting his hand there to confirm it. I have attended yearly London conventions in tarot workshop. Locally, I go to sound workshops where drumming is used for trance work. We have a local Spiritualist Church that run public and private medium workshops for practice. I love volunteering in Summer camps, spiritual retreats where I can attend any of the workshops that catered for different spiritual practices. Years ago, I worked briefly for a phone work line. And of course, I have been reading for people for many years. I gained a Psychic Counselling Diploma. But I consider, the most useful qualification and experience I have acquired, is through living my life and meeting its challenges and interaction with other people.
What is the most important thing for a person to consider when they decide to have a psychic reading?
Always keep an open mind. Not to pass judgement. Be prepared for the unexpected. To be honest, the answers may not necessarily be the ones you wanted. In the crux of the moment we do not always think straight because of worry, anger, stress, confusion, disappointment or disbelief. When your reading has finished, it may be useful to reflect on what has been said. Wait a day or so, when your feelings have settled down a bit, your thinking may be more reasonable and cohesive.Viewed from a calmer disposition gives you the chance to review your reading in clearer detail. Seriously.
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