
Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant, Clairsentient, Tarot Cards, Crystal Ball, Crystal Stones, Angel Cards

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About Sita

I have been psychic since a child and I am very comfortable with this side of my nature, its a natural gift, and I've worked with it for over 30 years.  I have been fortunate enough to experience several different lifestyles and have also lived in various different countries.  I know how it feels to be a foreigner.  I understand how it feels to have no money but I also understand how it feels to be very fortunate.  A lot has happened in my own life which has made me empathetic of others and what they go through in their own lives.  I have mixed with people from all walks of life and have mixed with very successful people and also shared my last tea bag with a stranger.  I like people.  I'm also very aware of sadness and suffering and I have often found myself in situations where I'm in the right place at the right time to be of comfort to someone else and because of my psychic nature I'm able to embrace a person with that love from their loved ones in the Spirit World.

What do you like most about giving readings to clients?

Everyone has a song in their heart, a song to sing, and mine is my psychic gift.  If I can be of service and help someone then I have sung my song.

How are you typical of your star sign?

I'm a typical mountain goat, I enjoy challenge and I have the patience if necessary to reach for long-term goals.  I am a sociable person but I also enjoy my own company and like to retreat into nature with my dogs.  Like a true Capricorn I'm very family-minded and loyal.  I enjoy the work I do and its a very important part of my life.

When did you first become aware of your gift?

My first memory of my psychic gift was walking down a London street with my mother, I was about 6 years old, as we were walking I had a vision of the hotel we were staying at being broken into and money being stolen from the safe.  My mother took me to the hotel manager to repeat what I'd seen only because I'd described his office so well, but she knew I hadn't seen it.  The manager was very kind and humoured me, didn't believe a word, and I remember he gave me a strawberry flavoured lollipop.  Two days later the hotel safe was broken into and all the money stolen.  We were very well treated for the rest of our stay there.  From there my psychic nature just carried on developing because I was never afraid of it.

What is your most memorable experience with a client?

If I have to pick out a most memorable experience with a client it would have to be with a lady who had called in for a reading.  Her husband had passed away the year before.  He came through with so much evidence even I as a psychic medium was stunned (and I've done this work for many years).  He was a good communicator, in the reading he said there was a letter he couldn't find before he passed, that it was behind her fridge, whilst we were still connected she tried moving her fridge and there was the letter.  It turned out to be quite important.  She was so happy because it gave her the proof and validation she needed to carry on in her situation and the comfort there is an Afterlife.

What other experiences or qualifications do you have that you feel compliment your work as a reader?

The University of Life is the best teacher any of us has, this is the main qualification in my view.  An understanding of human nature and emotions is vital, to have compassion and a non-judgmental attitude towards others, these are qualities that should be inherent in every reader and a sincere desire to work for the highest good.

What is the most important thing for a person to consider when they decide to have a psychic reading?

Before having a psychic reading in my experience its best to feel who you feel drawn to, and then go with it, logic doesn't come into it.  The person seeking guidance must be able to give themselves the opportunity to connect with the reader and allow a flow to begin, so in the first instance be aware that a reading is what you're actually looking for.

Sita's Availability

This reader has not entered any dates for this week.

What our customers say about Sita

Dear Sita (26.03.15) You are a most caring and understanding reader. You pick up straight away any situation around questions asked you said some amazing WOW moments in my reading I will certainly call again and look forward although slow in showing feelings towards me in June. God Bless Janet x

- Janet

26th March 2015

Amazing reader! I didnt say anything and she started right on my issue describing everything in detail. Its the first time I have felt someone connecting to my situation with so much accuracy and without any details given except my name and DOB. Thank you Sita x

- Rishi

3rd February 2015

Lovely reader, gets straight to the point and my reading flowed with validations and predictions. Very good reader! Thank you Sita x

- Wendy

10th January 2015

Beautiful person,fabulous reader.Thank you Axxx

- Lisa

27th July 2024

No matter how hard i try or wait I can never get through cause either goes offline after call or someone extends call I’d love to get the chance please if you see this

- Faith

27th July 2024

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