C Mystic Empress
Intutive Tarot Reader; Empath; Oracle and Angel Card Reader; Pendulum

Reader Methods
About C Mystic Empress
I have also been interested in Tarot, paranormal and mystical things from an early, I've always believed in telepathy, Angels, fairies and ghosts. One of hopes as a young child was to have the gift of telekinesis, as I recognised that I was naturally intuitive and that I could read people and situations very easily, unfortunately the gift of telekinesis has not developed as yet but I have definitely developed my talents and gifts surrounding clairvoyance and clarsensience. As a young girl many of my dreams and visions came true but as a young girl I never really shared it others. Now as an adult I've been able to use my talents and gifts to help give others guidance and inspiration in their life struggles and decisions, through reading their pictures, Tarot, Angel cards, Oracles cards and the use of a pendulum along with my natural gifts of intuition. I started Tarot when I gave up my job in search something that would give me true job satisfaction, cuppled with helping other people and working on my own time. Tarot has always been an interest of mine and something I have always wanted to do. I bought my first deck 20 years ago which was called the Intuitive Tarot and I never started using it properly until two years ago when I felt like the rug had been pulled from underneath as I didn't want to go back to working in a job that did not satisfy me and I did not want to stay unemployed but I knew in my heart that I wanted to read Tarot and had done for over 20 years, so I took the leap and started reading my deck intuitively, doing readings for friends and family, who were very pleased with their reading and advised that I had been on point with everything. I then took it to the Social Media platform and since then I have not looked back.
What do you like most about giving readings to clients?
What I love most about giving readings to clients is the fact that the guidance helps them to move forward and not only that but there is satisfaction in hearing someones voice being elevated by the end of the reading as to a lost and flat tone at the beginning. I love that my readings opens their eyes to other aspects to their situation and that they see things from a different perspective by the end of their reading. Readings for me are a way to help people with their individual growth and development, it helps to take the blinkers off and allows the light to be shined on issues that need to be dealt with and looked at. I get total satisfaction at the end of my readings because I get to help so many people on so many different levels and love when my predictions come to light because I get clarity and confirmation and so does my client. Tarot reading for me is not just one sided the energy and uplift is felt by myself and my client and you can't beat that feeling.
How would you say you are typical of your star sign?
I think I am typical of my sign because I am a major humanitarian I don't just want to help one person but the world. World issue's that are negative really hurt deep down and this is why I find it hard to watch the news. I have not watch the news for over 15 years. I am also typical of an Aquarian because I am quirky and I like quirky things and I really don't care what people think, I don't follow other people I just follow my intuition and do me. Aquarians are known to be unconventional and I am unconventional and I guess I like that because I can dance to the beat of my own drum. I love to learn new things and challenge myself and I am also an ideas person and can live inside my head, these are very typical traits of Aquarians along with a little bit of stubborness.
When do you remember being first aware of your gift?
As a child I was always very intuitive but I was not aware of it until I decided to follow a spritual route for my life journey. I do remember when I was at school I met my very best friend and when I saw her (she was new in the school), I recognised her straight away and I had a feeling that I knew and had met her before. When I saw her parents I felt the same way about them. I knew it was the first time I was meeting them but dejavue was very strong. I ended up being best friends for over 30 years and I am still in contact with her parents.
What is your most memorable experience with a client?
My most memorable experience with a client was when I did a reading for a lady from Florida. The minute I started her reading I had tingles from my head to toe and everything I said to her resonated from every card there was a recognition or a confirmation. The reading seemed to take me into another dimension I was physically there but my mind and spirit was else where and it was as if I was just pulling out files of feelings and emotions about her life, it was out of this world and very spot on. She was amazed by it and I was amazed by it also. There was a connection that was very strong, so strong that she acutally read me at the end of the reading . She channeled me and was very accurate too.
What other experiences or qualifications do you have that you feel compliment your work as a reader?
I believe working as a support worker for people with mental health has really assisted me with working people and dealing with delicate situations. I also feel that my degree in Criminal Justice combined Psychology has helped me to be more of a people person also. I actually feel that psychology has a lot to do with the profession of Tarot reading because it is about how you can deliver your message and with having been trained in basic psychology I have an understanding on how words can affect peoples behaviour. In Tarot card reading I feel it's really important about how you deliver that message and how the client is going to receive it.
What is the most important thing for a person to consider when they decide to have a psychic reading?
I feel it is really important for a person to consider whether they are ready and open to hear the truth about their situation because Tarot is not about giving information that the client wants to hear. It is about delivering the information from the Universe or spirit that is going to help the client move forward in their situation. I find very often in love readings that the client only wants to hear that the situation is going to be resolved and that a miracle is going to happen and there will be a reconcilliation but many of us forget that there are underlying factors to relationships and that sometimes in order for a reconcilliation there are challenges that have to be overcome, some challenges might be that persons achilles heel and therefore the challenge is a struggle and the reconcilliation will take much longer than they anticipate. Some people are not open enough to accept that the work lies with them. Some people just don't have the patience to wait and therefore sabotage what could be a good thing. Therefore I believe being open and ready for the truth is paramount. It is also important for the person to realise that they have freedom of will and that the reading is not set in concrete and it does not dictate their life. A reading is there to give guidance and to also show the potential of things to come. Predictions can be made but ultimately the outcome still lies with the client. As we all have choices in life.
C Mystic Empress's Availability
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What our customers say about C Mystic Empress
Lovely first reading with Empress. She tuned in quickly and clearly. Lots of validations in various aspects of my life. I’ll definitely call her again. Thank you Nancy
- Nancy
27th August 2020
Immediate and accurate connection with this lady. Very spiritual. Reading was on a different level. Highly reocmmended. Will definitely speak again in the future. Thank you Empress. A xxxx
- Allison
26th August 2020