Sarah B
Tarot, Angel Cards, Pendulum and Crystal work.

Reader Methods
About Sarah B
Hello, my name is Sarah B as a young child I always believed in Fairies and magic and felt we were not alone on our planet, there were other beings who existed. When I reached the age of 21 years, I was told I had psychic abilities and to use it, I then purchased my first pack of Angel Cards. I read for myself daily however, it was not until I reached my mid-thirties that I began to gain the confidence to read for friends. I then met a very special and gifted lady last year who introduced me to the Tarot, and she took the time to teach me and gave me so much encouragement of which I am grateful. This lady and another good spiritual friend of mine both encouraged me to open up my scope for reading, hence why I now work privately and here on the sofa. Spirituality has now become a part of my daily life and I enjoy sharing my gift to help others.
What do you like most about giving readings to clients?
I like providing loving guidance so as a collective between myself, the client, and our guides, we can gain clarity and insight in order to improve their future and to move forward positively on the correct path. I find reading for clients extremely rewarding.
How would you say you are typical of your star sign?
I am a Gemini, but I am also on the cusp of Cancer, the Cancer side I am typical of as I love my home and being with my family and children. The Gemini side of me comes out in great communication and saying how I feel easily, I like to have fun and I have a very curious nature.
When do you remember being first aware of your gift?
I was 21 years old when I bought my first pack of Angel Cards and I began looking at the book in order to read them, a spiritual friend said to me put the book away and ask your guides to help you see. When I spoke with my guides I was amazed and I could see right into the cards picking up information which the book did not even contain, so I read for a friend when I got to age 35 and gave a prediction and some validations. To my surprise I saw my friend the following week and she said you predicted this, and it happened just how you said, I thought wow I do really have a gift. And last year when my friend first introduced me to the Tarot, I told her I could not read Tarot and it was way above my head, and too complicated. My friend told me to give her just a 3-card reading and say what I see, we were both blown away at the information which I had picked up in just those cards, which then lead her to teach me, again another confirmation that I have been given a gift.
What is your most memorable experience with a client?
I read for a client and told her she was having building work done in the home and she agreed, I said please beware as spirit are showing me a vision of a ceiling falling down for some reason. A couple of days later the client left me feedback and said the ceiling fell down in her hallway as there was a water leak in the bathroom.
What other experiences or qualifications do you have that you feel compliment your work as a reader?
I am a Reiki level 2 practitioner and I send healing whilst I am reading for people, to uplift them but at the same time to relax them as some people are very nervous when they have readings. I have a wealth of knowledge when it comes to working with crystals.
What is the most important thing for a person to consider when they decide to have a psychic reading?
I always tell clients when I give readings to try to be open-minded if something does not resonate with them initially do not worry as at some point it will become obvious to them moving forward. I also feel it is important for clients to know that nothing is set in stone we all have the gift of free will and life is fluid, changes happen all the time. On a final note, I provide the reading but at no time will I tell the client what to do I will only guide them and offer suggestions in an empathic and loving way.
Sarah B's Availability
This reader has not entered any dates for this week.
What our customers say about Sarah B
Sarah B, Thank you for the absolutely wonderful reading tonight. Wow! I could listen to you all night... You have a very calm, peaceful mannerism in your tone of voice when you deliver the messages through the given cards shown and utilising the pendulum for yes and no questions. Thank you so much for this fantastic reading. 💯 percent the best reader. I grantee you will not be disappointed. Love and light Joanna xox
- Joanna
23rd February 2024
Best reader on p.s. lots of clarity and validations. Extremely gifted and funny too
- Louise
22nd February 2024
oh thank you Sarah so much, amazing reading, Sarah is one of the loveliest mediums on safa, she is so kind, and very fast and instant, she will answer any questions you have, very gifted, one of the best on sofa, very happy I got threw to her, she is very busy, keep trying, she is well worth the wait, thank you for a beautiful reading that helped so much, lots of love Julie xx
- julie
5th August 2023
Lovely reading from a lovely reader who, unprompted, spotted quite specific things around me.
- Kate
11th October 2021
Sarah is a great reader, no questions just straight in with spot on messages and validations. Many thanks. xx
- Ang
22nd September 2020
Sarah was really nice to speak to, got my situation down to a tee and it is a really difficult one to fathom. One of her predictions has already come through, just waiting for the rest. Give her a try you won’t be disappointed. Sharon
- Sharon
22nd September 2020
Sarah B is the most amazing reader. On point accurate and delivers in such a kind caring and compassionate way. She picked up exactly on my situation gave validations. Sarah doesn’t ask questions either. Thank you again Sarah Love and light a fellow reader xx
- Jan
24th July 2020