Fun Ways To Instantly See Law of Attraction In Action

There is a vast amount of information about the Law Of Attraction out there. This Universal law focuses on the vibration of energy that creates the attraction factor, and manifests something that has a matching resonating vibration.

Fun Ways To Instantly See LOA In Action


There is a vast amount of information about the Law Of Attraction out there. This Universal law focuses on the vibration of energy that creates the attraction factor, and manifests something that has a matching resonating vibration. Whilst mastering the manifesting law takes time, patience and considerable effort, it is possible to experience instant LOA.

How LOA Works

Everything is energy. You, other people, experiences and objects are all made up of energy that vibrates on a certain frequency. Things that share the same vibration frequency come together because like attracts like. This is why many people get frustrated when they try to use the Law of Attraction to manifest their wishes. If you have a low vibration yourself you can only manifest experiences etc that resonate with your low vibe. The clearer your energy is, the higher the vibration and the easier it is for you to manifest what you want.

How To Improve Your Manifesting Vibe

There are many factors that contribute to your energy vibration. These include thoughts, feelings, words, beliefs, behavior, habits, and exposure to dense low energy in the form of other people, environments and distractions. To increase your positive energy quota it’s essential that you minimize your time around negative vibes. Enhance your frequency by practicing self-love and clearing your life of the stuff that drags you down to a lower vibration.

Instant LOA In Action

  • Energy Vibes

This quick and easy technique demonstrates how energy is all around you. To feel energy, place your hands together in the prayer position and simply rub your hands briskly for 20 seconds or so. Set the intention of ‘energy flow’ and slowly pull your hands apart by a few inches. You will instantly feel a tingling, pulsing sensation and warmth and heat spreading from your palms to your fingertips. This is the way in which many healers channel their energy for healing.

Seeing energy work in this way is exciting and empowering. It may also pique your interest and inspire you to learn more about how energy works. You can also teach your children this fun way to feel energy vibes.

  • The Yellow Car Test

To see the power and effect that your words have try out the yellow car test. Focus your energy and thoughts on an image of a yellow car in your mind. State the intention that you would like to see “a yellow car please”. (Purple or pink are also good color choices, as these colors are rare for vehicles.) Ask the Universe to show you a yellow car ASAP. The first time a yellow car drives by you may question if you imagined it. Ask again, and expect a yellow car to appear in a very short time.

This is a great LOA game for your children to play when you’re on a long distance car journey. You can also test the Universe by asking to see other things, like signs, symbols and words. Billboards, car license plates and the side of big lorries tend to be a favorite place for the Universe to post your LOA request.

  • A Surprise Gift From The Universe

The Universe isn’t waiting for you to state your list of wishes and desires. Instead it picks up on your energy. The higher the vibe that you are emanating the more likely you are to receive what you want. A fun way to check out how the Universe works is to put out a request for a surprise gift. Set a ‘delivery’ time of 24 hours and ask to receive your gift. As this is a surprise it is a good idea to pay attention because the gift may be something discreet or subtle. You will however know when you’ve received it, as something that may seem very random will make you smile.


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