Crystals Articles

10 Ways to Prepare for Summer Solstice 2024

The Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, is a time of great spiritual significance. ...

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How to Raise Your Vibration for Manifestation

In the pursuit of spiritual growth and manifestation, understanding your vibration is key. Your vibration is the energy you emit, which affects what you attract into your life. ...

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Everything you need to know about birthstone crystals

Everything you need to know about birthstone crystals

Find out how your birthstone crystal can provide healing and metaphysical properties to you. Learn how to harness this powerful tool for positive change. ...

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10 Crystals For Prosperity

Prosperity is something everyone wants, yet it can prove frustratingly elusive! Of course the route to prosperity is through hard work, perseverance and determination. But there's also an extra element involved in achieving prosperity. It's called luck! ...

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7 Ways to Tell Your Fortune!

Getting a glimpse into the future is top of most people's wish lists. Imagine how easy those big decisions would be if you already had an inkling what would be for the best! ...

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Super Easy Energy Protection Tricks

Empaths, intuitives and highly sensitive people often have a hard time of protecting their energy. When you can easily sense the energy and emotions of others, and quickly absorb the vibe in your environment, protecting yourself energetically is important ...

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Holistic Healing

A look at the benefits of holistic healing on our body and soul. ...

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Find your Lucky Charm

A look at the traditional items believed to attract good luck and fortune. ...

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How To Create a Tarot Reading Space

How to create a special space dedicated to practising reading the Tarot. ...

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Understanding Your Aura

Discover how to strengthen the protective force field that surrounds you ...

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Christmas Crystals

Use crystals to send out good intentions and embody the hope, joy, happiness and kindness of Christmas. ...

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