Small Stuff You Shouldn't Sweat Over

Letting go of the need to have life in perfect order helps you shift your perspective so that you can see what’s actually important.

Even though everyday life is stressful enough we have a habit of making it even more pressurized for ourselves. Society demands that we take on a hefty pile of commitments, and keep adding to this. Consequently when things don’t go to plan, or we become overwhelmed, we freak out and lose the plot.

Letting go of the need to have life in perfect order helps you shift your perspective so that you can see what’s actually important. Getting all worked up over unimportant or trivial matters, blowing situations and problems out of proportion, and generally getting stressed to the max, are simply not beneficial to your health or wellbeing.

Learning to accept that some things are completely out of your control can help you unburden yourself of some stress. When you stop sweating over the small stuff you’ll find that you happily go with the flow, and experience less stress and more happiness and harmony.

4 Small Things To Let Go Of Today:

  • Concern Over Your Appearance

Whilst it’s natural to have some minor concerns about your appearance focusing on it will only add to your stress. No matter how body conscious or body confident you are you’ll always find something about your appearance that you’re just not satisfied with. Whether your problem is with your complexion, your weight, facial lines or wrinkles, or the first signs of grey hair, obsessing about it won’t change a thing.

Stop focusing on the ‘problem’ areas and start looking at and admiring your best assets. Imagine you are looking at the reflection of your best friend in the mirror, and generously and genuinely complement what you see. If you want other people to notice your radiance you have to first see it yourself. Focus on one aspect of your appearance that you love, and let go of paying extra attention to your perceived flaws.

  • Worrying About How Others See You

We all want to be liked but getting worked up about what other people think of you will make you feel stressed and paranoid. Even worse, you could end up doing things you don’t want to do simply to please other people.

Let go of concerning yourself with the thoughts of others and start liking yourself more. When you love, respect and value yourself you give off an air of confidence that magnetically draws people towards you. Worry less about what friends, colleagues and strangers think, and focus more on being kind to yourself.

  • Stressing Over Whether Or Not You Fit It

Being one of the gang is something that the majority of people what to be, particularly when growing up. By the time you have reached a certain age of maturity fitting in is the last thing you would want to ever do. Worrying and stressing over whether or not you fit in with the crowd at work, or in a social circle, really is a pointless exercise. You do not have to be ‘fit’ in to feel that you are accepted.  No one has the right to tell you otherwise. Accept yourself and you no longer have to prove yourself to anyone.

  • Stuff And Nonsense

Does my bum look big in this? Do I earn enough money? Will he fancy me in this outfit? Should I buy those designer shoes? And a million other similar and unimportant thoughts need to be released from your mind. Filling your head up with random trivia makes you feel anxious and stressed. Get into the habit of relaxing in some down time. 10-15 minutes of daily meditation practice will help you offload your pile of trivia.

Get grounded and focus on your still point – an inch or so below your belly button. Breathe deeply and let it all go. Ignore any random thoughts that float through your mind and stay focused on your breath. After 15 minutes you’ll have forgotten what was making you feel stressed.




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