Sagittarius Season and How it Affects the Zodiac
Sagittarius season is almost upon us! Find out how your sign is affected with Psychic Sofa.
Another month, another zodiacal season passes! In November, we see moody, intense Scorpio transition into fiery, energetic Sagittarius season!
The archers are some of the most easily identifiable people in the zodiac, with their strong personalities, wanderlust and loud laughter marking them out to any aspiring astrologist! Sagittarius season affects all of the signs differently though, and while you might find some elements of your inner Sagittarian shining through in the next few weeks, you might also see it manifest in some more unexpected ways.
To find out more about how Sagittarius season affects the signs, or to get guidance for the coming weeks, keep reading, or get in touch with our trusted psychic readers!

Your Guide to Sagittarius Season
The attributes of Sagittarians can be found everywhere during Sagittarius season, with many different signs feeling optimistic, adventurous and hungry for new knowledge and experiences!
Sagittarius season runs from November 22nd to December 21st each year and is a time for broadening your horizons, shooting straight and putting plans into action! Every sign has two sides, however, and as a mutable fire sign, feelings of restlessness, impulsivity and unpredictable events are also more widespread during the Sagittarius season.
For some signs, like fellow flames Leo and Aries, this is a season with a lot of excitement and potential - all your best qualities will be elevated and brightened! For more stable earth signs, things might look markedly different from the way they usually do, pushing you out of your comfort zone, but rest assured that it's all for a good reason!
Sagittarius season can be as diverse as the archers themselves, but this season most signs can expect a level of increased curiosity, impulsivity, and a feeling of high-frequency energy.
Sagittarius Season 2022 – How The Zodiac Signs Will be Affected

Sagittarius is ruled by go-getter mars, the most assertive planet in the sky! That fresh energy is something you should be on the lookout for, Aries. Opportunities in your career are likely to arise in the first half of December, but you need to be aware of any heated energy or chaotic energy coming your way. The combination of your own natural passion, combined with the energy levels of the archer can cause you to get stuck in a spiral, which might undermine all the great energy coming your way!
As with all things, this Sagittarius season your motto needs to be "everything in moderation."
Sagittarians have a reputation for being lucky with money (if not the most responsible!). Towards the end of November, Taurus can make the most of this luck and combine it with your own financial smarts to really make the most of the opportunities in front of you.
In December, classic Taurus organisation is a must, but it won't entirely protect you from the chaotic energy Sagittarius season brings with it. Stubborn Taurus needs to accept that at this time of year, plans will be thrown into disarray and you'll need to adapt and change rather than put things back the way they were! That is the Sagittarius way, after all!
It takes a village, and this Sagittarius season you'll learn this more than ever, Gemini! Being open to the unique perspectives of other people is a classic Sagittarius trait you'll do best to adopt this November, as it may well open up amazing career opportunities for you, and bring you closer to a best friend or loved one.
You'll be very tempted to go all out in true archer style this December, but sometimes even the life of the party has to slow down for a little bit! The run-up to Christmas can make it easy to splash the cash and leave your responsibilities behind, but this is a time when you need to be more grounded than your fiery friends. You'll be rewarded tenfold by those you prioritise instead.
The new moon on the 23rd gives you a sprinkle of that classic Sagittarius luck! You're starting this season with a brilliant new opportunity that you should grab with both hands. Use some of that abundant and impulsive energy to step into some amazing career prospects - don't overthink it, Cancer!
You're inclined to look inwards in December to protect your own mental health, but make sure you're keeping a balanced life and aren't spending too much time being introspective. Sagittarius signs are open, communicative and curious, and these are all traits that will help you from getting stuck with those winter blues. Don't be afraid to rely on others at this time of year.
At the beginning of Sagittarius season, let the creative impulses of your fire sign cousins take the lead - you'll end up with new opportunities in your career and your love life as a result! As naturally charismatic signs, Leos need to keep up this abundant energy to see those opportunities through over the next few weeks.
December hits you with classic Sagittarian wanderlust - this is a great time for you to take a trip and put yourself in a new frame of mind ahead of a very homely time of year.
As bull-headed as they can be, Sagittarians are great listeners when they are interested in a conversation. In November, you may wish to channel this, Virgo, particularly if you find yourself in conflicts at home or at work.
You'll be called to mediate a situation a bit later in the season, and you can use the skills you picked up this first time around to calm any volatile energy around you. Your instincts may be to stand your ground, but the flexibility of your Sagittarian friends will serve you better in this instance.
The new moon on November 23rd brings with it a classic piece of Sagittarius - the urge to travel! It might feel strange to have such impulsive tendencies, considered Libra, but run with them and book yourself an adventure for the near future! You can apply your organisational skills just a little bit later, but for now, book that flight!
This will also help you get away from people and things that are draining your energy, and let you have some rest during this busy season.
Scorpio is notoriously guarded in love, and Sagittarius is notoriously not so! Combine these two this November, Scorpio, and take a leap of faith when it comes to love. Even if it crashes and burns you'll learn a valuable lesson in Sagittarius style.
Getting out of your comfort zone is hard, Scorpio, but it's the only way to grow into the type of person you deserve to be!

Sagittarius, it's your birthday season! You might have felt in a bit of a rut recently, so there's no better time to shake things up! This might be a new job, a trip away, a makeover, or even just a day off! Take time away from your responsibilities and let yourself go where your birthday month takes you!
This is when your natural archer traits are at their strongest, so it's important to be aware of them going into this season (yes, even the bad ones!).
Expect a bit more freedom at work, Capricorn. Take this opportunity to make your mark and put yourself at the forefront of people's minds (it might be basic nature for the archers, but it can be difficult for you!). This will set you up for career success in the long run.
In December, you're tempted to see the worst in things, but it's a better idea to take everything at face value, and see the best in everyone you meet (even if your sharply tuned earth sign senses might be screaming to do the opposite). You might find that people can surprise you, and that first impressions aren't always right.
You're likely to meet new people as a result of the new moon on the 23rd - make an effort with them! Classic Aquarius is cool and aloof, whereas Sagittarius is bouncy and can be overwhelming! Make sure to strike a balance here, as a wonderful friendship can blossom here.
Despite the duty you feel to friends and family this Christmas season, make sure you keep some of this busy time for yourself and don’t let yourself be pulled from pillar to post.
New career moves are coming your way Pisces, although you've probably been thinking about them for some time already! Use the Sagittarian energy in the air to finally make your dreams a reality and start putting things into action.
In December, you're prone to spread yourself too thin - as the end of Sagittarius season approaches, make sure to put yourself first, and use this time to deepen bonds with those closest to you.
To learn more about the Sagittarius season and how it can affect you, don't hesitate to get in touch with our trusted psychic readers for more information and guidance on how best to navigate this exciting season!
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