Angelica F

Tarot cards, empath, angel cards, natural healer, crystals and the pendulum

Reader profile image for Angelica F

About Angelica F

Hi, my name is Angelica, and I am 41 years old. I am a mum to 2 beautiful children, a puppy, and a cat!! My son is currently serving in the armed forces (one proud mummy) and my daughter has just started full time school (again one proud mummy) our new puppy has brought much laughter (and tears lol) into our lives and my "psychic cat" often keeps me company while I read for you. I have been reading the cards professionally for 12 years now I have lots of life experience some good and some bad but feel this always helps me to connect with my clients on a deeper level

I am a very happy and positive soul, and I am the one in the circle of my friends that they come to for true honest advice I will always tell the truth but always in a mild and sensitive manner, I love my job and I have been told this comes across in my readings :)

What do you like most about giving readings to clients?

That's a very hard question to answer because there are many things I love about my job, if I had to pick one thing it would be the fact that I help people. That's the most satisfying feeling of all knowing that when that person puts the phone down to me, they feel better than they did before. I love talking to people I love giving guidance and advice of aspects of life building up relationships and trust through my gift is a true blessing, in all I love everything about my job

How are you typical of your star sign?

Being born under the Cancer sun sign I don't think I could be any more typical, the centre of my universe is my home where my children and animals live, I love to nurture (no good at looking after plants though).  I am a very caring person to the extreme sometimes, us Cancerians can be over the top the sometimes.  I am emotional and loving and some say moody sometimes I disagree of course but then that is another cancer trait.  I am highly intuitive and trust my intuition explicitly.  I am kind and honest, very loyal and will always put others first.

When did you first become aware of your gift?

Being a descendant from Romany gypsies you'd think I would be surround by encouragement for my gift, unfortunately, I was the only one in my family with these gifts I have; I first knew I was different when I was about 13, I was always interested in the spiritual side of life and it wasn't until I was 26 when I visited a medium who encouraged me to take my gift further that I first purchased a pack of tarot cards that I was completely drawn to, I still use these cards today. I have now been reading professionally for 8 years.

What is your most memorable experience with a client?

I helped out with a charity event and offered mini readings; one lady came to me and sat down and said "I am not a believer of this kind of thing im only doing it for charity so please don't waste too much of your time on me as it will only go over my head", by the end of the reading she was crying and said she felt cleansed and refreshed and couldn't believe that I knew the things I did I couldn't of possibly know them, she is now a regular client of mine and now a firm believer.

What other experiences or qualifications do you have that you feel compliment your work as a reader?

I use the tarot cards and have done for many years, I am also an empath, so therefore on many occasions I don't need to use my cards I can just tune in to your emotions. I work alongside my spirit guides and offer you answers to questions and can see things that are coming in for you, I specialise in love and relationships and connect on a deep level offering very insightful information on past, present and future relationships, even though I specialise in this I can answer questions on any subject in which you seek guidance.  I also work closely with my angels using my angel cards, giving messages that the client may need to hear.  I sometimes have spirit contact me through smells and tastes which has in the past offered great comfort to my clients.  Being a natural healer, I can give healing through voice vibrations and also use crystals to aid me.  For those burning questions I use the pendulum.

What is the most important thing for a person to consider when they decide to have a psychic reading?

I think a client should be open to their reader to enable them to connect fully with you, I feel they also need to be ready to hear the truth even though the truth can be painful a good reader will always be sympathetic and delicate towards the client.  Be open to accepting the guidance offered to them and to believe that every reader just wants to help you.

Angelica F's Availability

This reader has not entered any dates for this week.

What our customers say about Angelica F

Another great read this morning as always thank you so much Angelica, most definitely my go to reader in here xx

- sandra

1st September 2023

Hi lovely Angelica. Didn't get a chance to say thank you before we got cutoff. I will defo keep you posted on things. Always amazes me how gifted you are but also so down to earth. You always make me laugh. Speak soon 😗

- Allison

30th August 2023

Just had to call Angelica again & let her know the communication she saw came in sooner than expected & how the message he sent was exactly what I was thinking about a few minutes earlier! Always love talking to you, it’s like speaking to a friend :-) Karen x

- Karen

23rd August 2023

You have been such a source of ssuppoet and strength over the craziness of my life at the moment! Thank you so much! Leanne

- Leanne

10th August 2023

Sorry we were cut off so suddenly Angelica - you must have been logged out by the system as I was suddenly bounced back to the select your reader menu. It was great to catch up with you anyway and I'm relieved that the timeline hasn't changed after all - phew. I'll ring you back when I have more news. Enjoy your holiday in the shade. Lots of love Tina X

- Tina

22nd June 2023

I had a brilliant reading with Angelica F about a really complicated situation. Lots of validation and superb advice. Amazing ... highly recommended xxx

- Isobel

22nd June 2023

Love You ❤️ Thanks for all your untold chats and support throughout the years❤️ You've become such a beautiful friend on the phone❤️ Jo x o x

- Jo

14th June 2023

Just had a reading with this lovely lady. What a wonderful lady Angelica is. Very calming and very insightful with lots of words of comfort and wisdom- just what I needed to hear with my delicate situation. I will take on board everything you have said. Thank you.

- E

18th May 2023

Mainly I want to say what a lovely and insightful reader Angelica was, & brilliant to talk to. But there’s something in particular she did which I valued so much. In a relationship reading she focused on me as well as him. This was brilliant because I’m struggling with whether my approach is right and what growth it’s bringing for me. (Some readers just look at the other person which can be helpful but part of your own confusion can be from having lost sight of yourself). She had an amazingly balanced view and also helped paint a picture for me of a clear path forward. Again, very balanced-not saying everything would be quick and easy -but showing what a part to reconnection could and should look like.

- Kate

28th April 2023

Great reading. Was very helpful and encouraging. Will definitely return.

- Anon

26th April 2023

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