
Tarot Clairvoyant Medium Psychic

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About Chrissie

In hindsight, I have had the gift all my life but was completely unaware of putting a tittle on it. That path has then taken me to this point. I adore giving readings. I am in awe of the Spiritual world and my gift. Therefore, I take it very seriously. I view myself as a translator, a translator of whatever message is coming through. I try to pass this message on with kindness, compassion, and a determination to be as precise as possible with the translation.

What do you like most about giving readings to clients?

The main thing I like about giving readings to clients is when you know you have HELPED someone. Whether they are balling crying as a passed loved one has bobbed into the read with a message or memory. Or their hearts/souls are less heavy at the end of a reading than the start. Or, as has happened many times, the client and I evolve to more of a friendship type of connection, i.e. I love it when a client reconnects back to me. On the other hand I absolutely LOVE what Spirit do and say, ( magic is real ) again and again I'm blown away with the tangible side of this, which I experience with the clients.

How would you say you are typical of your star sign?

I am Gemini Sun and Rising with an Aries Moon. Well unlike a typical Gemini with two of them in their head, I have four. Which would be why I talk SO much. I am also able to go well outside the box and research many aspects of a situation and, although Spiritual, I am very logical too. I was in the travel business for a long time and have travelled a lot, speaking several languages either well or just a bit. Typically, being a Gemini I am a bit like Marmite, which is true in my readings also, you either love me or not. It would be true that my motto is also what my friends say... What you see is what you get.

When do you remember being first aware of your gift?

It would be fair to say I was in my late thirties before I realized that I was "aware" of my gift from early childhood. Too many times what I would say would then actually happen, or what I would say was what was happening in the life of the person I was talking to without me knowing it. Too many times to be coincidence. Once I started looking into (tuning in) it then my gift just got more and more obvious.

What is your most memorable experience with a client?

Too many to just pick one. Each of them different for different reasons. I do have vivid memory of several clients, and the way Spirit comes through for them is amazing, and the effect on the client at the end of the reading is so awesome.

What other experiences or qualifications do you have that you feel compliment your work as a reader?

It was surprising to me when I was fully aware that my experiences in my life were my education for what I do now. I often get a client that is going through something 80% identical to an experience I have had. And although nothing is the same there have been times I have indicated, a wrong form filled out, or where to find help and so on. My travel experience gives me a special insight into different cultures, religious beliefs, and dogma.

What is the most important thing for a person to consider when they decide to have a psychic reading?

To be open minded to the messages. To see outside the box, that they make themselves, to the truth of a situation even if it is not the required answer. BUT to trust that the Universe has got their back in the end, even if they can’t see it at the time. Most of all BE OPEN, lots of clients come with a " you tell me “Attitude and my answer is I can't tell you anything the messages don't come from me I just translate them.

Chrissie's Availability

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What our customers say about Chrissie

Wouldn’t read with her again

- Anon

7th September 2023

So much detail! Everything made a lot of sense!

- Anon

28th August 2023

Chrissie was on point, gave me specific details, picked up on the heart of the situation and was a joy to speak with. Ty Chrissie for my reading x

- AM

9th May 2023

Hi Chrissie sorry we did not connect. Lovely to speak to you.

- Allison

9th May 2023

Just had a brilliant reading with this lovely lady. Thank you xxx

- Susan

26th April 2023

thank you chrissie so much, beautiful gifted reader, one of the best on sofa, very fast, loads of validations, she is going to be very busy x

- Anon

17th March 2023

Thank you so much again! Smiling from cheek to cheek! On point with everything you said. I will call you again even if it is from Aus!... with love and light x

- Sheila

16th March 2023

such a lovely medium, thank you Chrissie, you were brilliant, very genuine gift, very intune with spirit, very fast, validation after validation, she is amazing, and heart of gold, and going to be very busy on sofa, delighted I got to get through, she is well worth the wait, love j xx

- julie

14th March 2023

Thank you for this morning, got to the end of my spend limit so call cut off before I could say thank you. You really feel the message in the cards and spirit allowing you to pull a story out that is so accurate without any input from the caller. Absolutely amazing 🤩 xxx

- Sandra

7th March 2023

Absolutely amazing, so many validations...thank you Sheila

- Sheila

28th February 2023

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