Tarot, Oracle cards, Clairsentient

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About Myrddin
Hello there... My name is Myrddin, I like long moonlight barefoot walks on the beach....oops wrong profile. Wondering how to describe myself which I am terrible at. So I asked a friend, that I have do reading for over the years. She replied "tell them you have a grandfather/Gandalf vibe." Okay then well, my 'vibe' comes from, what could be explained in simple terms. As an ancestral folk shamanic practice of a Celtic origin. To achieve this, along with using my intuition. I predominantly use the Druidcraft tarot deck which I have been using for over 20 year. I also use an accompaniment of oracle decks of my own creation to assist me in giving readings.
What do you like most about giving readings to clients?
The world is like a dark cold stormy sea, there are many lost ships/souls upon it. They just need that sign of a light from a lighthouse. Not to give the problem just so a point of reference can be marked to plot a course. I like helping people, with my gift and the help of spirit. I feel like the lighthouse keepers of old. They have a firm and lofty bases to help not only give a point of reference. But guidance as well, wrecked on the rocks, nah you be alright. If go left a bit, its plain sailing, but if you need to go right, just put a few more watchers in the crows nest and you be alright.
How would you say you are typical of your star sign?
What star sign, well I am more tree sign Hawthorn to be exact so I would say' sharp sense of humour (boy has it got me in trouble over the years). In case you are confused, I work with the Celtic zodiac, much like its stellar counterpart, but used 13 scared trees of the ancient Celtic mystics instead of 12 star constellations.
When do you remember being first aware of your gift?
I grew up in a small Welsh village in some of the most breath-taking, magical and Tolkienesque landscape you can image. I was also blessed with some wise and knowledgeable family elders, that bestowed the knowledge of our ancestors to me. As a young child to me at the time, it was just fun times walks in the country and story telling hearing the myths of old. It was only later with adult hindsight it was the knowledge interwoven into those stories that I learned by osmosis. In my late teens, I went to a large city for the first on a holiday. It was only in that urban environment, I first felt the lack of 'Nwyfre (it has many names it is the divine energy that is expressed and interwoven between all living things, and our link to spirit) and what I sensed and experienced, many others did not. It was on my return home, I started to put it all together and began to work with the tarot and other spiritual practices to heal and guide.
What is your most memorable experience with a client?
Oh there is one stands out even now ten years on, the haunted look in her eyes is burned into my memory. A lady came to the shop I was doing reading at the time. She was a walk on a slow day, she sat down. I sensed the dark and heavy aura around instantly. I asked if she wanted to have a certain topic covered, or a general reading to see what comes out. As soon as I became spirit was screaming at me....HELP HER, each card turn was as if it was an animated red flag wave. To cut a long story short, she had met this... I hate to use the word in this context...a gentleman. in the beginning he was sweetness and light. One whirlwind romance and wedding later his mask dropped. Because her dad had spent a king's ransom on the wedding and... well you can work the rest out. Being a father of daughters myself this got to me. It was not so much the psychic element she wanted. It was the safe space and a stranger. to unload to. As I said about the lighthouse keeper element, I said to her. "Trust me cariad you dad will not give a flying fig about the money, it's your happiness and safety he cares about. Those words I could see lifted in part for a moment the siege and survival mode she was living in. I will say she is doing better now, although there is a lot of scaring to her soul. Even all these years later (she is one of regulars).
What other experiences or qualifications do you have that you feel compliment your work as a reader?
I have been working with tarot for several decades along with a number of oracle decks I have created. I have had let's call it an eventful interesting life to to date. With that life experience and the ability to give practical application of life guidance from the wisdom found in Celtic mythology. With this tantum fusion I have written and published a few dozen books.
What is the most important thing for a person to consider when they decide to have a psychic reading?
We don't bite (unless you ask nicely) no need to worry or be fearful. You may not think it, but you are in control always. We are just like an additional add on, using spirit to advise, just as if you were talking to a group of friends. At the end of the day as I stated you are in control of your life. If you don't want to meet that tall dark handsome stranger you don't have to, or any other scenario. It's not A to B to c to Z the road of life is a whole alphabet of ways to get to Z.
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