
Psychic Clairvoyant Medium - Tarot Cards - Angel Cards.

Reader profile image for Simon

About Simon

I am a clairvoyant medium. I work with Spirit communication alongside the angel and tarot cards. I realised I was a medium from a very young age but did not develop until about 20 years ago. 

Since developing, I have done many stand up demonstrations of mediumship events all over the UK. I have also given readings all over the world. 

I am well advanced and have a very close relationship with my own guides who help me with my connection to universal source and the energies surrounding them. This helps me bring forward the client’s higher self so their higher self can also communicate with mine, and I verbally pass the messages over.

What do you like the most giving readings to clients?

I like the fact that clients are aware that their loved ones are still able to watch over them and give them guidance.

How would you say you are typical of your star sign?

We are not just one star sign, we all have multiple signs which can affect our daily lives, so I like to think I am versatile and can represent a range and take on some manner of those signs that are designed for myself.

When do you remember being first aware of your gift?

It was about 20 years ago I became fully aware, although I saw a few spirits when I was a small child.

What is your most memorable experience with a client?

I do not usually remember any of the messages as they do not belong to me, however one special person came walking into my life for a reading, she herself is also a medium and a healer. I was going through some personal issues, and she helped with my healing, it felt like the universe pushed us together to meet, she later became the love of my life. 

What other experiences or qualifications do you have that you feel compliment you as a reader?

I do work privately giving readings online or telephone readings and have done for long time. I work events for mediumship evenings. I have read for thousands of people all over the world. 

What is the most important thing for a person to consider when they decide to have a Psychic reading?

As daunting as it can be for someone who has never had a reading before, the sitter needs to be open and aware that the messages they receive may not be what they want or who they want.

Spirit gives you what you need and who you need at that time, to help you in your life’s journey. They also need to remember it is not the Psychic medium that gives the message, it is their messengers. We as mediums are the conduit. 

The sitter also needs to just relax and allow them to come through in a peaceful, gentle manner. 


Simon's Availability

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What our customers say about Simon

Very good reader. Very clear and has a genuine connection to spirit guides. I promise that you leave your call with more than you expected to know. Thank you so much for my reading Simon.

- Anon

11th July 2024

Simon, you and your spirit guides are amazing. You knew I came with questions and you straight out asked me to ask them. You talked me through my situation and told me what will need to happen for me to move on. I really needed to speak to you today. I tried to extend my time but I got cut off. I'm lost but your words have inspired me that I'm on the right path. So thank you. K

- Anon

7th July 2024

Amazing sorry I got cut off my phone ran out of battery

- Anon

28th June 2024

Clarity! Simon tunes in through spirit and helped me see the steps I need to take to bring about the life I'm looking for. Picked up my nan in spirit, she only comes forward in certain circumstances. Will update him

- Anon

3rd June 2024

So sorry Simon we got cut off

- Lisa

28th May 2024

Wow wow wow, amazing went straight into it, picked up the man in my life coming in and out, why it’s happening picked up where I am it was amazing definitely recommend, giving me the clarity I need

- Anon

23rd May 2024

Hi Simon, I had a reading with you maybe 3 weeks ago now, in the reading you relayed messages from spirit where they were basically telling me off , at the time I thought it was very harsh, Now however I can tell you for sure it’s probably been the most path changing reading I’ve ever had, you were (spirit is) right. I needed that kick So thank you kindly Dom x

- Dominique

23rd May 2024

Just had a reading with Simon. First time I’ve heard off my gran in a long time and if anyone who was going to come through it would be her. I’ve had a few readings lately with other readers, Simon said things that others have said, but in a way that I finally understood! As I don’t feel I have been getting the message. I got the message now and it came from my gran! Thank you Simon.

- Anon

21st May 2024

Had my 2nd reading with this lovely man today, what he said was hard to hear but I know I needed to hear it and it’s really helped me. I will take on all your advice (grandads!) and try to move forwards with my life, scary but I’ve got to do it. Thank you v much S xx

- Anon

15th May 2024

Thank you Simon, you felt what I was feeling and explained why, which is what I called you for in the first place. You didn't ask me anything, you just knew. That makes you true at what you do. I will be calling you for another reading, for sure.

- Anon

22nd April 2024

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