Full Moon in Aries 11th October 2011

Full Moon in Aries, and ow to achieve what you want from it!

A Full Moon occurs when the Moon is on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun. The Moon in our astrological charts represents our emotions and is connected to how we think and feel. It is a very feminine energy and rules the Sun sign Cancer. 


The Unique Power of the Full Moon in Aries

When the Moon is full it is indeed very powerful. And this Full Moon in Aries is all about feeling the fear and doing it anyway as Aries just loves to take risks. If you have spent time around headstrong Aries types then you will know that they always speak their minds and are not usually ones for holding back in a fight or an argument! Aries motto is “I am “. They are usually self assertive, self confident and self provoked! 


Navigating Relationships and Decisions Under the Aries Full Moon

So watch what you say around this Full Moon in Aries.. A little tact wouldn’t go astray if you are planning on telling your boss you wish to leave the company or are perhaps thinking about ending a long term relationship. The power of the Full Moon under Aries will of course give you that extra bit of oomph but it may be wise to try and take in the feelings of those around you at the same time!


Harnessing the Power of the Full Moon for Your Goals

We can use the power of the Full Moon to get what we want if it is done with love and light. Why not try a bit of cosmic ordering by lighting a red candle and writing out a list of the things you want to achieve before the end of the year?… Aries is known for speeding things up a little.


A Step-by-Step Guide to Cosmic Ordering Under the Full Moon

If you are unsure of how to cosmic order, here is a little help from Psychic Sofa:

  1. Find a quiet moment (preferably around Midnight). 
  2. Sit quietly and stare at the Full Moon in Aries.
  3. Think of all the things in your life that are holding you back.
  4. Think of the things you would like to achieve.
  5. Write them down and gaze at that beautiful white light in the sky.
  6. Then look into the burning flame of your red candle, connect with the flame, see yourself within the flame doing all the things you dreamed of.
  7. Then thank the moon and thank the light and thank the power of Aries.


You can sleep with the list under your pillow with full confidence that the Full Aries Moon will bring you what you desire.


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