Your Guide To Spiritual Meditation
Knowing where to begin with spiritual meditation can be tricky, and that’s why we here at Psychic Sofa wanted to create a comprehensive guide that details what this ancient practice is, what it entails, and the advantages it brings.
If you’ve never tried spiritual meditation in the past, then it may be hard to conceive just how beneficial this daily practice can be. The art of spiritual healing has been around for thousands of years, and has been valued across cultures because simply - it works. Positively impacting the mind, body, soul and spirit if you’re open to its possibilities, it can help to enhance your outlook on life, reduce stress and boost your happiness no end. But knowing where to begin with spiritual meditation can be tricky, and that’s why we here at Psychic Sofa wanted to create a comprehensive guide that details what this ancient practice is, what it entails, and the advantages it brings. Unlocking the keys to this practice too, you’ll find that spiritual awakenings become easier to comprehend, and that spiritual insight is far more easily attained. So, let’s get started...

What Is Spiritual Meditation & Getting Started?
Spiritual meditation is the mindful practice of connecting to something that is bigger than ourselves, that is - the Divine. There are thousands of religious and spiritual traditions that include spiritual meditation as part of their practices, but what unites them is that they all require an air of honesty and authenticity when looking at ourselves and how we view the world, to allow us to be honest with the higher spiritual powers. Mindful practice isn’t just for specific faiths or religions however, as anyone can benefit. And what’s best about this - as our confidence in our ability increases, so too does our desire to help others find truth and integrity within themselves and the world around them.
There are two key elements of spiritual healing meditation that every beginner should focus on - deep breathing and relaxation. All that’s required is that you find a comfy and quiet place to practice, and set aside 10-15 minutes of your time per day to meditate.
When it comes to finding your meditation location, choose somewhere you won’t be disturbed, and can sit silently without distractions. Once you find your place, you’ll need to get into a comfortable position where you won’t have to move or fidget to feel calm and relaxed. You don’t have to sit cross-legged on the floor, as many people think, but by all means - you can if you like. Other suggestions include sitting in your favourite chair, laying down or standing somewhere you feel a sense of tranquility.
It’s important that you clear your mind too, and become present in the moment. Mindful meditation is all about being aware of where you are in the world, and acknowledging what is going on around you. You need to boost your awareness of where you are, and your present surroundings, to be truly present in the moment. To do this:
Close your eyes, and take a deep breath in.
Pay attention to your senses, and everything around you. What can you hear? What do you smell? What can you touch when you’re in your meditative state?
Think about how it feels to stand, sit or lay down. Do you feel any body tension, and where do you feel it?
Doing these easy things will help you focus on the present moment, and find enjoyment in the time that you have for yourself.

Breathing is a key part of meditation, and it’s imperative that you learn to focus on your breath if you want to get the most out of spiritual practice. Take in long, deep breaths, and let your mind follow them. Imagine them flowing throughout your body, out through your lungs and then through your nose. Think of your breaths as being deep, cleansing and rejuvenating - allowing you to breathe in all the positivity surrounding you, and breathe out all the negativity in your life. As you get into the flow of your breathing practice, you are more than welcome to think of a strong mantra, positive thought or affirmation.
From here on out, you can repeat this process as much as you like. The psychic readers here at Psychic Sofa recommend that you start small - try 5 minutes of spiritual meditative practice first, and then work your way up. It can be initially hard to clear your mind, find relaxation, and focus on your surroundings. But once you master this, and make it part of your daily practice, the spiritual awakenings you’ll encounter will lead to love, light and enlightenment.
The Keys To Spiritual Healing Meditation
There are many keys to clearing your mind and finding the positive in the world, for a better spiritual experience. These include:
Letting go of any grudges you have, or have been holding onto: We all know how tough it can be to forgive someone who has wronged us, especially when it’s someone we care about. But as you’ll realise, and as that famous saying goes, “Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” The sooner you forgive, the faster you can release this pain, and move on with your life. You can train your mind to let go by practicing mindfulness and hoping for other peoples’ happiness. It may take some time, but holding onto resentment and pain will never benefit anyone in the long-run.
Consider the spiritual wants of others: Spirituality focuses on how we can help others, and realising that though our own wants and needs are important, greater happiness can be gained from being kind to and understanding of the people around us. As we find greater joy from our own self-reflection, the less we tend to worry about our own frustrations and desires, and focus our attention on how we can lessen those of others.
Open your mind to new adventures, opportunities and possibilities: Although we are all unique individuals, all living things are connected by universal truths, needs and experiences. We all need each other to survive, and we couldn’t exist physically, mentally, or spiritually without care, love and feeling as though we are part of something bigger. Guided spiritual meditation can open us up to this fact, and help us realise that we’re part of the bigger picture, what we do and what we say matters, and we should take each happenstance and opportunity with open arms, to ensure the greatest chance of happiness and success. Embracing change, could change you for the better.

Benefits Of Meditation In Daily Practice
The best thing about spiritual meditation is all the benefits it offers, and these can be split into spiritual advantages, and health advantages.
The spiritual benefits of meditation include:
A more balanced sense of being, and contentment with oneself.
Feelings of inner stillness, peace and tranquility.
Less reactivity to causes of stress and anxiety, and thinking clearly how to navigate them, before acting.
A sense of inner bliss that isn’t dependent on external circumstances, or forces.
Greater self-confidence, and belief in oneself, with continued belief that you can take on any obstacles that come your way.
A boost in creativity, which helps toward work and life projects.
A greater sense of belonging and connectedness to the world around you, and to the people who mean the most to you.
Clarity in your life’s purpose, and the path to take going forward.
The health benefits of meditation include:
Boosts focus and concentration - especially useful when it comes to work, key conversations, and important life decisions.
Aids better sleep, ensuring you feel rested and ready to take on daily life.
Increases self-awareness, and how your actions affect others.
Promotes happiness, and a positive attitude and outlook on life.
Enhances emotional strength, and provides time for relaxation, putting everything into perspective.

We hope you’ve found this guide to spiritual meditation useful, and that it’s encouraged you to partake in this practice. Just 10 minutes a day can make a world of difference to your health, happiness and sense of being, permeating into all aspects of your life. And if you’re interested in further spiritual guidance, or seek answers to life’s big questions, then we encourage you to speak to one of our trusted psychic readers, and have a telephone psychic reading today. For advice and guidance on everything from your love life, star sign, and life path, through to Angel Card readings and Tarot readings, then can help in a multitude of ways. For your psychic reading online today, please call 09057897752 (calls cost 80p per minute plus your network access charge) or 01618640152 today.
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