Meditation Articles

How to Raise Your Vibration for Manifestation

In the pursuit of spiritual growth and manifestation, understanding your vibration is key. Your vibration is the energy you emit, which affects what you attract into your life. ...

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Meditation for Anxiety: 5 Tips to Get Started

Meditation for Anxiety: 5 Tips to Get Started

Explore these tips for guided meditation for anxiety - perfect for beginners. Plus learn some new and effective mindfulness exercises to reduce stress. ...

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Common Psychic Terminology Explained!

Struggling to understand some of the words and terminology used by Psyhics? We exaplain the meaning of commonly used psychic medium terminology. ...

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7 Ways to a Spiritual Spring

You can use the inspiration and power of this fresh-start season to clean and clear out areas of your life, making room for new energy to propel you forward to greater successes. ...

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8 Simple Ways To A Spiritual New Year!

While it's easy to make the same old new year resolutions every January, it's even easier to forget all about your good intentions by February! Instead of pledging to exercise more and drink less, try adding a sprinkling of spirituality to your life! ...

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21 Affirmations to improve your life

Imagine improving almost every aspect of your life just by saying a simple phrase. Well, the good news is you can do just that by using positive affirmations. ...

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14 Signs You Are A Natural Healer

Being a healer is one of the most important callings in life because you are helping others in a direct and impactful way. If you think you might be a natural healer, you should try to develop your gift by using it whenever you can. ...

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Spiritual Exercise

Keeping in shape with a dose of daily exercise is important for your physical health. But as you perfect your press-ups or lace up your trainers for a run, you should also consider your spiritual fitness. ...

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The Importance Of Now

A look at how mindfulness can change our lives and answer the important question, "how can I live in the now?". ...

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Find Some Balance this Autumn Equinox

A look at how to find some balance in your life in a time of change and equality. ...

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Signs From Our Spirit Guides

A look at how our spirit guides give us signs, and how we can contact them to get the answers we are looking for. ...

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